View Full Version : trying to mess with other teams line.

06-17-2010, 07:58 PM
i just want to know what people here think about this. there is a thread on another message board about throwing heavy oil balls down the person line that you are bowling against during practice to try to ruin their shot and make them play a line that theyre not as good at playing.

to me its a form of cheating even if its not against the rules. i guess im not a win at all costs type of guy. i dont remember anyone ever saying anything like this when i was a full time bowler and i bowled with some of the best in san diego. im going to ask around at the bowling alley and see what peoples thoughts are about this.

J Anderson
06-17-2010, 09:50 PM
I've heard a little about this too. I couldn't do this even if I wanted to. One: I don't have a heavy oil ball. Two: It takes me all of practice plus half of the first game to get loose and figure out my own line.
I agree that it seems like cheating. I want to win because I've executed better shots than my opponent, not because I've messed up his or her line. I have at times been tempted to play mind games with opponents who get very emotional, gut so far I've been able to resist.

06-18-2010, 10:21 PM
This is strategy. Probably the biggest part of bowling is learning how to adapt, and what to do when the lanes actually do break down.

Boo hoo the other person is bowling a line and breaking down the lane, adapt/ and change it up.

06-19-2010, 08:34 AM
If people are at the level of competition where they would need to even think about trying to do this to their opponents, then they must be at a level where their opponents would actually have the skill sets to work around an attempt to disrupt their gameplan....

Its a pretty weak thing to do, and anyone who is bowling competetively will just play around the schenannigans, so I would consider it a waste of time to even attempt to so this kind of thing....

The best way to beat an opponent in this game is to force them to execute a shot.... If they know that they need to strike to stay with you in the game, all the pressure is already on them, and thats just the honest nature of the game doing your dirty work for you :D

Strike Domination
06-19-2010, 04:19 PM
I believe Norm Duke is known to do it. But most bowlers at a high level would try to manipulate the pattern in their favor, not to disrupt their opponent.

06-21-2010, 01:43 AM
I believe Norm Duke is known to do it. But most bowlers at a high level would try to manipulate the pattern in their favor, not to disrupt their opponent.

Same **** as "Messing with other person's shot" unless they are throwing the same shot as you.

Strike Domination
06-21-2010, 04:13 AM
No. It's not. At least that's not the intention of the people I'm talking about. They might have affected the other person's shot but if it wasn't on purpose like I'm talking about, it's not "messing with opponent's shot."

06-21-2010, 12:25 PM
im talking about someone who sees that youre throwing up the 5 board and they are going to be playing deep inside but they use all of their practice shots with heavy oil balls up the 5 board just to mess up your shot.

im not cying about it, i would laugh at them all night and make them look like fools. if someone on my team tried to do this to the other team i would be pissed at them. i dont even think it would work, i just think its lame to even try.

06-21-2010, 07:42 PM
There is a thing called adjusting no?

Strike Domination
06-21-2010, 10:04 PM
You're right Taku. If the opponent's can adjust it would not be very helpful to try and change their shot. I personally agree with others, you should just make better shots than the other person.

06-22-2010, 06:51 PM
There is a thing called adjusting no?

that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. of course you can adjust but my point is that i think its playing dirty trying to mess with a part of the lane that youre not going to be bowling on just to mess with the other team or person. being able to adjust doesnt make the person trying it less of a douche.

Maine Man
06-24-2010, 01:37 AM
I don't think it is cheating at all. What is stopping your opponent from doing it to you? So, if you do it to them, then no harm no foul. Plus, given that a majority of regular league bowlers can't hit a 3 to 4 board area consistently anyway, how could you possibly screw up a line that they may only hit 25% of the time anyway. Just my .02

06-24-2010, 03:40 PM
i never said that i thought that it would work. i just think only an angle shooter(poker term) would even think about doing something like this.

i say bring it on! it would just make you look like an idiot. just because there isnt a rule agaist something doesnt make it ok to do, that goes for life and bowling.