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View Full Version : How does your league handle clowns?

04-01-2012, 08:51 PM
I'm sure everybody has seen the people that get upset and hit the monitors, kick the ball returns, slam the attached swivel chairs, slam their balls on the floor, etc. My question is, as league president how should I address the one meathead we have that constantly does this? It's a mixed four person team league. This person will throw his typical straight ball at an angle and yell about the hook, kick the ball return while blaming the alley for the leave. He also likes to do all the other above mentioned things too. Many, many, people in the league have asked me this year if anything can be done about this clown. He has the worst attitude of any individual I have ever met in my life. For some reason I had to actually say something to him once before he finally stopped screaming at his wife at the top of his lungs (before I was voted president).
I have discussed with a close friend about trying to institute a rule where abusing the equipment would result in first offense; verbal warning second offense; loss of that persons pins for the night third offense; banned from the league
The owner doesn't want to upset people so he tries not to say anything to league bowlers or regulars but he has thanked me several times for saying it for him. I will be the bad guy and help keep the cost down (due to replacement of equipment) and protect his investment.

04-01-2012, 09:38 PM
You just need to pull him aside and tell him that you and others have noticed his actions and are tired of it, and if he continues to act the way he does, then you are going to have to remove him. There is a nicer way of saying all that too if you choose. I know of people who have gotten kicked out of leagues because of their actions. No one should have to tolerate that behavior.

04-01-2012, 10:15 PM
I have discussed with a close friend about trying to institute a rule where abusing the equipment would result in first offense; verbal warning second offense; loss of that persons pins for the night third offense; banned from the league
The owner doesn't want to upset people so he tries not to say anything to league bowlers or regulars but he has thanked me several times for saying it for him. I will be the bad guy and help keep the cost down (due to replacement of equipment) and protect his investment.

Your first stop should be sending a email to the USBC rules dept. Asking for the proper procedures in handling this matter and possible league rules that could be added. I've done that many times, when working on league rules.

But taking a stab at it.

In the USBC rules, you have rules 17 and 115 which might cover some of this.

For a reason to ban/dismiss someone from the league.
look at this
115a. Dismissal of a League Officer or Player
A league member can file a written charge asking for removal of a league officer or dismissal of a player.
1. A player may be dismissed from the league or an officer removed from league office only for any of
the following reasons:
a. Conduct derogatory to the best interest of the league.
b. Any deliberate action which can be proven to be detrimental to the best interest of the team.
c. Violation of any USBC or league rule.

Now You might slip abuse of equipment in under rule 17
17a. Unfair Tactics
An individual can be charged with attempting to gain an unfair advantage in league or tournament play
for the following reasons:
1. Directly or indirectly tampering with lanes, pins or bowling balls so they no longer meet USBC

I believe the league can adopt some conduct rules. The problem comes in figuring the penalties, what you can and can't do.

But in regards to the penalties you suggest, I don't think you can do the loss of pins. Because it penalizes the whole team.

One of my leagues tried having a rule for something (I dont remember what) with that penalty. when they checked with the usbc they said, they couldn't do it because it penalizes the whole team.

Also you should have your Sgt.of Arms go to talk to the players, not the president at least at first.

Most houses have rules against abusing the equipment and ultimately they should tell the player to stop or else be thrown out of the house. If the league can't stop them.

04-01-2012, 10:38 PM
Our president quit during the season and I have heard our secretary is quitting after this season (our daughters are best friends). After being voted president the first thing I did was go to the USBC website and read the rules. I was shocked to learn how much we didn't do as far as organization and such. I have been a team captain in that league since we started bowling five years ago. All I ever heard that I was to do was sign the score sheet. The proper order for the board of directors, adoption and changing of league rules per how the USBC has them written are at the top of my agenda list. I know this league is just a 'fun' league but that shouldn't preclude us from conducting it in a professional and organized manner.
The first time I asked the secretary to see the bank deposit slip she about fell over. In thirteen years it was the first time anyone had asked her to see a deposit slip or to see the accounts ledger. I have known her for years and trust her but there is no way I wouldn't check just to cover my butt, at the very least. (truth is, after the crap my ex-wife pulled with money on me, I trust nobody when it comes to money)

04-01-2012, 10:50 PM
Darn USBC website isn't loading right now. I will try again tomorrow. Thank you
The part where you can't take pins makes sense. I was thinking not wanting to let your teammates down or even letting the team police themselves. Now thinking about it, this guy wouldn't care anyway.
On a side note: I saw this guy scream at the cashier at the gas station because they wouldn't let his 14 year old daughter buy beer. He was with her but didn't have the beer in his hands so they refused to sell it to him, as per Ohio law. The cashier never wavered...I loved it but then had to listen to how stupid it was for the next three weeks.

