View Full Version : Some videos of me bowling, critique/help wanted

01-25-2012, 02:41 PM
So I'm getting back into bowling and would like to get more serious about it to join some leagues/tourneys.

Here's the first video I took of myself bowling

This ones a full game, edited down to about 1 1/2 mins, I think I finished high 190's/low 200's.

I had some friends give me some tips which resulted in this video

This is just 4 strikes in a row.

What other areas do you see where I can improve my game?

I'm more interested in how to be more consistent in my shots.

Right now I'm using an 15 pound Ebonite Evolve ball, sometimes I feel the ball is too heavy.

The first video I was using no tape in my thumb hole, second video I had a couple pieces in it and it made my grip a lot better.

Thanks everyone!

01-25-2012, 03:12 PM
What sticks out the most is your out of balance at the foul line. Watch how after you release the ball, you have to bring your right leg back over fast to keep from falling to the right.

01-25-2012, 03:24 PM
What sticks out the most is your out of balance at the foul line. Watch how after you release the ball, you have to bring your right back over fast to keep from falling to the right.

Ya, I worked on that a bit, and thought I improved a bit from the first to the second video.

Any tips/tricks on howto fix it?

01-25-2012, 03:40 PM
Take a look here at one of ron cliftons tips about falling off the shot

It should help look at the part *"Turning the TOE in is a common cause of falling off the shot" (pictures there) in your video looking at your feet you did just what hes talking about. You slide foot is pointing right at the right gutter in most of the shots.

01-25-2012, 04:03 PM
Same as bowl1820, you are off-balance on your last step. You can notice how you move to the right immediately after your release. Other suggestions: wipe the ball before each shot for consistency, your armswing appears to be a little bent, and you might be bending your thumb too much causing a late release/loft. You are getting good results like in your videos, but there is always room for improvement! Not sure what speed you are throwing, but it looks pretty hard, which might cause you to get tired. You could also experience slowing down the ball speed if that is a concern.

01-25-2012, 04:04 PM
Take a look here at one of ron cliftons tips about falling off the shot

It should help look at the part *"Turning the TOE in is a common cause of falling off the shot" (pictures there) in your video looking at your feet you did just what hes talking about. You slide foot is pointing right at the right gutter in most of the shots.

Wow, ya that makes perfect sense. Going tomorrow to fix this issue! Thanks!

01-25-2012, 04:56 PM
you don't look too bad, i've seen a lot worse. the biggest thing i see is definitely the balance like everyone else pointed out. Just focus on posing after your shot, practice a few games, and stay on balance until the ball hits the pins. you'll get the hang of it

also try to bend your knee a little bit at release, it looks like you're standing straight up on it.

your swing looks alright, it doesn't look like you're pulling it down, so don't worry about your speed.

in your stance, hold your ball a little more to the right. you're starting it left of the swing plane and pushing it right into the swing plane, that can cause inconsistencies if you push it a little more than one shot, or a little less. ideally you'll want it to go straight back and forth.

if you want to try to get a little revolutions more on the ball, try cupping your wrist a little more right until the point of release, and then uncup it onto the lane

01-25-2012, 05:06 PM
Your balance at the line is the first thing I noticed. That article from Ron Clifton is a good place to start. Take a look at this video as well from Fred Borden and Jeri Edwards, two of the US Bowling team coaches.


01-25-2012, 06:15 PM
What stuck out the most to me besides the falling off balance at the line was
that you are using a 4 step approach but you are not moving the ball at the
same time as your right leg moves you are almost into your second step before
the ball starts to move and that can contribute to your being off balance at the
line because of it throwing your timing off.

01-31-2012, 02:42 PM
Went today at lunch and concentrated more on not falling off the shot and moving the ball with my first step.


I can see improvement, slowly but surely. What do you guys think.

Also got a new properly fit ball. The evolve I was using was not drilled properly, the proshop I got the storm at noticed it right away.

I feel much more comfortable with the properly fit ball.

