View Full Version : Drilled a couple new "toys" today

02-16-2010, 04:30 AM
I got a couple new "toys" and punched them up today

.AMF Heist Pearl I drilled it 5x3.5 (5x55x30) pin up


AMF Clutch Pearl. I drilled it 3.75x60x40 pin up


I will post first impressions after i get to throw them

02-16-2010, 09:47 AM
lucky you. nice looking bowling balls and i'll bet you are excited as well. i'm looking into buying a new one soon also and can't wait.

02-16-2010, 12:07 PM
Great pic's bill I know they will bust that pocket up.........

02-16-2010, 06:31 PM
Good for you. Have fun with your new children :)

Strike Domination
02-17-2010, 01:13 AM
Clutch Pearl doesn't look bad

02-17-2010, 01:30 AM
Got a cvhance to throw them tonight. Went with my daughter to practice as the doctor just cleared her to start back too (after achelies surgery). Tonight was 99 cent night so by the time we got on them they were toasted big time. I only took 3 balls with. Clutch Pearl, Heist Pearl and Lunatic. Started with the Clutch but they were so toasted i couldn't get it through the mids so it was burning up and leaving flat 10's. I can see where on a normal house shot or even broken down shots where there is still some head oil left that this ball will be a monster. Went to Heist pearl and had a great look deep. Standing 42 w/left foot 18 and the arrows and 10-12 at the break point. Any farther right and it would hook out at the pocket. started open,open and went clean from there (no warm up shots) . Shot 189-223-215 for 627. In the past this was a condition that would just eat me for breakfast. With the change in axis rotation due to my change in fit i now have a much better look on hooking lanes Plus the Heist Pearl gives me easy length with a nice controlled pop on the back

02-18-2010, 05:50 PM
as far as drilling those nice lookin' balls,i noticed they were not drilled the same. is one drilled to drive or hook more than the other? when i do get a new ball, i was thinking of drilling for a little more drive or hook or what's your thoughts? right now i stand on the 19-20th with my left foot and throw over @ the 2nd arrow. i guess you would call that down and in and those are in morning league (fresh oil) conditions. i'm thinking that more hook would give me more options at hand .

02-18-2010, 09:06 PM
A lot depends on the core/cover matchup and what the ball is intended to do. The Heist Pearl is a symetric ball that will get through the heads very easy. The layout i elected to put in it was one that willenhance the balls characteristics in that it will help create easy length with a strong backend movement. The Clutch Pearl on the other hand being asymetric will read the midlane more than the Heist and will create a stronger ball motion throughout the entire lane. Discuss with your driller what you are looking for in ball reaction to be sure that the type of ball motion you want is possible with the ball you are choosing