View Full Version : Kegel Middle Road Oil Pattern

02-23-2010, 11:24 AM
Hello Everyone, I have just joined this forum and thought it looks to me like it is a very helpful place. Help is just what I need or at least some great tips. I'm a high school bowler and I am the anchor bowler for my team. Regionals is all that's left in our season and it's this friday/saturday. Two weeks ago I bowled in a tournament at the place where regionals is and the shot that we will have this friday and saturday(Hence the "Middle Road" oil pattern)

When I played in the tournament I didnt do too hot. 162, 113, 171. Mind my avg. in the confrence is around 185-195. I stood on about the 23rd board, one step back, and shot around the 3rd arrow area, give or take every once and a while between the 2nd and 3rd(Counting from the middle arrow to the right). I am right handed and I throw a Virtual Energy Storm Ball. I also was throwing it sort of slow because it seemed like my ball would not react in time.

Sorry for such a long message, but if ANYONE has any advice on this shot and what I should tryout on fridays team event it would help me out for saturdays individuals. Thank You for your time!

02-25-2010, 10:33 PM
Not a lot of time left but what I would do is use the practice/warm up time they give you to determine what your ball is doing. The way I do it is to stand with my left toe at about the 25 and aim at the 10, if I leave a spare I just disregard it and throw the same ball again. The reason being is I want to know what the ball is doing, I figure if it hits the same as the first one then I can adjust. Use what little time you have to find out what the ball is going to do, and above all keep a clear head, don't let the pressure get you down. Always remember the brain plays a major role in the game. Hope this helps.

Oh yea welcome to the Boards, and let us know how you do.

02-25-2010, 10:49 PM
Heres some info might help-

Click here to download the Middle Road information booklet (http://www.londoninternational.org.uk/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=0&func=startdown&id=2)

02-26-2010, 08:30 AM
Thank you a lot, a good plan. I do take the warm up time to try and find my spot but aim for the 10 sounds like a good idea. I also tend to let bad shots get to me, I think I'm just gonna go into it today being calm, thanks a ton, i'll definitely try it in a couple hours! :)

02-26-2010, 07:43 PM
Well our team didnt do to good, but, on the other hand i did pretty good. shot a 601(165-224-212). Not the best for a 17 year old, but, decent lol. My dad got all the oil off my ball and didn't tell me until i was about done with practice. I thought it was hooking more than it usually does. He put my ball in the oven for a little bit, and apparently it vented all the oil out and man am i glad he did that though. Individuals tomorrow. hopefully i move on.

02-26-2010, 10:04 PM
Sorry to hear about the team, but you did well. Congratulations on the 601, and good luck tomorrow with individuals.