View Full Version : Money and bowling

05-05-2012, 01:14 PM
I wounder why professional bowling dosen't have the big money other sports pay. I know when you watch it on tv, its not due to lack of
comercials!!! It seems to have lots of diverse advertisers!!?? Pots seem very small, way under 100,000, in may cases?

05-05-2012, 02:12 PM
It is not really an issue of a number of commercials ran but more the number of viewers reached. Bowling does not have the fan base as other sports such as golf, MLB, NBA and NFL. Bowling has a certain demographic base which is low to middle income, not to say there aren't upper income individuals involved just fewer than most other sports. Bowling has been, for the most part, labeled a working mans sport. So the mentallity is that these demographics do not spend the kind of money needed to benefit the advertisers. The cost of an ad in a bowling tournament cost far less than does the very same commercial run in the Superbowl so the funds are much lower as is the number of people reached who are going to visit the business who ran the ad.

But not a only reason just a large one. The pro bowlers are sponsored and may receive funds, equipment, etc; but again they cannot invest too much money into them for there are hundreds of them, literally. For a tournament there are hundreds signed up to qualify but we only see 4 normally on Sunday yet the payout goes way down the list of entrants paying out to a level of 30 or more bowlers which cuts into the pot. Now if the only bowlers that got prize money were the finalists then they would see much larger winnings. If this were the case the bowling entries would suffer dramatically leaving just a few entered to bowl.

And on a final note the ads sold are not geared towards the payout but to pay the network to run them as it costs money to televise the game, pay the TV staff and so on.

Also another main factor is spectators. When you see a tournament there are less than, lets guess 300 people who paid to see the finals so there is no large revenues as opposed to a football game where there are 50 thousand plus paying to watch.

05-07-2012, 01:27 AM
dgz924s hit the nail on the head with the answer but for me if it were
watching the super bowl or a good bowling finals on TV then the super
bowl would loose out because I'd rather watch bowling.

05-07-2012, 08:27 AM
That's why the women's series folded. But it's not the athletes fault, it the sanctioning body. In the '70s bowling was on TV every Saturday with admirable ratings. If the PBA would actually spend money on real marketing and help mainstream the SPORT of bowling instead of the recreation of bowling, then we might be able to change the public perception then the prize fund accordingly.
With ladies like Stephanie Nation, Diandra Asbaty and Shannon O'Keefe who can appeal to both genders there is no reason that they should not be marketed. The men's side is a little harder in my opinion but the perception is that bowlers are not athletes but rather fat, lazy, beer guzzlers who just roll a ball down the lane. Not saying the men are fat or lazy just that to me they don't please the eye like the ladies. We would need a female perspective to help with that lol

05-07-2012, 09:24 AM
dgz924s is right, particularly about the lack of ticket sales hurting the pot. It's basically a TV product. That means it needs viewers. People just dont watch in the volumes needed to pay big bucks.

That's not really the fault of the "blue collar" viewers either. It's purely numbers. More people equal more ad dollars. Meaning more networks bid against each other to broadcast the events. Advertisers can be found for blue collar sports. look at NASCAR. I know there are rich fans, but they are a minority.

Eyeballs equal dollars. Is the USBC's role to create bigger events or expand the sports base? i know i watch more now because I bowl more.

05-07-2012, 01:49 PM
dgz924s is right, particularly about the lack of ticket sales hurting the pot. It's basically a TV product. That means it needs viewers. People just dont watch in the volumes needed to pay big bucks.

That's not really the fault of the "blue collar" viewers either. It's purely numbers. More people equal more ad dollars. Meaning more networks bid against each other to broadcast the events. Advertisers can be found for blue collar sports. look at NASCAR. I know there are rich fans, but they are a minority.

Eyeballs equal dollars. Is the USBC's role to create bigger events or expand the sports base? i know i watch more now because I bowl more.

I shall make it my goal then, that when or if I make it on TV one day, I act like one crazy SOB to drive the ratings up! As a matter of fact, we shall all plan to do this if or when any of us make it on TV. I'm thinking Pete Weber on 15 energy drinks type of crazy.

