View Full Version : Dv8

02-25-2012, 06:31 PM
I know the hellraiser and revenge are awesome, but how do the misfit and reckless type stuff stack up with what else is out there? anybody tried it?

02-25-2012, 07:39 PM
hey my buddy has both the misfit and reckless and also the too reckless and he says he perfers any other ball over the misfit it just dose not work for him and his speed the breakpoint alwasy changes and hes has shot 12 300s.

but he says the reckless is good when he plays closer to middle but he says the too reckless is a ball that everyone should have he has got 3 300s with it already and with the reckless his highest game is a 279 and his misfit it a 235.

soo from what he says the misfit is a good ball for dry lanes or alittle more oil but the reckless is a good ballfor medium lanes and the too reckless is perfect for any lane condtion cause u can play lots of lines.

cant say nothing about the hell raiser or hell raiser revenge yet but once my hell raiser revenge comes in i can tell u abit it and how its moves

02-26-2012, 04:31 AM
I haven't tried them but I have been considering getting a misfit for when the conditions are more dry

02-26-2012, 11:01 AM
I love that ball name, the misfit. Get it drilled incorrectly. ;)

02-26-2012, 12:16 PM
Maybe I'll check out a too reckless when I start making more money...but for now my Lanebreaker does everything I need on most houses that I go to.

02-26-2012, 01:39 PM
Also Jamau...nice avatar...Love that movie

02-26-2012, 02:53 PM
Also Jamau...nice avatar...Love that movie

Haha, Thanks.. Fantastic movie indeed.

03-19-2012, 04:28 PM
I own a Misfit, Reckless, Revenge pin down, Revenge pin up (with several coats of polish). Peoples styles and lane conditions are different but I can say this; I easily hook my Reckless as much as my teammate hooks his Critical Theory. we have the same speed and rev rate. We even have the same span with interchangeable thumbs. When it starts getting too dry for his Theory he uses my Reckless and I step down to the Misfit. I'm a tweener naturally but can crank when I want. With the Misfit I have played from straight up the 3 board over to the 35th board depending on how I have felt that day.

03-21-2012, 09:37 AM
yeah i finaly just found a perfect line for my revenge and i finaly got my revs back cause i have been working on my accuracy and reducing my revs helps me work on that more but just last week i just went up and threw the ball over my line and out of nowhere i had my high revs back.

but still working on controlling that again but i will have that done is like a week or 2 cause last sunday i threw a 231 for a 531 series in a turnny and in the game is where i git my revs back right at the start why would they not come abck at the start of the turnny was 5pins from 3rd and 16pins from first