View Full Version : Trouble with Ball Speed

01-31-2010, 12:41 AM
I've been bowling for almost 2 years now.
I try to bowl every day if I can as well.
My problem now is that while trying to get max rotation on release I try to flick my wrist/fingers at the tail end of release. But in doing so I cant seem to slow down my ball speed, I throw this thing like a rocket. By me bowling every day I have become much stronger but now I find it very hard to slow my swing down and still get good rotation on the ball.

Can anyone give me some drills or pointers I can practice? I also am trying to slow down my walk to the line, back swing and ball push off.

01-31-2010, 04:06 PM
One option would be to hold the ball lower in your stance, and if you've got a relatively unmuscled backswing, this will equate to less ball speed. However if you've got in your mind / muscle memory that in your backswing the ball has to reach "this" height, there is a risk of attempting the lift the ball to "that point" with muscle instead of allowing a natural stopping point due to inertia being overcome by gravity.

J Anderson
01-31-2010, 10:12 PM
You may also need to combine starting a little closer to the foul line with the suggestion above.

02-01-2010, 05:21 PM
Graaille's suggestion is a good one, but depends on a free arm swing (from the shoulder) to achieve.

Can you better define the "flick" that you believe creates the extra speed? Video would be even better. My gut tells me it's muscle at least somewhere in the release, especially based on the statement that you have difficulty with revs when you can throw it slower.

02-01-2010, 09:42 PM
I will be getting vids soon I hope. my mini dv recorder went on the fritz and I'm still looking for a head cleaner for it.
It's crazy but its a dinosaur now it seems hehe...
And the flick is simular to chris Barns on his release but my aproche and form/back swing looks like WRWJ. I wub those guys tecniques

02-02-2010, 02:03 AM
You may also need to combine starting a little closer to the foul line with the suggestion above.

Graaille's suggestion is a good one, but depends on a free arm swing (from the shoulder) to achieve.

Can you better define the "flick" that you believe creates the extra speed? Video would be even better. My gut tells me it's muscle at least somewhere in the release, especially based on the statement that you have difficulty with revs when you can throw it slower.


J Anderson


J Anderson
02-02-2010, 11:01 AM
What's to be confused about? There are lots of Andersons, lots of first names starting with J. It was just dumb luck that I put a space in my user name and the machine accepted it. Sorry about the confusion.

02-02-2010, 02:48 PM
No worries from me. I set my profile to show my first name. That should help with differentiation a little bit. That, and maybe the user picture?