View Full Version : Disappearing Ball

02-09-2010, 05:57 PM
This past Saturday, I pulled an unintentional magic trick. I rolled the ball down the alley, and it never came back on the ball return. I told one of the employees and he went to the back, but couldn't find the ball at all. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

02-09-2010, 09:59 PM
I've seen it happen before. the ball popped out of the machine in back and had rolled of someplace they found it the next day.

02-10-2010, 04:42 PM
Had it happen to me during a regional PBA tournament. The ball had jumped the track and was rolling around under the lane beds. Prior to that, I didn't know such a thing was even possible. They were able to return the ball to me about 30 minutes later.

02-11-2010, 10:42 AM
I would freak out if that happend to me.
Thanks for the info, now at least I have an Idea of where it might be and the worker is now safe again.............

02-11-2010, 09:53 PM
We had a string of balls do that to us once MS. A pin got knocked into the underground runway of the ball return and blocked about 4 balls before it was noticed. It took about 30 min. to find the balls stuck about 2/3 of the way down the lane. Good luck and good bowling

02-15-2010, 01:50 AM
A few weeks ago, I threw a really bad shot (not that I don't do that a lot, but this time was particularly bad) and as soon as it left my hand I knew was going right into the gutter. I turned around before it even got there and walked back to the ball return to wait for it to come back. After a while, I began to wonder where it went. I was about to go tell someone that it was stuck somewhere, but then a lady on the pair next to me said "Is this your ball?" It was. :eek: My ball had somehow jumped the gutter into the next lane coming up in their return. I don't know how that happened since I only throw it at about 12-13mph.

Anyway that's my "lost ball" story. :o

02-15-2010, 04:20 PM
My teammate did that last week. He hit the gutter so sharp that it rolled over the cap and into the gutter on lane 6. They were announcing high scores for game 2 and had to stop because the laughter was so loud.

And I had the same thing happen to me WAC. They took the cover off the track all the way down the lane before they finally found the balls...and when my ball finally came back, it had a huge gouge in it. I was not happy.