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View Full Version : Should Bowling Alleys be smoke free?

The KingPin
09-10-2008, 09:01 AM
I here this said by many pro shops and centers on the debate on wether or not smoking should be allowed in bowling centers. What do you think?

09-10-2008, 10:17 AM
It should be the business owners decision.

09-10-2008, 03:30 PM
out here in phoenix we went no smoking and its so nice to walk in and not choke on smoke

the only problem is that the smokers are now outside taking smoke breaks

09-10-2008, 05:13 PM
As an ex smoker, (but not a rabid one) I well understand the need. Florida has been "smoke free," so to speak, for a while now. It's nice not to have the odor in my clothes, etc. when we get back. In North Carolina smoking is allowed everywhere, and it gets overpowering at times. When the night leagues came in a huge cloud envelops the lanes. It really made me want to light up just so I wouldn't smell it any longer. Quitting was absolutely without a doubt the hardest thing I've ever done, and it probably wouldn't be too hard to start up again. I smoked for 29 years, starting when i was 20.

09-11-2008, 12:59 AM
Starting today (9/11) Pennsylvania's no smoking laws go into effect. It basically says there will be no smoking in any public building, bowling centers included. As with any law, there are some exceptions but I don't know what they are.

09-11-2008, 01:57 AM
i vote no they shouldn't. i feel that people can take it outside. not only will it keep the alleys cleaner but it will set a good example about the bowling alley in general keeping it clean and having kids grow up. it keeps the bowling envrioment more professional. like i feel it should be. because bowling is a professional sport. be classy dont smoke or do it on the side of the building away from the kids. because they're most important right?

09-11-2008, 11:53 AM
Starting today (9/11) Pennsylvania's no smoking laws go into effect. It basically says there will be no smoking in any public building, bowling centers included. As with any law, there are some exceptions but I don't know what they are.

Well, here we have a City of Houston No Smoking ban in all public buildings (Hospitals, Bars, Restaurants, Malls, etc.) Harris County has only a non-smoking ban on county buildings and Hospitals. Several Bowling Centers outside of the city limits have gone smokeless and others that continue to allow smoking.

Personally I would like all the Bowling Houses near me to go "smoke-free", it would be nice not having to smell like a ashtray. But like zman said it's up to the Business Owner or if a majority of their patrons request that they go "smoke-free".

This issue will always have people weighing in for both sides, make someone happy another will be un-happy.

09-11-2008, 04:56 PM
well for someone like me who cant stand the smell its nice to walk in and not have to inhale it or go home smelling like smoke lol the only downfall is like the one above said they take smoke breaks now which makes the night that much longer

09-11-2008, 09:14 PM
well for someone like me who cant stand the smell its nice to walk in and not have to inhale it or go home smelling like smoke lol the only downfall is like the one above said they take smoke breaks now which makes the night that much longer

I can not agree more on both !!!!

09-11-2008, 11:32 PM
Tonight in league was the first time the center was smoke free. Normally during league numerous people congregate in an area and smoke. They don't pay attention to bowling at all. Someone is constantly yelling that someone is up. Tonight is the first time in this league that people actually were there when they were up. It was so nice to maintain a steady pace all night and not have to wait for someone when it was their turn to bowl.

09-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Tonight in league was the first time the center was smoke free. Normally during league numerous people congregate in an area and smoke. They don't pay attention to bowling at all. Someone is constantly yelling that someone is up. Tonight is the first time in this league that people actually were there when they were up. It was so nice to maintain a steady pace all night and not have to wait for someone when it was their turn to bowl.

I hope there is doors to the outside close......the center I coach at put benches for the smokerts to go and sit and relax outside 20 feet from the front doors

09-12-2008, 12:09 AM
No, no benches, and the doors are about 50 feet away from the lanes. There is no overhang or roof over the entrance either. I can see in the winter people going outside to smoke and carrying snow/water back to the lanes. This could be a real safety problem. I wonder who would be liable for accidents because of wet approaches????

09-12-2008, 12:24 AM
No, no benches, and the doors are about 50 feet away from the lanes. There is no overhang or roof over the entrance either. I can see in the winter people going outside to smoke and carrying snow/water back to the lanes. This could be a real safety problem. I wonder who would be liable for accidents because of wet approaches????

This makes me happy im in ARIZONA !!!!

09-12-2008, 05:38 PM
What irratates me is when I went to go get a drink and a smoker gets angry with me when I'm up and not at the line, LOL. When I finnish bowling my frame, I tell him the next game will start right after the last game is recorded so as to speed things up for my tardy frame. Basically. I'm telling him no smoke break for you buddy, he was their anchor, LOL. He lightened up after that, there is no way he would of been able to smoke in just 2-3 minutes. I don't mind giving smokers 10 minutes, because everyone needs a small break. You know, beverages, snacks, restroom breaks, and whatever during breaks between games. My problem was we had just finnished shadow bowling, there was 2 or 3 in line at the counter and the guys above me had gotten strikes real fast and the other team had all struck. Probably the fastest 2 minutes I was involved in in a long time.

