View Full Version : Bowling, the good bowlers , owe their high scores 2?

05-10-2012, 10:58 PM
1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Just a gift DNA
4. Beer
5. The hard stuff
6. Their Wifes/girlfriend
7. knowledge from BowlingBoards.com
8. John Wayne

I am wondering what percent you think each has to do with a bowler with a 200 plus, (which is not me yet), but I am working on it. What do I need to
get me there.... time is running out for me!!

05-11-2012, 11:39 PM
Those with the gift just don'r have to work as hard as the rest of us.
4,6,8 0%
1 & 2 45% one without the other is useless
7 10% knowledge is power

3 if you have this the others go down at double the percentage this equals. Those who just add this, they become pro's

05-14-2012, 06:33 PM
I was always told that 90% of bowling is a Mental game and 10% was Physical
so I guess the Beer and the hard stuff and the wifes/girlfriends along with the
knowledge from BowlingBoards.com are just the icing on the cake and those with
just a gift of DNA are the ones we all watch on TV.

05-14-2012, 07:42 PM
I do agree that a LOT OF BOWLING is MENTAL, and also Focus!!! I would put the mental at 50 %,,, but then what do I know, I still learning!!

05-14-2012, 08:12 PM
I think the percentages are a moving target.

I'm just coming back to bowling after a lengthy layoff, but I can see parallels between it and just about any activity that requires both brains and brawn.

You have to start out heavy on the physical (strength, conditioning, mechanics...) and get to a place where much of this side becomes second nature.
It's at that point that the mental game really starts to come into play.

You can have laser-like focus and the ability to shut out absolutely everything around you but that ability is, IMHO, meaningless if you can't deliver a consistent, repetitive shot.

05-15-2012, 09:16 AM
I agree with you thoughts Jay! I would say my biggest problem when I do bad is having a ((repetitive shot, hitting my mark right on))!! When I do, I have had some really good games for a new bowler at 63 now. 298 once 289 twice, 268s ect..... I have had a best series of 692, but not long ago a 661,, 268, 212, 181. I would say focus!! like golf, keeping the head down. If I hit my mark, I do well! If i let myself get distracted,,, then I do poorly!

05-15-2012, 09:29 AM
Even the pros still work on both the mental and physical side of their game. Guys like Sean Rash, who have all the physical tools ever needed, need to spend more on the mental side. Tommy Jones, given his injuries the past few years, needs more physical work than mental. He may be the most mentally tough player on tour!

05-15-2012, 10:49 AM
billf good points,,,, I agree with your thoughts, Sean Rash, have watched him all last winter, he finally did it at the end...(won a big one)! I will have to go to u tube to research Tommy Jones..

05-15-2012, 11:50 AM
billf good points,,,, I agree with your thoughts, Sean Rash, have watched him all last winter, he finally did it at the end...(won a big one)! I will have to go to u tube to research Tommy Jones..

definitely research Tommy Jones. He is amazing to watch just don't try his release. I have but can't control it like he does plus at my age it starts to hurt:eek:

05-15-2012, 12:08 PM
Being born into the bowling world doesn't hurt either! Many are children of bowling center owners so they got a very early start and with that comes experience and experience means years of practice. Physically pertains more to health and condition versus brawn, look at Parker Bohn III or Amleto Monacelli, PDW, none of which are considered physical beasts yet they had great success.

For me, I believe technique and emotion are the 2 most important aspects. Technique is achieved by practice, emotion on the other hand is much tougher monster to conquer, although a few beers can certainly tame it!!:)