View Full Version : Shoulder Position and delivery

12-22-2010, 09:32 PM
I am having problems with my right bowling shoulder( I know I have a rotator cuff injury but not bad enough for surgery) . Some nights it is not a problem some nights it really affects my delivery. I try to stay behind the ball during backswing and delivery thumb at 12 o' clock and this seems to aggravate the shoulder. It seems if I start holding the ball at 9-10 o'clock and maintain that position through the delivery I have little to no shoulder pain throughout the night. The problem is of course the ball reaction is completely different is it possible that a different drilling pattern and ball surface could help with this . I am a once a week bowler and have only gotten back into the game 4 years ago so my average is about 155-160. Thanks

12-31-2010, 02:26 PM
Please consider before, making any changes, seeing a professional bowling instructor and work at least one session on the lanes before investing money into more equipment. Perhaps the coach can help you implement a technique with your swing and release which avoids pain and still produces favorable results?

It is impossible to recommend in an article or commentary what is the absolute best course of action for you but certainly working with a certified instructor experienced in coaching is a good starting point.

Suggesting drilling layouts options is merely shooting into the dark. We have no information about your ball speed, rev-rate, axis tilt, lane conditions, or about you physical game techniques to evaluate in these commentaries.

Start with seeing a coach and then please share with us how you are working for you, OK?

Hope this helps?