05-07-2012, 06:25 PM
I think Pete Weber on apple juice would get your there!! (:) Your right!! Thats what it takes to get ratings!! Jayson, if you get to the big time tv bowling, maybe a
Mohawk, hair cut, dyed oragne, maybe a tatto on your forehead saying Born to Bowl! Wear a ventage leasure suit from the 60s, (before you were born), and maybe
some Flash Gordon winged bowling shoes. I think there are things that could help bowling a lot that are not being done. People love crazy!, (not me), but most people!
Look at some of the crazy stuff on TV that people watch, reality shows, (again not me)! Look at some of your HIGH PAiD basketball players, and football! Some the ones
with the largest following are the crazies!!!! I will be watching for you!!!

05-07-2012, 10:01 PM
A couple of the top bowlers that are friends should get together and start a rivalry. Other sports fake rivalries so why not bowling? Belmo and Rash started last year but the way they acted this year to each other you can tell it was real.
I still think a smart exec at Storm planted the heckling fan for Weber's sake. He bowls better mad so what better way to get an "edge" over the competition? I don't understand the the "Who are you?! I am!" comment though. Must be age lol

05-07-2012, 10:51 PM
A couple of the top bowlers that are friends should get together and start a rivalry. Other sports fake rivalries so why not bowling? Belmo and Rash started last year but the way they acted this year to each other you can tell it was real.
I still think a smart exec at Storm planted the heckling fan for Weber's sake. He bowls better mad so what better way to get an "edge" over the competition? I don't understand the the "Who are you?! I am!" comment though. Must be age lol

seems weird to call it a plant. I mean at least 2 of the 4 tv guys were storm anyway. (can't remember who sponsors shaffer at the moment). so you didn't really need to plant a heckler for that reason. you were almost garunteed to have a storm guy in the finals.

and the who do you think you are...I am... well pete was just out of his mind excited/old/crazy all at once i supppose

05-08-2012, 01:18 AM
Keep in mind that the PBA ahs to pay for its TV time and production costs. That was part of the reason for the WSOB so they could save some money

05-08-2012, 08:18 AM
You guys are right! Do any of you remember the Billy Jean King tennis, what was his name???, challenge back in the 70s!! Tennis was at its TOP! You coulden't find a tennis court to play on in the kansas city area. It was hot! And part of what made it that was was the challenge of the Best woman player of the time, going up against a guy that
was at best a little above average, and way past his time for tennis, I think he was in his 40's..... I'll remember his name as soon as I post this. Riggs/Briggs not sure..... I think that was his name, . GEEEEEEEE Did That put tennis on the MAP!!! I remember to this day, what a production that was!! Maybe Bowling neeeds that too... I don't think it would diminish the sport at all if done tastefully! Just my 2 cents!

05-08-2012, 08:26 AM
Bobby Riggs. That was quite the deal back then

05-08-2012, 09:27 AM
Kelly Kulick won the Tournament of Champions January 24, 2010 defeating Chris Barnes in the final. First women to win a major in the mens division. I didn't see it in the paper, on the news, nothing.

05-08-2012, 09:59 AM
We just have to admit to ourselves that bowling isnt a great spectator sport to the masses. It's a niche sport for very specific people. I think of all the people who bowl and I know for sure they are not watching on tv.

It's easy to see interest level. How many forums are there for bowling? Think of any other activity/hobby/sport/tv show/movie/anything and check for forums. You'll see that the interest level for bowling is centerd around just that. Bowling. It just doesnt extend to TV and the net.

It's like Soccer. It's been the most played sport in this country for decades now and it barely makes a blip as a spectator sport. (And by the way it's my favorite sport to watch, so I know the pain of supporting what you feel is an underappreciated sport.)

05-08-2012, 11:34 PM
Maybe I am strange but I have to put bowling right up there at the top for watching!! Unlike you, I do not like watching soccer. Low scoring lots of back and forth with nothing happening! (Don't get me wrong, Many people love to watch the sport, but I am not one of them). I had all 3 of my boys when they were young play the game in youth league, but even then it was like pulling teeth for me. I have a GREAT appreciation of bowling now that I never had before.
Its not only fun to watch for me, but I can appreciate all thats involved in playing the game now. It takes a SMART bowler to get the high scores now days.
I tape all the weekend tournaments when ever their on! I would rather watch Bowling then the the Royals, and MAYBE even more then the Chiefs, (depending on who they are playing). Me personally I don't get it. I really enjoy bowling, and watching it live, and on tv!