01-31-2012, 03:21 PM
Very nice improvement, great job. It is much more balanced.

One new comment for everyone, is it still recommended to keep the pinky finger next to the ring finger or have it split? I see it is split in your shot, but I always learned to keep it together.

01-31-2012, 03:22 PM
Interesting question. Next time I go I'll try it together to see if it changes anything for me.

01-31-2012, 04:23 PM
I was taught that spreading the pinky flattens the hook, so keeping it together would give it a little more. You could also bend the pinky to keep the nail of the pinky against the ball to increase it more, but I always experience a much different release (old school).

01-31-2012, 06:29 PM
Well, I'm always looking for more hook so I will give it a shot and report back :)

02-02-2012, 02:43 AM
I have used all three positions with the pinky finger, I've found a closed pinky gives you a little more spin
on the ball through the heads and mid lane with a little more hook on the back ends and then with a tucked
under pinky it just amplifies the spin and maybe changes the tilt on the ball somewhat and gives you some
more hook on the back end.

I mainly spread my pinky and index finger now since I want to get a little more roll on the ball through the
heads and mid lane with a little less hook on the back ends since we are bowling on synthetic lanes now
days and they hook a lot on the back end. The only time I move my pinky finger in is if the heads and mid
lane are fried so I can get a little more spin on the ball and less heavy roll on the front end to clear the
heads and mid lane and get to my break point.

Back in the 80's and 90's when all we had was wooden lanes I always had to keep my pinky finger tucked in
because the wooden heads would dry up so fast and the ball would start hooking mid lane making it hard to
get the ball down lane to my break point.

02-03-2012, 04:20 PM
Thanks! I just know it gave the shot a little more "oomph" to it. I think I'll play around with it some more myself. I've had trouble in the past because it changes the way I my hand is in the ball and it comes off the hand differently.

03-09-2012, 02:03 PM
I see a few things that jump out at me. first is your balance as addressed by several others already. Second most glaring thing to me is your swing looks very tense and controlled - way too much muscle being used here as noted by the bent elbow. Let your arm fully extend and let the ball come to its natural high point in the back swing. Don't fight gravity. Let that natural force guide your swing and your accuracy will improve. Along the same lines, it looks like you are really squeezing the ball. Did you have your span checked when you purchased new equipment or did you just take measurements off of your last ball? If it has been a while since you bowled, it may be worth having that double checked. The last video that you uploaded on 1/31 seems much smoother, but you still look at times like you are trying to control the swing with muscle.

03-15-2012, 05:22 AM
the most recent video is better in terms of being balanced and you're pointing the toe straight (though still needs to be worked on.. lots of shots the foot just points straight but suddenly turn towards the right gutter and puts you off balanced) but the deep knee bend doesn't seem to be quite there yet..

03-15-2012, 04:05 PM
Your backswing is the first thing I noticed. Your arm is not completely straight. Consistency breeds around backswing. Relax your shoulders and your arms when you start going for the pushaway. You should be relaxed through your entire approach.

03-15-2012, 09:45 PM
I only watched the first one, but what stuck out to me was your balance, and how much you seem to go brooklyn. For the balance I really don't have any suggestions, but moving left a bit should help you hit the pocket more.

03-23-2012, 03:56 PM
Your release was all over the place. Was this intentional? It also appeared that on your first ball you were stopping at different boards and using different marks. As mentioned earlier, hold the pose. This vid it was a bit better than the others. Also, if you bent your knees more during your slide, the ball thump would calm way down. Also mentioned was keeping your hand further under the ball. Doing that will increase your revs, alter the ball rotation angle increasing pocket entry angle and pin carry.

03-24-2012, 06:09 PM
So it's been a few months since that video and I feel I've made some major improvements in my game. Shot this 223 today.


Also got a new ball, properly fit too. The evolve I was using wasn't drilled correctly for my hand and the pro shop where I got the storm from noticed it right away(didn't get the evolve there).
Ball feels much more comfortable in my hand and I can bowl 6+ games now with my arm in pain.

