View Full Version : Ditching the "Suitcase"

06-01-2010, 12:44 AM
I'm currently doing the suitcase hold on my ball, all the way through the release. This does create a lot of perpendicular rotation on trajectory but I'd like to move on to the next stage of my release. I notice in experienced bowlers (almost all of them) that the plane of rotation is around 45 degrees off of trajectory. This is what I am aiming for, the final result.

Instead of suit-casing the ball all the way I have been told that holding the ball with the thumb at 10 to 11 o' clock position and at the release point "shaking hands" is the means to get this 45 degree rotation. As my thumb is 9 o' clock in the suitcase hold thus creating 90 degree rotation plane.

That said, what is the best means to getting the correct plane of rotation, the transition? I realize my balls will react much differently, and I want to know what to change first. Should I slowly over time bring thumb position up or just jump into it? I think I know the answer but I trust my fellow athletes as I know the mirror is the best solution when checking my reflection. TIA!


Strike Domination
06-01-2010, 01:28 AM
I think you should start in the 10 or 11 o' clock position you mentioned, but try to keep it there. I could be wrong but if you rotate you're going to end up with a similar rotation to what you have now.

You probably know this but your release is not dynamic. To add power to your release the correct way, you would start behind or inside the ball. Watching release videos of people like Wes Malott, Chris Barnes, etc would show what I mean. You can probably just work into that slowly like you said.