View Full Version : My hooks are non existent

02-19-2010, 08:42 PM
Lately ive been trying to learn how to hook the ball the way the professionals do it. I know that your thumb is supposed to leave the hole first, and then your fingers, but it seems ALL of my fingers leave the ball at the same time and I get minimal rotation, hardly anything actually. I'm pretty tall, about 6'4 with long arms, my ball is 16 pounds and im pretty able to use the cupped wrist when I throw. I'm not sure what im doing wrong.

02-20-2010, 12:36 PM
The quick answer is to try and imagine throwing a foot ball under handed with a spiral, Then just do that to the bowling ball.
It's much easier if you have finger tips in your ball.. Good Luck FE...

02-20-2010, 11:03 PM
Fatal, what kind of ball do you throw? how long you been bowling? how fast are you throwing?, the reason I ask is 'cause I'm 6'31/2" and if I cut loose with to much power that ball will go strait as an arrow. At our size it takes a little restraint to make things work.