View Full Version : 2009 season recap

04-08-2010, 12:26 AM
With the 2009 season winding down, I thought it might be fun to recap the season.
Did you achieve any goals you set at the beginning of leagues?
Did you have any memorable moments?
And what will your goals be for this fall?

04-09-2010, 04:43 AM
2009ash a washout due to the surgery. Goals for 2010 season is to get back to where i was 8 years ago before this foot nightmasre began 220+. once i get my shoe i have all summer to get back there and i will

04-12-2010, 10:03 AM
For me the results were mixed this year. I had a goal of leading one of my men's leagues in average, shooting at least one honor score this year, and winning at least one tournament.

I did not meet the high average goal. I am currently third in my Thursday league and fourth in my Tuesday night league. I started the year out slowly on Tuesday night. The shot was much tougher and everybody struggled in the first part of the season. I was down to a 199 three weeks into January, but have brought it up to a 208 since then. On Thursday, I started out very good but had a couple of very bad weeks in December.

I did shoot an honor score, however. My 300 game on January 26th was the first and only 300 game on the Tuesday night league, and the only one in the house so far this season.

I recently bowled in the Greater Baltimore Association tournament in February and came in 10th place for All Events, 14th in singles and 5th in team, not too bad.

I just bowled in the Central Maryland Association Tournament this past weekend (4/10/2010) and I am happy to say that I left Saturday leading All Events by 150 pins! There was only one day left in the tournament so I feel pretty sure that I am going to win! I am also 2nd in singles and 3rd in team.

I also have been working on my release, cupping and uncupping my wrist at the point of release and have gotten much better and more consistent with this recently. My pin carry and subsequently, my scores have improved as I get better with this release.

Over the summer, I am planning to bowl in a PBAX league for the fourth year in a row and I hope to improve my average in that as well.

04-12-2010, 11:56 AM
Started back bowling in 08
09 My avg has gone up 23 pins to a 189 THS and 20 pins on the PBA animal Paterns to a 178
09 I use bowling as a rehab for my back leg and all over realy lol.
I'm hoping 2010 will see me to a smooth release and great form...
Gratz to every one and all there accomplishments!!

04-12-2010, 05:46 PM
Well, my recap for the season:
I set out to carry a 190 average and greatly surpassed that ending the season at 204. My goal for next year will be 210.
I wanted to get my first sanctioned 700 series and ended up shooting 3 of them. I never did get my first 300, but I feel like it's bound to happen this next season. I'd also like to bowl a high 700 series.
I made the Belvidere Bowling Hall of Fame's 2009 women's all-star team...and I'm gunning for 2010 bowler of the year. I took second high series in my house, and tied 2 other women for high game with 279. I also took city tournament high scratch game....so we'll see how that pans out.....but at least I'll make the all-star team again.
Bowled with some really fun guys this year, and I'm looking forward to seeing them this fall. I'll also be going up to a tournament in Green Bay with them May 2nd.