View Full Version : Hell Raser vs Hell raser revenge

05-14-2012, 08:38 PM
I have read the spec's on the ball, but in the real world out there, what has been your thoughts of the two balls... Is there much differance? If so in what way!
I know a lot has to do with how the ball is drilled. Its and ART knowing your style of bowling, and what way to drill the ball in order to enhance your bowling.
Its not just the ball, I guess I am trying to say, it can be the best ball in the world and if it does not suit your STYLE of bowling, then you just have a ball!
Maybe I am wrong, but I am learning, just stared a few years ago. but loving every minute of it!!!! Come on first 300... and 700 series!!!!!! This summer I hope!!

05-14-2012, 09:36 PM
the differnce between the the hell raiser and the hell raiser revenge is that the HRR is a solid ball is strongly agressive on the backend i got the HRR and i got mine for a early roll cause i can bowl 2 different wasy stroker or crancker and with the HRR i throw it crancker style.

but the hell raiser i have not thrown it but ik some people that have it but it is polished and it ment to go down the lane more then the HRR and it will hook alittle less then the HRR but i can say this my buddy wished he has the HRR but when he seen me throw mine he decided not to get one cause its really agressive.

but if u want a big strong hook on the backend then get the hell raiser revenge u will need to stand more left then normal but if u want abit more length and alittle less hook then the hell raiser will do great.

also i could of used any of the DV8 drillings but they would make the ball too strong and brunswick is DV8 soo we took the layout out of a brunswick layouts we picked (maximum hook & arc) cause it will keep it agressive and still work on heavy oiled lanes

05-14-2012, 10:27 PM
I own two HRR. One is drilled pin over ring finger 1 3/4" AND has 7 coats of polish on it. When I stroke with it I stand on 20 and throw it across 10 break point at 2 at 20mph at the 48' mark. Tweener I stand on 32 cross the arrows at 15 break point at the 5. I haven't really cranked it yet, haven't had to.
The one drilled pin under, between the finger holes. That ball is too strong for league for me. In a 44' house shot I stood on the 20 board of the lane NEXT to me, lofted the gutter crossing the arrows around the 35 board with a break at the 2 board and STILL HIT THE POCKET! This is strictly a heavy oil, long pattern ball for me.

After throwing a friends regular Hell Raiser (thank goodness for interchangeable thumbs) and would say the difference between this ball and my pin up ball is about 8 boards further right on the approach with this selection. This ball is also drilled pin up but not quite as drastic as mine.
I have also thrown the Too Reckless and own the rest of the line up so any questions, just ask!

05-15-2012, 12:44 AM
thanks for the information Striker12..... I plan on getting a new ball, but my wife said we are getting bowling ball poor!! I have 5 ball, and just started bowling two years ago.
I am not a cranker, like my frind Jason. It amazes me how much spin some of them can get. ( not sure if its cranker, or spinner,, humm VERY high rev's) I will learn all the
shop talk as I progress. I was also looking at Storm balls! Any there you would recommend.... I always talk to the pro at NKC, for advice. He watches me bowl a little, then helps me pick a good ball and recommends a drilling pattern. So far so good. He recomended the strike ball I have now called Undefeated. Good price 149.00 including drilling.
He drilled them two different ways, and Man does it make a differance on how the ball breaks.... I am learning and enjoying it very much!!! thanks for the advice!!

05-15-2012, 12:49 AM
billf,,, question: Does more coats make a differance,,, you mentioned 7 coats of polish. Does one or two react differant then 7 coats???? I am beginning to see that
its not JUST the ball, but knowing your style, and drilling the ball to suit your delivery! So I take it your ball of choice is DV8 Hellraiser for strike ball. Or do you use it
only when lanes dictate?

05-15-2012, 04:18 AM
I own two HRR. One is drilled pin over ring finger 1 3/4" AND has 7 coats of polish on it. When I stroke with it I stand on 20 and throw it across 10 break point at 2 at 20mph at the 48' mark. Tweener I stand on 32 cross the arrows at 15 break point at the 5. I haven't really cranked it yet, haven't had to.
The one drilled pin under, between the finger holes. That ball is too strong for league for me. In a 44' house shot I stood on the 20 board of the lane NEXT to me, lofted the gutter crossing the arrows around the 35 board with a break at the 2 board and STILL HIT THE POCKET! This is strictly a heavy oil, long pattern ball for me.

Billf, I gotta ask, if you're putting 7 coats of polish on the HRR, wouldn't that significantly reduce its aggressive hook? Not to say that's a bad thing at all, but if you like throwing with such less hook, why not just have a ball that hooks less? Or does the 7 coats really not effect the ball that much and the HRR still has a mean hook on it (but likely still less than the factory finish)?

05-15-2012, 09:00 AM
The polish allows it to hook much later but still harder than any other ball I have thrown. The initial thought behind it was to get the break late enough that I could use it during league. Unfortunately our center the oil dries way too quick so I can only use it a few frames. After that I use the Nexxus if I want to play deep or Reckless to move a little right. Game two is usually the Misfit with game three being either the Storm Natural Pearl or my plastic Storm Ice, depending on how dry it is.
The HRR works great at other lanes that actually use some oil and of course tournaments.
There are guys that purchased the HRR after seeing mine. Both of then have medium speed, very little revs and throw fairly straight. All they changed was moved 3-5 boards left at laydown and target went from the second arrow to the first. Both of their averages went up and they really love that ball.

05-15-2012, 10:21 AM
billf,,, sounds like a good ball for our lane conditions... they have one of those new oil machines that sprays the oil, cleans all in one trip, then moves to the next lane on its own!
Can't think of the name but it was like 40,000 I heard. Does a great job! But many are unhappy with the way their scores were going down. ( I think its just a matter of adjusting to the new equipment). I have noticed scores are coming up now,,, and many 300 games! I am thinking about getting a new strike ball..... I have average to above average speed, decent rev's, but lots of times I have to throw the ball much slower then feels comfortable with fresh oil.... with the HRR, do you think I could put the more comfortable speed back into my game?? If not the HRR, does storm make a ball that works great on oil, ((((and smells good too))) (:)

05-15-2012, 10:41 AM
As long as you have decent speed you should have no problem with the HRR. The Vivid comes in at second but that's just my opinion.
I may have to come visit just to see this lane oiler. Since they serviced our old one last year it's thinner so they just made the pattern longer. This is great for the low speed, low rev guys as they just let the ball run along the edge of the pattern and to the pocket. I could just use my plastic the whole time but that won't get me to my long term goals of being an overall better bowler.

05-15-2012, 10:56 AM
If you decide to come take a look, drop me a line and I will introduce you to the mechanic that takes care of the alley. He is a friend of mine! I will get the name of the machine and get back with you! I think I could learn a lot from you!! I love the sport, and hate the fact that I found this love so late in life!!!! I hope thats true what my grandma use to say,,,, (thunder was angles bowling in heaven)!! I just hope they have good equipment up there!! (:) lol

05-15-2012, 11:46 AM
I'm positive they have good equipment in heaven but I don't think we will be able to use Hell Raisers. I started later than most people also. I was around 36 or 37. I feel like I have been playing catch up since. If it wasn't for my daughter's friends talking her into trying out for the bowling team and her frustration at being so bad at first, I wouldn't have started then. I have been bowling year round trying to learn what all I can and really hope this coming season can be my first without a serious injury.

05-15-2012, 02:09 PM
You sound like a good father!!! And,, very funny about the hell raiser revenge.... not a good subject in heaven I bet lol..lol (:)
Your learned a lot for a short time, and I for one appreciate your tips, and knowledge!!!