View Full Version : Any Diabetics in the house?

05-07-2012, 09:22 AM
After reading a reply to a thread the individual mentioned he/she was a Diabetic made me wonder how many bowlers here are? So I ask what type you are? Do you have any issues keeping BG levels normal while bowling, particularly in a tournament setting where things can really be at a fast pace with little time to eat between class changes?

I am also a diabetic of over 30 years, Type 1 and on a pump. My A1c is at 5.1...I have had some issues keeping my levels up and have had a few games where I dipped down to the 40's but I always have a bottle of sugar based soft drink in my bag.

05-08-2012, 02:12 AM
I was diagnosed in the mid 80's and due to a streefull job had a lot of troubles with my sugars, I have been able to keep my sugar under reasonable control for the last 7 or 8 years but a lot of damage had already been done. The foot problem,loss of eyesight ED etc. I keep candy in my bag and usually have a soda while i bowl just to make sure i don't drop.Once i get home i recheck my sugar and then take the correct amount of Insulin R to bring my sugars back in line

Florida Bowler
05-14-2012, 01:05 PM
I was diagnosed as type 2 in 2001. Bowling was something that helped bring my sugar down. I haven't bowled in a few years now, but I'm trying to work it back into my schedule and budget. It's a delicate balance making sure my sugar is high enough to not crash during the 3 games, but not so high that it affects my concentration and focus. I do try to keep a snack handy just in case. And there is always a dollar in my bag just in case I need to get something from the snack bar, although I think I'm going to raise that to $3, as it seems that things are a little more expensive now.