View Full Version : Poll of the month?

J Anderson
03-09-2010, 08:55 AM
I just noticed that the Poll of the Month topic is a year old. Any of the following topics would interest me:

Do you bowl right-handed, left-handed, either- handed, or two-handed?

Do lefties really have an ( unfair? ) advantage?

When and how did you learn how to bowl?

Have you had coaching or have you paid for lessons?

03-09-2010, 08:34 PM
Do you bowl right-handed, left-handed, either- handed, or two-handed?- right

Do lefties really have an ( unfair? ) advantage? - I'd say only if they know how to use it.

When and how did you learn how to bowl?- Started 2 1/2 years ago, went from plastic to entry level and was coached some what by a friend who got me to join a league. for the first year and a half it was pretty just trial and error.

Have you had coaching or have you paid for lessons?- Lessons was the best thing I ever did

03-11-2010, 07:45 PM
Right handed

of course they do! in reality it just depends.. they get more use out of the oil, but they have to use it to their advantage

first began bowling when I was 4, my grandpa taught me how to bowl, and now we bowl together it was great for bonding and lets us spend quality time together

I guess my grandpa was my coach, I also did youth bowling for awhile

Maine Man
03-11-2010, 11:59 PM
Do you bowl right-handed, left-handed, either- handed, or two-handed?

Answer: I bowl left handed.

Do lefties really have an ( unfair? ) advantage?

Answer: Honestly, it is a gift and a curse. On a Typical House Shot (THS) where you want the oil to stay put, lefties have an advantage over righties who have to fight through multiple bowlers lines and angles. But, on a sport (or reverse block) pattern, where you want to open up the outside part of the lane, being a lefty is a disadvantage. You don't have anybody on the left side to open up the pattern, so the scoring pace is normally lower on the left side as more games are bowled on those type of oil patterns.

When and how did you learn how to bowl?

Answer: I learned how to bowl starting at the age of 11. I started bowling competitively when I was 13. My dad was my coach then and now.

Have you had coaching or have you paid for lessons?

Answer: I have paid for a few lessons with some certified coaches, but my best advice still comes from my dad, who is an excellent coach and bowler in his own right.

J Anderson
03-15-2010, 11:00 AM
Do you bowl right-handed, left-handed, either- handed, or two-handed?

Do lefties really have an ( unfair? ) advantage?
Having only bowled lefty for about two years I don't have an answer. That's why I asked the question. I have noticed that I seem to have better pin carry from the left.

When and how did you learn how to bowl?
1975, 16 years old. Got some advice from my Dad, some from our teammates, and even some form bowlers on other teams., but basically just tried to copy what my Dad was doing.

Have you had coaching or have you paid for lessons?
My friend Jeff has given me a lot of advice over the years and has helped a lot with the left-handed side. I think I owe him a case and a half of Coca Cola

03-15-2010, 11:45 AM
Do you bowl right-handed, left-handed, either- handed, or two-handed?Right handed

Do lefties really have an ( unfair? ) advantage? Being lefty can be a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing if you have a shot because it usually doesn't break down much and you only make small moves throughout the set. The curse is if you don't have a shot you usually don't have others tto help break down the shot too make it playable

When and how did you learn how to bowl?60's retty much self tought

Have you had coaching or have you paid for lessons?Have had some tips over the years but that's it