View Full Version : need help

10-13-2011, 05:16 AM
hello.. i'm new here.. hopefully somebody can give me some help.. i'm using a 14lb Brunswick Anaconda ball (stated as medium-heavy in most, maybe all websites). i can bowl a consistant 180-190 avg (can sometimes even get high 200s.. i once bowled a 279) on medium to drying lane conditions (which somehow makes me think the ball is medium-dry rather than medium-heavy) but i tend to really struggle on freshly oiled conditions (generally long oil (45ft & above), but i don't know how thick). on freshly oiled lanes, i generally tend to miss the headpins & only have 130-140 avg.
anybody here who has the same problem or who can help me with this?

10-13-2011, 06:01 AM
I had exactly the same issues with heavy and freshly oiled conditions, besides getting a different ball, I moved right 5 boards and slowed my pace down to give the ball more chance to turn in...

10-13-2011, 06:37 AM
thx for the help. maybe i can try that

The Mayor
10-13-2011, 12:11 PM
Well the Anaconda definitely isn't a heavy oil ball, but is good for medium depending on how you throw the ball. You could definitely use something more aggressive for fresh patterns. Something like the Storm Marvel would be great.

10-13-2011, 03:32 PM
I have the same problem as you do. What I tend to do in situations like these is to move over a certain number of boards. Also, really slow down your pace. Walk slower, and have a slower arm swing. I find it also helps to just let the arm swing with no muscle. Hope this helps.

10-13-2011, 03:48 PM
Pearlized equipment isn't great for fresh oil. You should find a ball that is a matte coverstock to start with. With out knowing ball speed and all that, I can't recommend any particular ball, but definately matte finish.

10-14-2011, 12:48 PM
thx for all the help.. from what i get, either i have to really slow it down drastically (+move a few boards right) or better choice get a new ball that's more agressive?

10-16-2011, 04:47 PM
hello.. i'm new here.. hopefully somebody can give me some help.. i'm using a 14lb Brunswick Anaconda ball (stated as medium-heavy in most, maybe all websites). i can bowl a consistant 180-190 avg (can sometimes even get high 200s.. i once bowled a 279) on medium to drying lane conditions (which somehow makes me think the ball is medium-dry rather than medium-heavy) but i tend to really struggle on freshly oiled conditions (generally long oil (45ft & above), but i don't know how thick). on freshly oiled lanes, i generally tend to miss the headpins & only have 130-140 avg.
anybody here who has the same problem or who can help me with this?
If you are crosing the headpin, try moving forward 6 inches on the approach. If missing to the right, step back 6 inches.
Move your starting position left two boards if you can't move forward 6 inches.

10-17-2011, 10:31 AM
thx 4 all the solutions.. just wondering, is the c system 3.5 a matte coverstock or pearlized?

The Mayor
10-17-2011, 10:45 AM
thx 4 all the solutions.. just wondering, is the c system 3.5 a matte coverstock or pearlized?

It is a 4000-grit micro pad matte finished solid.

10-19-2011, 12:25 AM
i see.. so i guess that might solve my problems? from what i know, the c system 3.5 is a heavy oil ball right?

10-22-2011, 12:01 AM
i see.. so i guess that might solve my problems? from what i know, the c system 3.5 is a heavy oil ball right?
From this site (http://http://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/Brunswick/7780/C--System-3-5.html), it reads well. Says it's for medium to heavy oil conditions.

10-22-2011, 05:07 AM
From this site (http://http://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-balls/Brunswick/7780/C--System-3-5.html), it reads well. Says it's for medium to heavy oil conditions.

well i might be getting this ball.. hope it solves my problems on heavy oil conditions..

10-22-2011, 09:27 AM
well i might be getting this ball.. hope it solves my problems on heavy oil conditions..
Bowlingball.com is an excellent site to explore if you're in the market for a new ball - they have a comprehensive range, reviews and video and really competitive pricing.
Good luck with everything and let me know how things go for you.

10-22-2011, 12:39 PM
I would like to find some place to try my Insanity on heavier oil. I'm really surprised how much the ball hooks. To use it I've had to move way right and put it over the third arrow, and you know the psychological block lefties have east of second arrow. ;) It's making me more versatile, anyway, though I can't use it for more than a game or game and a half before either the lane gets too weird for me, or the adjustments I have to make are so far out of my confidence range that I get tentative and start trying to steer the ball, rather than roll it.

10-23-2011, 08:55 AM
I would like to find some place to try my Insanity on heavier oil. I'm really surprised how much the ball hooks. To use it I've had to move way right and put it over the third arrow, and you know the psychological block lefties have east of second arrow. ;) It's making me more versatile, anyway, though I can't use it for more than a game or game and a half before either the lane gets too weird for me, or the adjustments I have to make are so far out of my confidence range that I get tentative and start trying to steer the ball, rather than roll it.
Hi Kev.
When you adjust your approach dots, do you adjust your arrow/board? I tried something I was very leery of doing and reaped instant rewards the other night.
I usually stand on middle dot and hit second arrow, but tried 4th dot and and third arrow and voila - 205 - 227 - 134. Was extremely tired and ran out of steam on the last and sprayed it. The 227 was a lovely game tho, closed every frame. Best game I bowled since getting back into bowling 5 months ago.
The mental block will be overcome if it starts working for you, trust me!

10-23-2011, 09:10 AM
At first I tried to keep my target where it was and just move right, but the angle got too severe and I started chucking it into the gutter. So I moved even further right and moved the target right, too. That works ok if I can hit my target, the ball just crushes the pins. To succeed I have to believe in every shot and I'm not at that point in my learning curve yet. "Trust is a must or your game is a bust." When the previous owners ran the house their lane guy would put extra oil outside of 5 downlane because he had something against lefties. I could use that now, I think.

10-23-2011, 04:16 PM
At first I tried to keep my target where it was and just move right, but the angle got too severe and I started chucking it into the gutter. So I moved even further right and moved the target right, too. That works ok if I can hit my target, the ball just crushes the pins. To succeed I have to believe in every shot and I'm not at that point in my learning curve yet. "Trust is a must or your game is a bust." When the previous owners ran the house their lane guy would put extra oil outside of 5 downlane because he had something against lefties. I could use that now, I think.

Usually, the oil pattern is longer down the middle, so if you try that you'll foil that tricky lane guy!