09-13-2008, 12:29 AM
I am a smoker and they have put in place a smoking ban in two of the cities around here and the part of it that pisses me off to no end is that the proprietor of the business has absolutely NO say. I absolutely believe it should be up to the business owner. Our local bowling alley has "family" day on Sundays with no smoking and the bar is completely closed. I am totally okay with that. Even when I wasn't a smoker I wasn't so extreme about my views that because I wasn't a smoker nobody else should be either. Everyone can make their own choices. We have a bowling alley here that I will not bowl at because they don't allow smoking and that is my choice. There are other people who go there because they want to be in non smoking environments and that is their choice as well. I like having a choice without my choice being stay inside and don't smoke or go outside if you want to. I'm not a drinker, I never drink. I am a smoker and I like that I can smoke right outside of where the lanes are so that I am always in place when it's my turn to bowl. Hell, the drinkers annoy me because at least I don't have to stand in line to have a smoke! ;) Anyhow, this can be a very touchy subject with both sides being quite passionate. I try to be respectful to those around me that don't smoke or if I know it bothers them. I just hate having my choices taken away from me or made for me. I'm tired of all of the politics and everybody else deciding that their way is the best for everyone.

Stepping off of my soapbox now.

You may return to all previously scheduled activities! ;)

09-13-2008, 04:21 AM
I used to have pretty much the same attitude. I have to say, though, if you can quit, do it now. I don't mind if others smoke. I just KNOW it's not a good idea from a health standpoint. I quit because I had to.

And you must have very slow bartenders where you are. I've never hads to wait as long as it takes to smoke to get my beer, or whatever. :)

09-13-2008, 04:47 PM
Hey PrettyLilMoon, I do understand your frustration. If the proprietors spent as much money on helping the smokers with transition (instead of fighting the law, they could have built proper shelters for you) into the new law made by the majority of the people in my state, the smoker would be much better off today. What you and most smokers fail to realize, is your rights to do as you wish end on your properties and when in public, majority rules when it comes to health and well being.

Now, I do try to accomadate smokers as much as possible. Several of my friends smoke and they do try to be polite when they smoke near me and I try to give them some distance so as to not crowd them. I also know they have an adictive habit that needs to be satisfied just like people who like achohol, but the beer drinker will normally not pee on my table, a smoker can not control the direction of smoke. Although, I will cut drinkers little to no slack when it comes to being an arse when drunk. Proprietors are normally on top of this though, huge fines if they are not.

Please though, understand that I do think smokers need to be given more respect when it comes to being asked to go outside to smoke. This falls on proprietors responsibility to accomadate the smokers then, not majority of the people who asked for the law on clean air.


09-14-2008, 05:04 AM
I think as just like amy other indoor veneus, the strict rule of no-smoking should be enforced across the board without any exceptions.

09-14-2008, 08:33 AM
I think as just like amy other indoor veneus, the strict rule of no-smoking should be enforced across the board without any exceptions.

Ah, a smoke Nazi. I'm not that rigid.

09-14-2008, 01:59 PM
I don't mind being a little tough on smokers, but I like to give them a little slack too. Smokers aren't the evil enemy that some may make them to be, they are humans with needs. Like I said, I have a few friends that smoke and I've gone outside with them when they needed to take a break. I just stand upwind of them a few feet away. Most real friends would understand why too. They know it's not because of their company, I just don't share their desire to smoke and they respect me for it. The ones that irk me are the smokers that feel they can smoke where they wish, when they wish, and however they wish with no consideration for others.

The KingPin
09-14-2008, 11:40 PM
Tonight in league was the first time the center was smoke free. Normally during league numerous people congregate in an area and smoke. They don't pay attention to bowling at all. Someone is constantly yelling that someone is up. Tonight is the first time in this league that people actually were there when they were up. It was so nice to maintain a steady pace all night and not have to wait for someone when it was their turn to bowl.

As a non smoker myself, I think that it would get annoying having to wait for smokers and non smokers alike while bolwing. Even if a person is not smoking, they might be at the bar getting a drink. I don't think bowling should be governed very hard, yet it is important for teams to keep up with play.

I cant tell you how many times I have been on a roll and felt like I blew it because I had to wait on other people. I guess it goes both ways. If you are in a rut, time helps to get your head back on.

Just my thoughts

09-15-2008, 06:59 PM
As a non smoker myself, I think that it would get annoying having to wait for smokers and non smokers alike while bolwing. Even if a person is not smoking, they might be at the bar getting a drink. I don't think bowling should be governed very hard, yet it is important for teams to keep up with play.

I cant tell you how many times I have been on a roll and felt like I blew it because I had to wait on other people. I guess it goes both ways. If you are in a rut, time helps to get your head back on.

Just my thoughts

I understand what you're saying! If I have to do anything (such as visit the ladies room) I try to make sure I'm not up for at least 2 or 3 bowlers. This summer it was really hard though bowling on trios and doubles leagues because we went soooo fast that I could barely get to the bathroom and back and I'd be up again and everyone waiting on me! I always try to be conscious of when it's my turn and be ready to go! Sometimes it's harder when the other team is bowling tons of strikes and they are moving along alot faster!

09-16-2008, 12:53 AM
just quickly your title says should bowling alleys be smoke free? i think yes but your poll says should there be smoking allowed in bowling alleys. so in the poll my answer would be no. if i didnt read the poll question and just put yes answering the title question then it would change the outcome of the poll. be aware of this for future. i find it confusing and wonder if the poll outcome would be different..?