View Full Version : New To Sport And Need Another Ball Before Beginners League

12-01-2010, 03:48 PM
Hello everyone both those I met before and that I haven’t...
A little background I’m new to bowling been taking through a college course since the start of September. I started out bowling once a week and now I’m at twice a week off and on.
As some of you may know I recently purchased a new #15 Columbia Freeze bowling ball. I absolutely love my ball and enjoy participating in the sport more because of it. Maybe about a week or two ago an older gent gave me some bowling tips and one of them was to get a lighter ball. At first I didn’t understand why but after watching some YouTube videos on bowling techniques I come to realize my ball is perfect for one technique and too heavy for the other technique.
Technique 1 Straight Wrist: Using the 4 step method (No slide) my first step is to push the ball out. My second step is to allow the momentum of the ball carry me into my backswing to about 45 degrees. My third step is continuing into that backswing to 90 degrees. My final step is the forward swing into my release. This technique I’m ok with because the momentum of the ball do all the work through and through.
Technique 2 Cuffed Wrist: Using the 4 step method (No slide) my first step is to push the ball out. My second step is to allow the momentum of the ball carry me into my backswing to about 45 degrees. My third step is continuing into that backswing to 90 degrees. My final step is the forward swing into my release. However, I can't achieve that 90 degree backswing and when I try automatically lose my balance trying to compensate for the weight of the ball cuffed.
I’m thinking of getting a 12 or 13 pound ball so I can cuff it, also I like to practice my techniques in super slow motion in front of the mirror and a 15 pound ball is very heavy going slow motion mush less super slow motion. For my new ball I don't want another Columbia Freeze since I already own one. I would prefer a ball that perform just as good as the Columbia Freeze but hook about 10-15% more.

12-01-2010, 05:04 PM

Perhaps we may have already made this suggestion to you in another blog but please allow us the chance to communicate a strategy with you before you invest additional money into another bowling ball. Please strongly consider taking a lesson from a professional or certified coach.

With professional coaching, you will be able to advance your physical game techniques. A coach will not only sharpen your physical game skills but also recommend alignment strategies, adjustments when the lanes change, help you develop a spare conversion system, and give you practice strategies to follow when you get on the lanes and work on your newly developing game.

Self-taught bowlers usually run into limited success. Often times a new bowler in the sport will think he or she is performing a technique in a certain manner but in reality, the feeling is misleading and the intended technique is something very different.

Investing in a certified coach or taking lessons from an area bowling professional experienced in working with newcomers to the game will pay off in dividends over time. Try and avoid developing bad habits; take a lesson or a series of lessons before purchasing more equipment. In the long run, you will be glad you made the decision to receive professional coaching.

Taking tips or pointers from well wishers can do more harm than good in many cases. Although on occasion you might pick up a good pointer, there is nothing to replace an organized system mapped out for you by a qualified coach to help you train for success on the lanes. Hope this helps?

12-01-2010, 09:30 PM
Hey richc thanks for the advise...
Right now im in a bowling class that meets once a week and is taught by two professional instructors who go over the basics fundamentals of bowling. The class is roughtly 15-18 students give or take and we all compete aganist in teams of three for 4 games. One of the instructors gives me a lot of attention because im one of the few who dont use the no thumb method anymore.
Today he showed me how to find my mark for different lane conditions and improved my bowling step system. Overall I'm improving with my new ball and got up to a high game of 122 with it (no where near my high game of 166 then again I was using a house ball and throwing my no thumb backup ball).
I talked to the pro shop guy and he said the reason why my ball dont hook much is because its a conventions ball and not semi. So i'm physically limited on how much I can rotate the ball for a hook just from the grip itself. He also said dont worry about the weight because my wrist will get stronger the more I use it. I asked about lessons and he only do private lessons at $40 an hour...
But next week he is going to watch me bowl a few frames and give me more advise for free....
*Note* My bowling teacher said not to get a semi ball because everything he have taught me will have gone right out the window and getting another ball right now is a waste of money. Just learn how to bowl with the ball I have already get better with it then purchase a higher end ball of the similar type that way the conversion wont be difficult. Also he said dont waste $40 bucks on private lessons when I can pay however much I pay through the college and pretty much get the same deal for less with him.

The Mayor
12-02-2010, 10:44 AM
Hi again kingdave. I was under the impression that you had your Freeze drilled with a fingertip grip. Conventional is fine to start out with and learn the basics. Learning to be accurate and make spares is the most important thing anyway. The majority of ball drillers will never fit someone with a semi-fingertip grip anymore because it's bad for your hand. Since you are throwing conventional, I would stick solely to throwing a straight ball at everything. This will allow you to be consistent and work on the fundamentals. When you're throwing your straight ball, I would line up more to the right and shoot at an angle toward the head pin, and end with your hand in a handshake position. This will help you transition easier into a hook when you're ready. Also, as richc said, finding a coach is the best idea. Go to bowl.com or bowlingball.com and they both have where you can locate a coach in your area that is certified and most will do it very reasonably priced.

12-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Is 40 bucks and hour for private lessons a good deal?

12-02-2010, 07:34 PM
Today I found a place where I can bowl for 2 bucks per game yay. Today I bowled 7 games and all games i bowled over 100 and my highest was 164 woot woot. As long as I bowl slightly off right of the middle arrow I get great pin action from my baby tweener hook. I went on bowl.com to find a certified coach and the nearest one to me is like 2 to 3 hours drive from my location and he charge 60 per class and each class last 2 hours. The fee includes lane rental and something else. I dont know what im going to do certified coach wise because thats quite a bit not including the drive and gas. He told me look around and find a good house professional who can bring my game to at least a 180 - 190 average and then come back to him. I asked why and he said for the distance im going to travel and prices he charge I can learn the exact same thing from a house pro for a whole lot less money and I can take that extra money left over and get several practice games in at 2 bucks. Then he said once I can bowl a good 180 game come to him and he will help me turn that 180 to 280 with advanced techniques.
Im thinking of joining a league for extra practice aganist someone other than myself
The place where I currently bowl 2 bucks per game is having a handicap league opening this Monday for 24 bucks. I was going to join this league however 24 bucks is a lot when I factor in how new i am to the sport.
Another bowling place are 5 weeks into there beginners league however the person could not tell me the price over the phone. I would go but I feel it would be a waste of time and gas if the fee i high.
I did find a place that will have a beginners league that starts in 14 weeks and is 12 bucks. So Im going to give them a shot.