View Full Version : I need hel with an interesting footing technique issue.

09-02-2011, 07:51 PM
I've been bowling for about ten years now and I just noticed a problem I have. For about the past year my left knee has been hurting off and on after bowling; sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't. I finally realized it is because I learned and still continue to walk with my feet facing outward (think \\//). This has caused me to - at the end of my release - have my foot facing out to the left while my knee faces inward to the right. So short of learning how to walk again, is there anything I can do to resolve this problem?

The Mayor
09-05-2011, 01:36 PM
I have had a very similar problem, but my foot would turn inward. This did cause some knee problems for me as well. Basically, it just takes a lot of practice to correct. You've got to reteach your muscles. I would start with a one step approach and do that until you're able to slide straight. Then move on to two steps and perfect that. And so on and so forth until you reach your desired number of steps.

Also, your shoes can have a big effect on this. If they are sliding too much or too little, it can cause your foot to shift. Having interchangeable heels and soles is invaluable when you've got footing issues. Hopefully this helps!