View Full Version : Modern bowling world

02-06-2012, 03:26 PM
I have been going to the USBC Nationals for a dozen years or so. I am typically a 200-205 average bowler (house shot) and nationals is obviously a little lower around 180.

I have outdated equipment (don't even want to tell you how outdated).

I need suggestions for 2 bowling balls to purchase. One for the start of team and the other for into doubles / singles events.

I also need suggestions on drilling layouts that work well on a tournament shot (specifically USBC Nationals).

I don't know about the technology and don't know about the physics of getting balls set up right, RG, differential, mass bias, weight blocks, surface changes, etc.

I typically bowl better with polished vs solid but am up for all suggestions.

USBC we usually are around 13-15 at the arrows with a break point of 9-10.

I usually do better with arc shaped vs skid / flip.

I'd say I throw it medium speed to slightly slower than most, decent revs but not a cranker, and I believe I am a high track.

Any other questions?

Just looking to take advantage of the new technology and get back into the same century (that gives you a guess as to how old my equipment is)

02-29-2012, 09:36 AM
my first suggestion to you would be to watch the kickoff show for the USBC on the bowltv channel on YouTube. The pattern is a lot different this year. Another suggestion would be to listen to the podcast on above180.com with Mo Pinel (link here: http://above180.com/mo-pinel-on-why-you-will-be-shocked-this-year-at-the-usbc-open ) where he discusses the pattern and what equipment to bring. Hope this helps.

02-29-2012, 09:43 AM
well if your looking for new balls go take a look at columbia 300 bowling balls they have a wide verity of bowling balls that can help you maby the best one is the omen i know a couple that threw it and they do perfect with it.

but also track has lot of good balls too like the 716c or 508a both move good that i have seen.

or if you want to get into a big hook take alook at dv8 the hell raiser or the hel raiser revenge both have big hook and for those patterns when big/long oil those balls would work great.

but we can not tell you how to get it ddrilled thats you would have to talk to your pro shop guy about that cause then he canwatch you bowl and see how you should get it drilled to benifit you the most for when u go to turnnys.

but remember thisone thing because u gotanew ball dose not mean your avgs will change remember to practice and find a good line with the ball dose not matter what patter it could be (ths) or a sport pattern you jsut need to find the perfedt line in eather one and just adjust on the other

02-29-2012, 10:54 AM
BOWLWEST73 gave you a good place to start.

When going into a unknown opt for control, don't get fancy. Look at the balls you have, if you like that company stick with it.
I might would go with a Solid, Symmetrical core ball, strong arc type layout, maybe a balance hole to give it some help turning down the lane. But it depends on your style.

The Nat's pattern is usually pretty flat, not much free hook. Also whatever pattern they put out at the start of the tournament, it won't be the same at the end.They tweak it all through the tournament, don't let anyone tell you that they don't. So whatever is working at the start , might not work later on. So check for info about the shot just before you bowl.

If you want two balls and your not sure what you want and willing to take a risk. Get one at home your pretty sure about, then wait and get the other at the tournament. Get there early look at guys that bowl like you and are scoring well. See what they are using and then talk to the ball reps there what they suggest. And get one punched up there.

Also if your get there early enough, watch there is usually some side tournament, test lanes etc. that might be using the pattern and you could bowl on, might at least give you a little idea how it plays.