View Full Version : Ball weight

10-14-2010, 01:38 PM
hey guys new here and dont know a whole lot about bowling balls. i just entered in a league with my dad. i have been bowling off and on probably for the last 4 or 5 years. up until now i have been using my dads 16lb. brunswick fuze he gave me. but for the past few weeks i have been using my dad 15 lb. hammer black widow and i can tell a big differance when i use that ball. better control, more hook, and mechanics are better. but what im asking is does it really matter on the weight of the ball? does it effect pin action or how hard it hits? reason im asking is that pound differance helped out alot with my control mainly. and i was thinking of moving down to 14 lb. ball. i was looking at finding a black widow like my dad has or going with the black widow sting. something more hook and backend but i want to find out about whther the weight of the ball really matters. thanks!

Dilly Elite Bowling
10-14-2010, 02:07 PM
Not necessarily. It is all about placement of your shot. If you can consistently hit your mark and have continuous solid motion throughout your shot, then I would stick with 15 lbs. If you go too light, you may start pulling the ball because it is lighter. You want a weight that you are comfortable throwing. To answer your question, IMHO, weight doesn't make a difference once you pass the 14 lb mark.

10-14-2010, 06:40 PM
alright thanks. i dont know what i did but bowling last night my hand felt fine but them half way through i had this terrible pain in my hand. i dont if i tweaked something during a roll or if the stress of the ball on my hand finally caught up