View Full Version : Which ball for upgade ?

05-07-2012, 12:32 AM
i want to upgrade a little from the ebonite cyclone and basically add another ball to the arsenal dont want anything extreme something thats a nice good upgrade from the cyclone....

-Ebonite Game Changer
-Storm Crossroad
-Track 505c
-Track 508a
-Track 716t

was looking at these....

05-07-2012, 01:20 AM
If I were upgrading from a cyclone and didn't want anything really
extreme then I would think very seriously about either one of these
balls here as both of these bowling balls are very good and not very
extreme or over aggressive.

Ebonite Game Changer
or the Storm Crossroad

05-07-2012, 01:47 AM
If I were upgrading from a cyclone and didn't want anything really
extreme then I would think very seriously about either one of these
balls here as both of these bowling balls are very good and not very
extreme or over aggressive.

Ebonite Game Changer
or the Storm Crossroad

thanks got_a_300 i will be going to the local proshop to test these out tmr...
anyone else please feel free to cmmt and share with me...!

05-07-2012, 08:19 AM
Given the last thread you had for this same topic, you seem set on Track. Not sure why but the new Track stuff and I just don't seem to get along well therefor I will refrain from suggesting a brand you don't want. Good luck with the test.

05-07-2012, 09:10 AM
thanks got_a_300 i will be going to the local proshop to test these out tmr...
anyone else please feel free to cmmt and share with me...!

I fail to see how one tests a ball out? Unless the shop has a ball you are interested in drilled to your specs. Perhaps a bowler has one to tryout but still not the same and not really a good indicator of how the ball reacts for you. May I suggest you call BowlingBall.com and speak to a tech, tell them what you have now and what you want in a ball. Take those suggested ball names in mind to the lanes and have a coach or pro shop tech look at your delivery then determine which of those balls is best suited for you.

And just to add to Bill's comment but from a different angle. I have yet to see a pro bowler in the finals using Track equipment. Not to say there are none just all the finals I have seen have been Storm/Roto Grip, Brunswick and Ebonite as having the most appearances. Storm being the most reaching the finals.

05-07-2012, 09:43 AM
Storm/Roto-Grip have been dominating the past few years. Don't think it's all product though. In my opinion, it's the ball reps on site. Del Ballard and Hank Boomershine are very intelligent people who know their product better than anybody. When they make a suggestion to a bowler you very seldom hear them questioned about it.
When you have a good product and hire the best reps success will follow. Brunswick has really picked up the level of their product lately especially since unleashing the DV8 brand. Ronnie Russell actually tripled his number of shows made this year using DV8 Too Reckless, their intermediate level ball. Two of the shows I thought he would have a chance to win if he had more experience in how the TV lights would affect the pattern and went to the Hell Raiser Revenge.
A lot of the manufacturer's products are so close in quality and ability within the rating that it really becomes a preference. Having good bowlers and great reps increases your exposure and therefor sales.

07-03-2012, 11:30 PM
I fail to see how one tests a ball out? Unless the shop has a ball you are interested in drilled to your specs. Perhaps a bowler has one to tryout but still not the same and not really a good indicator of how the ball reacts for you. May I suggest you call BowlingBall.com and speak to a tech, tell them what you have now and what you want in a ball. Take those suggested ball names in mind to the lanes and have a coach or pro shop tech look at your delivery then determine which of those balls is best suited for you.

And just to add to Bill's comment but from a different angle. I have yet to see a pro bowler in the finals using Track equipment. Not to say there are none just all the finals I have seen have been Storm/Roto Grip, Brunswick and Ebonite as having the most appearances. Storm being the most reaching the finals.

I know my comment is a few months late but i think you overlooked a pro bowler who played well last season using Track. And this is none other than the King of Swing Mike Fagan. I think he won a couple of tournaments, including a Major.

07-03-2012, 11:40 PM
I fail to see how one tests a ball out? Unless the shop has a ball you are interested in drilled to your specs.

They have interchangeable finger grips and thumb sleeves that allow changes in span along with finger and thumb size. So with a specified span drilled it could cover over 90% of bowlers.

07-03-2012, 11:47 PM
DV8 has a winner now with Kelly Kulick who won the USBC Women's championship throwing a new Zombie plastic spare ball.

J Anderson
07-03-2012, 11:51 PM
I fail to see how one tests a ball out? Unless the shop has a ball you are interested in drilled to your specs. Perhaps a bowler has one to tryout but still not the same and not really a good indicator of how the ball reacts for you. May I suggest you call BowlingBall.com and speak to a tech, tell them what you have now and what you want in a ball. Take those suggested ball names in mind to the lanes and have a coach or pro shop tech look at your delivery then determine which of those balls is best suited for you.

And just to add to Bill's comment but from a different angle. I have yet to see a pro bowler in the finals using Track equipment. Not to say there are none just all the finals I have seen have been Storm/Roto Grip, Brunswick and Ebonite as having the most appearances. Storm being the most reaching the finals.

My local shop has some demo balls that take inter-changable thumbs and finger inserts. They have thee or four of each ball with different spans. They guess the approximate span and put in the right size inserts for your fingers and thumbs. Obviously the spans won't be perfect and it will be a basic layout, but it gives you a better idea than just reading ball reviews.

07-04-2012, 12:44 AM
DV8 has a winner now with Kelly Kulick who won the USBC Women's championship throwing a new Zombie plastic spare ball.

WRONG !! Shannon O'keefe was throwing DV8, Missy Parkin 900 Global and kELLY WAS THROWING eBONITE AS SHE IS ON THEIR STAFF

07-04-2012, 12:51 AM
WRONG !! Shannon O'keefe was throwing DV8, Missy Parkin 900 Global and kELLY WAS THROWING eBONITE AS SHE IS ON THEIR STAFF

You're right. I had brain freeze there for a minute.

07-04-2012, 01:34 AM
that's ok. When it happens to me it's a "senior moment" LOL

07-05-2012, 01:11 AM
The first thing I did when I read that Kelly was throwing the Zombie was go to DV8's website to see if they pulled off a major coup...unfortunately not yet. Getting Shannon O'Keefe from Storm was a great move but would definitely be a second to signing Kelly. Now I wonder how many majors (even mens) she could win with the better equipment of DV8, hmmm

07-05-2012, 01:25 AM
Sorry Bill, Didn't mean to get your hopes up. lol I knew that Kelly threw Ebonite as well as I know anything but I think my brain just locked up. I was working on 3 different things as usual when I made that post.