View Full Version : Bowler-2-Bowler blog post: USBC Dues

Maine Man
07-09-2010, 05:28 AM
I have a new blog post up on my bowler-2-bowler blog talking about USBC yearly dues. Do you think we pay too much or too little every year? Or, how about awards, and the changing landscape of the USBC? I have my opinion on all those subjects, as well as some innovative suggestions for the USBC regarding the future of yearly sanctioning fees. Check it out, and feel free to comment here:


07-09-2010, 09:34 PM
I like your bowling categories, I believe I'd fall into #4. I don't care if the dues were 30.00 a year I'd still join. The biggest complaint I have is the magnets. I believe that the USBC should do away with all free awards, and charge you for what you want. For example, set a price for magnets, patches, plaques, statues, and rings. Post the prices on their web site for all to see, and you can pick and choose. A la carte you might say, if you bowl a 250 game, and want a patch you pay $ 5.00, same as if you bowl a 800 series and you want a ring you pay what ever the ring cost. I believe the USBC could keep cost low for those that are just seasonal bowlers and still keep us die hards happy. Lets face it you can't sew a magnet to a shirt. I hope the USBC learns soon that cheaper is not better, it's just cheap! I believe you get what you pay for, and I for one don't mind paying for what I want, all I ask for is the opportunity to do so.

Maine Man
07-09-2010, 09:48 PM
Bill, I agree with you 100%. Your idea kind of sounds similar to my idea about charging those bowlers who obtain more awards a higher sanction amount each year based on the number of awards they get. I do like your idea, as it is more up to the bowler, and not a set price by the USBC as to if and when you want to purchase the awards. If you want to, go ahead and add that comment to the blog post under the comments section. I am thinking about sending it to the USBC and the more comments on there from bowlers like yourself who care about the sport, the more influence it may have with the USBC. Thanks for the input, and good luck and good bowling!

07-09-2010, 10:04 PM
Thanks James, and I did. Curious to here what every one else thinks, 'cause I know quite a few people that don't care one bit for magnets.

Maine Man
07-10-2010, 01:53 AM
Thanks Bill! I just approved your comment so it will show up at the bottom of the blog post. If and when I hear back from the USBC, I will make sure to write about it on the comments section of that post, too. Hopefully they will get the message from us that something has to change. Talk to you later!

07-10-2010, 03:40 AM
at our alley we're charged $35 a year for USBC dues - not sure what awards there are, I've gotten a few patches and pins.

07-10-2010, 10:42 AM
It would be interesting to know what regulates the prices, we pay 18.00, at least that's what it was last year and I haven't heard of any price increase yet. You would think the price should be the same for every one.

J Anderson
07-10-2010, 01:49 PM
at our alley we're charged $35 a year for USBC dues - not sure what awards there are, I've gotten a few patches and pins.

I assume since you have a sport average, that $15 of the $35 is for the sport membership upgrade.

07-11-2010, 12:07 PM
Jay, are you trying to make us all feel better by those deflated averages you have on? Or are those left-handed? ;)

Strike Domination
07-11-2010, 06:23 PM
Jay, are you trying to make us all feel better by those deflated averages you have on? Or are those left-handed? ;)

J Anderson is not the same as JAnderson(who you're thinking of).

J Anderson
07-11-2010, 10:11 PM
Jay, are you trying to make us all feel better by those deflated averages you have on? Or are those left-handed? ;)

Strike Domination is right, this is John, not Jay, although I do tend to answer to almost anything.
The 163 is Left-handed. The sport average is right-handed, and several pins lower right now.

07-12-2010, 02:10 AM
Strike Domination is right, this is John, not Jay, although I do tend to answer to almost anything.
The 163 is Left-handed. The sport average is right-handed, and several pins lower right now.

How often do you bowl left handed? I've been bowling left handed just for kicks working on my game lately, just a few games here and there. It feels like im starting all over again, it's kind of fun! :)

Anyway I hope to bowl a lefty 300 some day, that'd be cool being able to say I've done it with both hands, not at the same time like Belmo.

Maine Man
07-12-2010, 02:26 PM
The national dues are only $10. Any extra amount comes from whatever your state and local association charges. If you pay $21 (for example), $10 of that goes to USBC and the other $11 goes to your local and/or state association for fees. I hope that helps, and on my blog post I am only talking about the USBC dues, not whatever local associations charge. Thanks!

J Anderson
07-12-2010, 05:34 PM
How often do you bowl left handed? I've been bowling left handed just for kicks working on my game lately, just a few games here and there. It feels like im starting all over again, it's kind of fun! :)

Anyway I hope to bowl a lefty 300 some day, that'd be cool being able to say I've done it with both hands, not at the same time like Belmo.

The last two fall seasons I've been bowling left-handed in my Wednesday night church league. The first season I was getting at least 3-4 practice games in every other week or so in addition to league, plus a few trips out to Long Island to get some coaching from my friend Jeff. Last season I probably didn't get quite as much practice in. What's really fun is to switch hands every frame in practice and see the reaction from people walking by and noticing you throwing with either hand.
I'm still working on getting any 300, right or left.

10-23-2010, 12:22 PM
I'd like to your take on local/State Assn dues.