View Full Version : ball weight recommendation

08-16-2011, 03:35 PM
I currently throw a 15lb ball with ease. I was wondering if I should go up to 16, stay at 15, or even go down to 14. Also, will going up in weight increase my revs or actually decrease it? Thanks in advance!

08-16-2011, 03:55 PM
I don't know how the weight change would effect your revs, but generally speaking a heavier ball will hit the pocket harder and give a little more pin action than a lighter ball thrown in the same fashion. In my experiences though there is no real need to use a 16lb ball unless you have difficulty keeping your ball speed down with the 15lb ball. The heavier ball will naturally carry less speed unless you throw it harder.

The Mayor
08-16-2011, 04:10 PM
Stick with 15. If you normally throw that, then stay with it. You want all of your bowling balls to be the same weight. Switching back and forth is bad. 15 is by far the most popular weight.

Going up in weight will decrease your revs, going down will increase. Going up will decrease your ball speed, going down will increase it. So it evens out, hookwise. If we could see you bowl, I could get a better idea of what's best for you. But since I can't, staying at 15 is your best bet.

08-16-2011, 04:10 PM
most people are bowling with 15s now compared to 16s before. increased revs and ease on your body are what i believe are the benefits of staying at 15. with the balls being made much better now, there isn't much of a need to go with 16s anymore, unless you do have a too high of a ball speed problem.

08-16-2011, 04:58 PM
Alright thanks guys. I'll stick with the 15lb. The reason I wanted to go down was so I could get more revs out of my ball. I guess I'll keep practicing with the 15lb and hope that revs will come with time.

08-18-2011, 11:24 AM
just practice a lot. use a video camera and have someone you trust who can give you some pointers to make some tweeks to your game.