I start a league with my dad in may and can't wait!

03-24-2012, 06:21 PM
Looking a lot better man, great job!

03-24-2012, 06:40 PM
Looking good a lot smoother and better balance.

03-24-2012, 11:34 PM
Wow, great improvement. It's amazing what can happen when a ball does fit exactly properly. A proper fitting ball and practice made a world of difference.

03-26-2012, 03:29 PM
Great improvement! Keep it up.

03-26-2012, 10:12 PM
wow.. awesome.. u're doing very well now.. :)

04-10-2012, 11:33 AM
Thanks for all the compliments everyone. Our league starts May 1st and I'm super excited, first bowling league I'll be in since I was ohh about 12 years old! My dads on the team as well so it'll be nice to bowl with the old man :)

J Anderson
04-10-2012, 05:50 PM
Just remember that the object is to beat the other team, not your dad!

04-11-2012, 03:06 AM
Just remember that the object is to beat the other team, not your dad!

and the real objective is maybe to bowl well and not bother too much about what others are doing.. :D

04-11-2012, 10:51 AM
Thanks for all the compliments everyone. Our league starts May 1st and I'm super excited, first bowling league I'll be in since I was ohh about 12 years old! My dads on the team as well so it'll be nice to bowl with the old man :)That's cool, man. I play in a "company sport" league (all the teams are sponsored by companies that most of the players on the team work at), and two years ago my dad started a team for his company that I joined (I previously played for the company I was working at). It's a real good way to spend some time with your dad.

05-18-2012, 11:26 AM
the first thing I noticed was the looping push away. Instead of elbow in, and push away towards target, it's elbow out and looping ball around. This will pull off balance. Balance is a lot better, but rest of game may be constricted in development, as it's an adaptation to funky push away. But maybe I'm knit picking? Not a professional coach or anything.

05-20-2012, 02:46 AM
1. You are off balance, you need to keep your balance and follow though towards the pins.
2. You are standing too tall and upright and this is making you loft the ball, you need to bend your knees and get low to the lane. You should not hear a big bang when you release the ball, it should be delivered into the lane smoothly. Your uprightness is another reason you have bad balance. Bend those knees and stay low.
3. You are rearing up on the release, pulling up. Again stay low and flow, relax that arm.
I think if you can do these things you will improve quickly. You are doing very well so far and can only get better.

05-30-2012, 06:02 PM
So I'm getting back into bowling and would like to get more serious about it to join some leagues/tourneys.

Here's the first video I took of myself bowling

This ones a full game, edited down to about 1 1/2 mins, I think I finished high 190's/low 200's.

I had some friends give me some tips which resulted in this video

This is just 4 strikes in a row.

What other areas do you see where I can improve my game?

I'm more interested in how to be more consistent in my shots.

Right now I'm using an 15 pound Ebonite Evolve ball, sometimes I feel the ball is too heavy.

The first video I was using no tape in my thumb hole, second video I had a couple pieces in it and it made my grip a lot better.

Thanks everyone!
You seem to get good results from what you're doing.
What I'm going to suggest may be difficult for you due to injury or soreness. My suggestion is to stay down in your release position on the line - hold it there and get up without that step to the right. I can't help but think it's gotta be affecting your accuracy as you will be in a slightly different position on occasion at release - wheresa if you are steady on the line with a nice knee bend, then it has to give you better accuracy. Imho.

06-01-2012, 06:44 PM
Actually just a couple of minor things would really help with accuracy. 1. You balance arm ends well. The beginning, with thumb down, point it towards your target beginning as soon as you move the ball away from it. Use it as a pendulum to help with both accuracy but also axis tilt and speed control. 2. When you end on your slide foot all your weight is on the front half of your foot. This is a big cause of the constant stepping out of the shot and not posting the finish. Keeping your ball side foot on or very close to the floor will help keep your weight balanced. An improved center of gravity will help with accuracy.

AussieDave is absolutely correct. With the stepping off at the finish you were pulling off at different times each shot.
Good luck and great bowling!