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04-07-2011, 01:54 PM
I have trouble using the boards with my second ball just guess where to stand still use my strike ball dot on the lanes.

04-07-2011, 02:30 PM
Id suggest going to practice and not worrying about score at all, just practice where to stand at your spares, for example, for ten pins, try to throw it over 4th arrow or so and try to figure out where to stand to get it to the 10-pin. On full racks, just go for the 10 pin, when you got that down, try to hit the 7pin.

04-07-2011, 05:21 PM
I'm going to assume you're throwing straight at your spares and are right handed, though I have no clue as to what dot you're aiming at. First, move your slide foot to the 5 left board dot. Next, experiment to find what target on the lanes allows you to pick up the ten pin consistently. Probably between 4th and 5th arrow, but it depends on a lot of variables. One you have that, approximately every 3 board move right with your feet moves the ball 1 pin to the left; you keep the same target. Takes some practice, but it's easy to remember.