View Full Version : How is it determined where to drill?

11-27-2011, 07:11 PM
Hi all,

I am new here and have only been back to bowling for 3 months after a 40 year break.

I know how to get a golf club fitted but not a bowling ball.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

I role a straight ball but that is with a 40 year old, 16 pound "Brunswick, Crown Jewel).

I always do thing backward so, I have a new un-drilled, 15 pound Storm, Reign.

Where does a person go to find out what drilling layout would be best for me?

Is there a process I should expect or is each shop different?

Is it better to have it drilled for inserts or not?

Thanks everyone in advance

11-27-2011, 09:06 PM
Well, As for inserts it depends on personal preferences! I would try to find a local bowling Pro Shop, Usually Inside the bowling center in your town. Your biggest help at this point would be to go find said Pro shop guy and he can answer all your questions, They majority of the time know whats best, they'll measure your hand, as for the layout the pro shop operator might have you throw a few practice shots to determine the layout that would benefit you the most. Good Luck, Good Bowling, - Hunter

11-27-2011, 09:18 PM
Thanks HunterRunIt,

I will have to find a good ProShop. Our local alley doesn't have one and I checked the Bowling Alley in Bloomington and didn't see anything there either. I hope there is a good ProShop within 50 miles or so that can have me role a few to determine what drill layout would work best. As I mentioned, I role a straight ball now but I don't think my old Brunswick would curve much no matter what I did.

I will do some computer checking for a ProShop

11-27-2011, 09:22 PM
No problem, Expo Lanes In Beech Grove has a well equipped pro shop as well as Hi-Way Lanes In franklin but that might be a little far from Bloomington.

11-27-2011, 09:30 PM
I certainly don't mind traveling if I can find a good shop to go to. Anywhere with in about an hour or two of Martinsville would be great. I will check out the two you mentioned.


11-27-2011, 10:25 PM
No problem good luck!

11-28-2011, 10:00 PM
Well, I went over to Hi-Way Lanes in Franklin today. I haven't got the new ball yet but I wanted to talk to them about getting it drilled. My main problem is not knowing what to expect. I roll a straight ball with the ancient Brunswick I have. The New Ball is a Storm, Reign. It is supposed to be made to provide a hard hook at the end of the lane. The manufacturer gives 4 drilling layouts, depending on what you want the ball to do. My problem is, never having had a curve or used a ball that was supposed to give a curve, which layout is best for me.

The owner at Hi-Way Lanes was very nice and helped as much as he could. After explaining my concerns, he told me that their hours had recently changed and the pro was not there and worked on Tues, Thurs, and Sats. The owner gave me a free game and provided two of his own bowling balls to help me determine what might be best for me.

Both balls had inserts installed and were finger tip drilled. The finger holes and the thumb hole was too snug. Even with the finger tip setup, I still rolled a straight ball. I have been told the fingers should leave the ball like they were coming up to shake someones hand. Guess I need a lot more practice at that.

Anyway, the lane Owner went a great deal beyond what I expected and did everything he could to help me. The practice was even free. I thanked him and will be sure to drive back over and provide him some business.

The Hi-Way Lanes was only the third bowling alley I have been in in years but was by far the cleanest most up to date facility I have seen.

Thanks Hunterunsit for the information about Hi-Way Lanes.