View Full Version : room for improvement?

04-09-2010, 10:49 PM
i have been bowling for 5 yrs now...im currently getting ready to turn 21 and i average a 203...i have never known my pap or that much about bowling...i aim at my arrows and throw my ball. i think i am decent but i just got my new raw hammer burn and will find out my pap for the first time when i go to get this ball drilled...will my game improve once i get my ball CORRECTLY drilled?

04-10-2010, 10:00 AM
It might at first, but remember Knowledge is power and Practice makes perfect..
So knowing more about your ball and Pap is great and will help..

P.S. Welcome to the Boards Nate.....

04-10-2010, 12:59 PM
Knowing your Pap will do almost nothing for your game itself. It will however, help your pro shop guy. A ball drilled using your pap will help your game if your pro shop guy knows what you want the ball to do and purchased the right ball to do it. Although the pro shop guy didn't know your pap before, we all drill generic layouts for peoples first ball. Just because it is generic, doesnt mean that it isn't a good layout. For the average person, a "generic" layout will be a 4 to 4.5 inch pin. This is a very common layout for people who know their pap too. If you get your new ball drilled to compliment the ball you throw right now, and not to replace it, it should help your game a little bit. Don't expect to start averaging 215 right away though.

04-11-2010, 12:13 AM
thank ya thank ya! i was not sure if it helped or hurt my game not having the ball drilled completely right for me..thanks for the replies and thanks for the welcome mrbill