04-01-2012, 10:54 PM
Send a email to the rules dept. they can answer alot of question.
the address is: rules@bowl.com

Thats like here. We had a new treasurer one time, who got wound up because you had to have two signatures on the checks. (Well we didnt have to have two signatures on the league back up north!).

Thats a requirement for the USBC bonding they provide the league for free. If you don't have that they won't cover the league, if something happens to the money.
(You should have three people who are authorized to sign, in case one isnt there.)

04-02-2012, 01:08 AM
We had a couple get kicked out of my Wednesday league because the husband would come in on drugs, and would do some crazy stuff. Ive seen him punch himself in the face to the point of giving himself black eyes. He calls the women teams some awful names, and just acted like a real prick. Our president let it go for a few weeks and then finally enough was enough.

04-02-2012, 09:10 AM
We only have a few weeks left so I was going to talk to him and maybe he will just not return next year. Still, we need something in place to keep this from being an issue in the future. He bowls in other leagues and acts the same way in them. Why it's tolerated is beyond me.

04-03-2012, 12:12 AM
I overheard my clown mention tonight that he doesn't plan on bowling Saturdays anymore. Made my night but I will still get things in motion to prevent this in the future. Bowl, thank you for all your help.

04-03-2012, 12:37 AM
Yelling at his wife at the top of his lungs? Remove that PoS.

04-03-2012, 01:04 PM
the houses that i have bowled in, make sure there is a rule about abusing the equipment, and what penalties. as for clowns, most leagues have one, some more than one. one of those clowns is on my team, tho he has been on his best behavior since i joined their team, this my fourth season with this league.

04-05-2012, 03:45 AM
Back in the 80's as much as it pains me to say this I was one of those clowns but the
owner of the center at that time just told me to hit the road jack and don't look back
for several months.

While I was banned from our local center I traveled several hours to and from to another
center that a friend of mine owned a Regional PBA player at that time and he taught me
how to control my temper and told me if I ever wanted to become a PBA player I would
have to learn how keep my temper in check or face a hefty fine for each infraction such
as kicking a ball return or cursing out loud or any of the other things.

I'm very proud to say since then I haven't kicked a ball return, hit the seat backs, slammed
my bowling ball(s) down cursed out loud or anything like that.

I guess what I'm trying to say is have the owner threaten to fine him for misuse of the bowling
equipment or ban him or just go ahead and ban him for a while and see if he doesn't come back
with a better attitude next season.

05-12-2012, 01:13 PM
Yelling at his wife at the top of his lungs? Remove that PoS.

x2, also get the biggest intimidating bowler with you in case he wants to start getting in your face

05-12-2012, 04:09 PM
x2, also get the biggest intimidating bowler with you in case he wants to start getting in your face

They all know better than to get in my face ;)

05-28-2012, 03:28 PM
A gentle word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
We have an over-cusser in our league. When he exploded beside me I suggested "Why dont you stop and take the rest of the night off"
He declined, but I replied "The rest of us would really like it if you would."
Perhaps it was enough to shake him out of his imaginary world. Haven't hear his loud yelling or ball slamming into the rack ever since.

05-28-2012, 03:34 PM
I talked to him again on the last night of league and I was very cordial about it. I even said I understood his frustration but it's how he chooses to handle that frustration that defines him as a human being and if he chooses to continue acting like a neanderthal then he can bowl in a cave somewhere else as our league is for adult human beings. He got mouthy a little but I didn't waver, our league, our way. I have seen him a few times since and he has presented himself in a better manner and I hope that carries over to next season.

05-28-2012, 11:04 PM
I have seen this type of person before. Loud mouthed, attitude thinking he is better than everyone else, knows the secratary so he thinks he can get away with this crap. Best thing, pull him to the side right when you see it happen, tell him that he needs to stop abusing the equipment, then talk to the alley manager asking him to keep an eye on that person. If it happens again, the manager can ban him from the bowling center. The league board members don't get a vote on banning someone when it is abusing the centers equipment and is something that the manager of the center decides. Keep in mind there are USBC rules to deal with it when the center doesn't know about it. And then there is the center manager who can play the bad guy in this situation.

05-29-2012, 12:29 AM
haven see such a person that abuses the equipment.. but do hear of 1 guy shouting at the top of his voice at the counter as his ball was stucked behind.. the counter thought the ball had return when she saw a ball rolling out and than canceled the order..