View Full Version : Anything I can do about this?

12-14-2011, 11:07 PM
I have tried to put some extra finger lift on the ball at release with a slightly flatter hand position, about the 2 - 8 o'clock plane (rightie) and each time I have tried, I have dropped the ball too soon and it has hit the 3 - 6 pocket each time. I really think I don't have the hand strength which is most likely why I drop it.
I am using a 15lb. ball.
Somehow I don't think there is much I can do except drop to 14lb.
Unless someone out there has something I haven't thought of.
I am stroker/semi-roller, average pace and 54 years old. (If that helps!)
Advice would be appreciated.

12-15-2011, 12:16 AM
Try adding a piece or two of tape to either the front or back side of your thumb hole it
works wonders when you start dropping the ball too soon. I usually add 1 white piece to
the front side as it has a texture to it that helps you get a better grip on the ball and if
need be I'll add a black piece of tape to the back side of the hole.

You can buy the pre-cut pieces of tape at you local Pro shop you get quite a few pieces
in a pack I think it is 30 or so pieces lasts quite a while here you go a link to some tape.

Tape (http://www.bowlingball.com/products/bowling-accessories/Brunswick/2295/Bowling-Tape.html#!prettyPhoto)

J Anderson
12-15-2011, 12:21 AM
It doesn't take much strength to hold onto a properly fitted ball. I would double check that the hole sizes, pitches and span are still correct. Also if the grips have been in a couple years they may need to be replaced.

12-15-2011, 11:26 AM
Although it's not for everyone I know a lot of people, myself included, quite like Ron C's magic carpet too. It does almost the same as tape but allows a very snug fit without the thumb sticking as it has some give to it. However, it does usually mean a larger thumb hole to make room for it. So if you decided to try it and have an older ball kicking around it's probably worth trying it on that first.

12-15-2011, 01:07 PM
Although it's not for everyone I know a lot of people, myself included, quite like Ron C's magic carpet too. It does almost the same as tape but allows a very snug fit without the thumb sticking as it has some give to it.

Hi Tony since you said you use it yourself, I know the site says the carpet should last 3 months but how long does
the magic carpet really last before needing to be replaced? I was looking at some of it the other day on Ron's site
but wasn't sure if I wanted to make the investment of $20.00 in it or not if it didn't really last all that long.

12-15-2011, 01:24 PM
Mine seems to last quite a lot longer than 3 months unless I'm putting the ball in the revivor oven or giving it a bath. To be honest I've never taken much notice of the exact time though as it seems to outlast normal tape by quite a bit. Certainly the backing seems much 'stickier' when peeled off compared to standard tape and the surface seems very slow to wear.

12-15-2011, 02:01 PM
Thanks for the info Tony I'll be placing an order for some of it in just a
few minutes and give it a try thanks again.

12-15-2011, 02:04 PM
NP and good luck with it. Here's hoping it works out for you too else you'll be left with at least one ball with a very large thumb hole :) I'll also be interested to know which way up you insert it. I found that running against the grain it'd snag my thumb so have the red mark at the top.

12-15-2011, 04:06 PM
I have tried to put some extra finger lift on the ball at release with a slightly flatter hand position, about the 2 - 8 o'clock plane (rightie) and each time I have tried, I have dropped the ball too soon and it has hit the 3 - 6 pocket each time. I really think I don't have the hand strength which is most likely why I drop it.
I am using a 15lb. ball.
Somehow I don't think there is much I can do except drop to 14lb.
Unless someone out there has something I haven't thought of.
I am stroker/semi-roller, average pace and 54 years old. (If that helps!)
Advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for the replies peeps.
I hadn't actually thought of the ball being an incorrect fit, but you may have hit the nail on the head as it is a pre-owned ball.
It seemed to fit me very well at the time of purchase and now I think about it, the thumb hole is nowhere near snug - it is quite spacious, so that probably is the problem right there.
You've given me food for thought.

12-15-2011, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the replies peeps.
I hadn't actually thought of the ball being an incorrect fit, but you may have hit the nail on the head as it is a pre-owned ball.
It seemed to fit me very well at the time of purchase and now I think about it, the thumb hole is nowhere near snug - it is quite spacious, so that probably is the problem right there.
You've given me food for thought.

There is something else you can do as well. There is a technique called "setting your thumb". I have to find the article for it, however I think I can describe it. Place your fingers in the ball, and then put your thumb all the way into the thumb hole. Press against the front of the thumb hole with the base of your thumb, and at the same time draw your thumb out slightly. You'll find that the ball should stay on your thumb. I do it sometimes with some of my older balls which have larger thumb holes. I was playing racquetball at one time, and my thumb was a size or two larger at that time.

Here's a link that might explain it better. http://www.bowlingthismonth.com/btmBB/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=630

12-16-2011, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the link Jim. My wife has always had slight thumb issues despite the fit being pretty snug, primarily due to the fairly slow speed of her release. We've tweaked and adjusted and she's much better now but the drill described might just be the final touch needed :)

01-12-2012, 06:46 PM
Tried a bit of tape in the holes and it seemed to work better, although I didn't want to "wad" up the thumb hole with tape.
I bought myself a nice pre-owned black/silver Tropical Storm in excellent condition - you have to study the ball to find any marks in it for 50 bucks drilled and slugged tax included. Too good a deal to pass up.
Had my first bowl with it last night and found that the ball was just a touch too snug and it caused the ball to hang on a bit spoiling several shots.
Anyway, this thing is drilled pin under for a nice predictable or smooth hook, and hook it does!
For an average pace stroker bowler this ball is all you need and they are substantially cheaper new than the fancier balls.
I accidentally played a freakish shot - I stand on the 5th dot (rightie) and bowl over the 3rd arrow. I missed out wide by about 3 boards and the ball headed straight for the gutter, only it hung onto the 2nd or possibly the first board and then came all the way back into the pocket for a strike! Needless to say I was not prepared to continue bowling there...8^) I don't even know how I released it - possibly with some extra lift.
Anyway, I couldn't hit the 10 pin for nuts, so grabbed a 13lb house ball for the straight shot and noticed immediately that even though it is 2 lbs lighter than the Heat, I tended to drop it a little, highlighting the value of a custom drilled ball. I will hand sand a little out of the thumb hole and it should be a sweet ball.