View Full Version : Does anyone else feel like I feel....

01-28-2011, 04:11 PM
I dont think I will ever get my 300. The other night in league I shoot the front 3, pocket split in the 4th, the finished with 8 in a row, for a 266. Geez...I have done this so many times where one bad break keeps me from getting a perfect game. Its one thing to know you threw a bad shot but a pocket split...ouch. I cant even get 11 in row. The best I have shot is 9 in a row. It just gets frustrating shooting 260s and 270s and seeing the guy beside you roll his 2nd or 3rd 300 in one season. Sorry just had to vent....:(

01-28-2011, 04:23 PM
Well if it makes you feel any better it took me about 5 years of being close...several 279s a couple of 280s.. I thought I would never get one. Weird thing is after I got my first one they seemed to get easier. I now have 8 300s, and 5 800s. Im actually more proud of the 800s I think they are harder to achieve. Hang in there!

J Anderson
01-29-2011, 01:59 PM
My friend Jeff didn't get his first 300 till after he got his PBA card. When he finally got it no one in his league made a big deal of it because they all thought " oh, Jeff is such a good bowler, it can't be his first 300".

01-29-2011, 06:10 PM
maybe one day and maybe not one day it will come. it really isn't guarenteed that you will get a 300 just like a golfer may never get a hole in one. i bowled against a guy that had a 300 and i asked him how it felt....he told me it was his 65th. gee,sorry i asked! i bowled against another guy that also had a 300 game against me and he acted like it was his first. me? maybe one of these days will come but i'm not going to be disapointed if it never does and that i know that i just bowled my best.

01-30-2011, 12:54 AM
I can relate completely to this. I've thrown more than 12 strikes in a row about a billion times it feels like but I've never gotten a 300 before. People ask me what my high game is, of course I answer honestly and say 290. Then they seem surprised. It's something thats always been in the back of my mind. One day I'll do it, but I'm kind of glad that I haven't yet because it just makes me want to work that much harder.

01-30-2011, 10:16 AM
Same here. Ive done the 12 in a row between 2 games also. That is a heartbreaker. League is tonight and Im hoping to re-create last weeks magic, with the exception of the pocket split. :)

01-30-2011, 06:11 PM
the other day i had my game going my way....i felt relaxed and everything was going my way. 7 in a row and then the 8-10 split hit me square in the face. i couldn't throw it any better but realized that it was my fate for that day. tomorrow is and will be a better day.

02-04-2011, 12:47 PM
high game is 299, bowled 14 yrs ago, bowled a 300 in practice at keesler in 2002, but since then a few 279's but thats it, tho still waiting for first 300 in a league.

now if you want to include no-tap leagues, i have had about 8 300's lol

03-26-2011, 10:38 PM
I can relate to you as well man. It sucks lol. I've been bowling for about 5 years now just the last 2 1/2 have been above 200 ave, and i have 2 games that got to the 12th ball and not struck. My first attempt i buried the pocket and left the solid TEN pin, the next attempt was just recently a few weeks ago left the 3-10 split bad throw on my part though. Shot numerous 260s and 270s and about 5 games that i got to the 11th ball and either was robbed or threw bad shots. Shot 2 300s in practice though. Still waiting on perfection as well

03-27-2011, 12:20 AM
The day I roll anywhere near a 200, I'm gonna be flipping out all across the bowling alley. If I somehow do get over 200, the world will know. xD

And if somehow someday I do get a 300...well...somebody's gonna have to duct-tape my mouth shut. xD I'll be in shock for a while.

03-28-2011, 02:51 PM
well i know how you all feel here ,,, me?? never had a 300 but i am a 3rd year bowler,,,right now i have had a few 600 games ,,, and couple of 700 in a tourament,,,, right now i am still workin to break 600 not a easy task to do,,, i have 160+ ave,,,,pick up your spares and the striks will come,,,,so i am told,,,lol

03-31-2011, 11:25 AM
No 300's, but I did roll 18 in-a-row a couple months ago (back 9 & front 9). While perhaps more difficult, it was quite frustrating.

04-07-2011, 11:47 AM
I shot my only 300 back in June of 1995, after bowling for a year. I shot back to back 171's and somehow managed to get lucky enough in game 3 to pull it off. The paper ran an article in the bowling section about it and the writer teased me by saying I ruined a triplicate. I had two Brooklyns and one go through the nose that carried through pin domino action. The last 4 shots were dead flush, so I didn't hang my head too low after shooting it =p

I've had countless games in the 25X+ range that were superior as far as shot-to-shot goes. Just last Monday I went front 5, stone 8, strike, stone 8, sheet for 258. All dead flush shots. That's bowling for you.

04-07-2011, 02:40 PM
I used to know how you feel, my first time getting the front 11, I left a solid 8 pin. REALLY? You wait until the 12th shot to do that? Every shot was dead flush, I was about a year into bowling with a 180 average, throwing it 14 mph with a urethane ball.. About 6 months later, front 11 all flush strikes again, ring a 10 for the 12th. COME ON!

Well about 2-3 months later having worked with my friend, I was now throwing it about 16mph with a reactive ball(the Storm Invasion, actually) front 11, nut the 12th for my first 300.

Prior to that, I had probably about 5-10 front 9's, 2 front 11's, it just takes patience. Now about 8 months after my first 300, here we are today, I have 7 300s, and I haven't shot one in 4 months.

04-15-2011, 09:52 AM
Same here. Ive done the 12 in a row between 2 games also. That is a heartbreaker. League is tonight and Im hoping to re-create last weeks magic, with the exception of the pocket split. :)

It will come when you are not thinking about it. Crossing over that hump is difficult because you try so hard to accomplish your goal which is a 300 in this case. Once you do shoot 300 (and you will) it is 20 times easier to shoot the 2nd one. Best of luck to you!

Jimmy Martin
Bowlingball.com staff
Storm/Roto Grip Staff

04-15-2011, 04:14 PM
I have to agree with Jimmy. Once you do shoot your first, the second will be much easier. The key is to not think about it. Just let it happen. Focus on making 1 good shot rather than 12. Makes everything so much simpler.

Mike Jones
Bowlingball.com Staff