View Full Version : Basics

03-23-2011, 02:12 PM
I just got into bowling in the last two weeks. I have some new shoes and using my brothers old bowling ball which is perfectly drilled for my hand also with fingertip grip.

Can someone tell me where I should be standing from the beginning and where I should put the ball down with regard to the marks? I move around my starting position and where I place the ball so I think if there is no set guideline I should just pick a spot and make it work but hopefully there is a rule of thumb. I am using a 3 step approach, is that OK?

The Mayor
03-23-2011, 03:01 PM
A 3-step approach is alright to start, but if you could get in the habit of doing 4 steps, it would be better in the long run. Most people start targeting the 2nd arrow. This is called the "track" area. How hard you throw it, how many revs and the lane condition will determine where you'll stand in relation to hitting the 2nd arrow. You just want to stand where you throw the ball over second arrow and the ball contacts the pins between the 1 and 3 pin, or the "pocket".

03-23-2011, 03:27 PM
I guess you could call it 3.5 steps because I start with my right foot forward and weight on my back left foot, then transfer the weight forward. Should I pull the right foot back and start with my feet even?

Thanks for the advice on the aim and standing. At least now i will have one constant!

J Anderson
03-23-2011, 03:49 PM
"The book" suggests that you start with the ball side foot slightly back, knees flexed, and upper body angled about 15 degrees forward. This is all to "preset" your body either for what its about to do or the position that you want to end up in at release.

03-23-2011, 06:05 PM
A four step delivery is the easiest to get your timing down. Your pushaway starts on the first step. We're all assuming you're a righty, so, yes, you should have your right foot a little behind the other to preset your hips so the ball will clear on the backswing. And soon you'll be as addicted as the rest of us. :)