View Full Version : 2 issues, Any words of advice?

04-01-2012, 09:43 PM
My first issue is that I have been pulling the ball a lot lately. Not sure why, some guys I bowl with are telling me that I'm standing up as I'm releasing but not sure if that is the issue.

Second I would like to get more "revs" on the ball. When I'm pitching my most accurate ball, It seems that the ball is not turning over very fast.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

04-01-2012, 10:28 PM
Here take a look at these articles by Ron Clifton about pulling the ball.
Pulling the Ball Part 1 (http://www.bowl4fun.com/ron/tip30.htm)

Pulling the Ball Part 2 (http://www.bowl4fun.com/ron/tip31.htm)

He puts it down to Early Timing.
Early timing happens when the ball reaches the release point slightly sooner than normal.

He lists several possible causes:
Shortened Swing Cycle
Holding The Ball Back
Long first step
Lazy Push Away
Cutting off the backswing
Bending the Elbow
Forcing The Ball

The Grip
Swing Angle
Aiming at your target

04-01-2012, 10:29 PM
Pulling the ball is usually caused by your foot beating the ball to the line. Try slowing your feet down. It should help! As for more revs, try posting a video. It is hard to give you advice without knowing where you are now. Revs are created by cupping the wrist, creating a flat spot at the bottom of the swing, and letting the ball come off the thumb before the fingers, then following through. Most people complaining about having not enough revs, actually have more problems with axis tilt. Look up proper releases and axis tilt on YouTube and see if that helps. Good luck!

04-02-2012, 12:47 AM
When I pull the ball it's because of a long first step which throws off my timing. This will also cause me to rise up at the line, because my other steps will be shortened. If I have time before league starts I perform one of the drills that Joe Slowinski advocates. It helps me with my first step and pushaway. http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/slowinski_push_btm_apr_2007.pdf

04-02-2012, 01:10 AM
You can always go to an open shoulders type of throw, its almost impossible to pull the ball that way.

04-02-2012, 08:20 AM
i use to have this problem starting to bowl after a few days rest. Something I have learned to conciously do is really open up my shoulders before i start my shot. During my stance my feet point toward my target and my shoulders are usually pointing at the left channel. During my shot this keeps me open the whole time and pulling doesn't happen.
As far as revs on the ball... try doing some goofy excersises at home. Throwing a football like a bowling ball into a couch or if you have the luck of having a partner do that. If you can get a perfect spiral that shows a good release then its just throwing to create more revs on the football. It's a good practice to have your hand use good mechanics.
I feel a lot of people over think a lot of things to just change one thing. For me the football thing worked for years and know if my revs die it's because my thumb is not snug enough or i stuck the ball. Otherwise the football dealo create a great hand memory and what it feels like to properly come through the ball.

04-03-2012, 09:34 PM
Thank you all for the encouraging words. I had trouble last night, half way through my second game started to go brooklyn (because of pulling), then lost confidence in the last game. I plan on having good practice session before next weeks match!

04-14-2012, 10:38 PM
Fix the timing first. The pulling and standing up at the foul line are usually from improper timing. This will also cause the balll to grab early and actually decreases revs. In a nutshell, if your timing is off, you will never see a true increase in your rev rate.
The football suggestion is an excellent one that has helped many bowlers.

04-16-2012, 10:37 PM
Well, had a much better night, 174-188-213. Only pulled a couple of times. I slowed my approach down, and when I concentrated on that I was able to hit my mark "most" of the time. Plus we were playing against a team that likes to have fun, and that always helps! again thank for the advice.