View Full Version : 2 Generic Questions/Opinions

06-23-2010, 07:17 PM
I am now in the market for a new bowling ball. I would like something that goes long and has a strong backend--with a sharp angle--I have tried the Storm Virtual Gravity, and did not like it. Any suggestions on a ball ( I enjoy Brunswick much so, but feel that they do not provide any balls with length :confused: )

Also, I am wondering about a spare ball that actually goes straight. I have a T-Zone, and no matter how flat I release it, it always has a backend (the pin is on the opposite side of the ball). Any spare balls that have a 0 hook potential?

Appreciate it.

06-23-2010, 07:47 PM
My fav ball for snap on the back end and easy through the heads is the jigsaw.
I always use viz a balls for spares, they are plastic and rarely move.

My old track 2 heat also gets throught the mids and has a good snap.
I've found that shinny balls that you build up rotation enegry snap well on the back end, you just have to gage your speed and rotation>

Good luck and welcome to the boards Tony...........

Strike Domination
06-23-2010, 10:15 PM
How strong do you want this skid/snap ball to be compared to the Virtual Energy? Keep in mind the stronger a ball is overall, the less likely it will be truly skid/snappy. That said, balls like the Reign, Burn, Jigsaw Trap, and the C-Systems 2.5 & 4.5 will probably be some of the best balls for what you want out of a ball.

As for a spare ball, unless you have high ball speed or put basically no rotation on it, it will most likely have at least some movement. You can take hand out but it's more important to also reduce the rotation. There's not really any spare ball that won't hook, the bowler is the most important factor still. Ice Storms and probably White Dots go the straightest from what I've heard though.

Maine Man
06-24-2010, 01:45 AM
Brunswick Slingshot will give you the best bang for the buck, and provide the necessary length you desire. They have a proven core/cover combo, so check those out. If you want the ball to have length and a "skid-flip" motion down lane, you will want to make sure you drill one pin over, around 4-5" from your PAP. As for a spare ball, anything polyester will do the trick. If you want, make sure you drill a longer pin (probably 5-6") just to make sure you get easy length out of it. I would say White Dot or Ice Storm are both safe bets. Good luck.

06-24-2010, 12:31 PM
Im not sure if its me, but from my bowling experience the symmetrical cored balls usually make for a more "angular" entry... I have the AMF Sideways and I get a really sharp turn out of that ball, and it has good length...

As for spare balls, I use the Viz-a-Ball Globe you see to the left of this post....Although on really dry lanes it can hook a little, just kick up your speed and play as much cross alley as you can

06-24-2010, 06:52 PM
Brunswick has videos of the new stuff up. The 4.5 looks pretty angular in the video. AMF Sideways is very andular as is the Storm Reign