View Full Version : Want to get back to bowling

12-05-2010, 10:36 PM
Hi all, new to the forum here. Years ago, back in the late 90's /early 2000's I used to bowl all the time. I had a decent average (for me at least) and I used a fuschia hammer (can't think of the name). The hook on it was great and I could control it fairly well.

I am looking to start bowling again and I would like some input on a ball that is on the market now that is comparible to it. I also would like to know what is good to use as a spare ball.

I look forward to everyones input.


J Anderson
12-06-2010, 10:50 AM
Hi all, new to the forum here. Years ago, back in the late 90's /early 2000's I used to bowl all the time. I had a decent average (for me at least) and I used a fuschia hammer (can't think of the name). The hook on it was great and I could control it fairly well.

I am looking to start bowling again and I would like some input on a ball that is on the market now that is comparible to it. I also would like to know what is good to use as a spare ball.

I look forward to everyones input.


Glad you clarified what years ago means. For me it normally means late 70's / early 80's. I can't help with your question about the hammer. I went directly from conventional grip / rubber to fingertip grip / reactive resin, and have yet to buy a new reactive resin ball. All three that I own were bought used. For spares I use a Columbia 300 White Dot. I would think that any plastic ball would work. If you get a strike ball with a symmetric core you might not even need a spare ball, you would be able to change your release and "kill" the hook.

12-06-2010, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the reply. My Hammer was reactive resin with fingertip grips. It has alot of hook on the back end, and I am looking for something comparible. I was looking at the Hammer Black Widow Sting or the Hammer Black Widow Nasty. I have not decided yet.

I went to a pro shop last week, and the kid behind the counter was about 15 and told me my old ball "was before his time" and had no idea what I was talking about. He did refer me to some balls he thought would work when I told him what I was looking for, but I wanted to do some more research first.

The Mayor
12-06-2010, 11:41 AM
I'm pretty sure the Hammer you had was a 3D Offset. One of the best bowling balls ever. There are a couple of balls I would suggest to you that will be similar. Take a look at the Lane #1 Curve. This ball's reaction really reminds me of the 3D Offset. Some other very good choices would be the Storm Prodigy (with some polish) and Brunswick Wicked Siege. The Curve will be the closest in my opinion though.

12-06-2010, 12:36 PM
Yes it was the 3-d offset. I talked to a Pro Shop guy this morning and he said it was one of the best balls too. Kind of makes me mad I gave it away now :( Anyway, he said another ball that is compaible is the Track 607A.

I am going to look up the other balls you mentioned too. Thanks so much! Any thoughts on the Track 607A?

The Mayor
12-06-2010, 04:05 PM
You're welcome! It's a solid ball, but I don't see the 3D Offset when I see it roll. When I roll the Curve it feels very close to the Offset I used to have.

12-20-2010, 07:29 PM
Well I bought the Trak 607 today. It was drilled while I waited and I tried it out three games before I went home. 158, 211 and a 236. It still is going to take some getting used to. IMO it does not give me the back end like my 3-d did, but it could be the way I am throwing it too. Although for not bowling in nearly 10 yrs I am quite happy with it!!