View Full Version : releasing a cupped ball

08-24-2011, 09:28 AM
i have been cupping the ball to get more hook on oil. the problem is that i'm tearing up my thumb in the process. my thumb doesn't seem to be coming out first from the ball as it should. is it because i have to much of a strong cup at release and what do i have to do to get my thumb out first? if i flatten my wrist out at release,the thumb comes out fine but the ball almost has nothing on it.i have tried standing up more but come over the top and it spins and i have also trying for more knee bend but still hangs up. are there any real slow motion videos out there on different releases?

The Mayor
08-24-2011, 10:50 AM

Even if you're really cupping your wrist throughout your swing (as many great bowlers do), you have to uncup the wrist at the time of release. This is how you really create revolutions.

Here's a video to show an example: Robert Smith Super Slow Motion Release (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UumYYGfhLcY&feature=related)

08-24-2011, 02:06 PM
thanx for the video and it's almost how i have been releasing the ball except for 1 thing. i bought a new wrist support and i believe it's not letting me break my wrist as much as my old one, now that i look at it. it looks like i'm going to have to flatten the support out more to correct the problem. before i had said that i don't get anything when i break my wrist but that is without the support and because of the age factor,that's why i have to wear one i guess. i'm going to flatten it out (support) and hit the lanes tomorrow for some practice and then i will know or also , i could be a bad habit that creeped in,we shall see. until then.....

08-25-2011, 08:55 AM
mayor, after watching the videos of their releases, they are rolling (breaking) their wrist at the release point. my question is, if they are breaking the wrist at release, why do we cup the ball then? wouldn't you just get the same reaction if you roll your wrist on the first step all the way through till release?

The Mayor
08-25-2011, 02:48 PM
The motion of being cupped and uncupping at the point of release really forces you to lift with the fingers and creates more revolutions.

08-30-2011, 02:37 PM
i tried cupping my wrist all the way through and had the same problem. it seems when i do cup it, i tend to grip the ball letting my thumb get caught

08-30-2011, 11:21 PM
you might want to post a video so we can see the problem more clearly. my guess is that your thumb is bent too much which is causing it to stick.