View Full Version : Stunk it up tonight

05-14-2012, 11:42 PM
After having pretty good score my first week of league, I stunk it up tonight with a 111 124 116. I got a new ball last week and had been working on establishing a hook with a fingertip grip but went back to the conventional grip straight ball for league tonight. Really messed me up and I couldn't hit my marks to save my rear. Going to have to get my 3 free game a day pass tp good use this week and work on consistently hitting my marks.

05-15-2012, 01:07 AM
ursus,,, I am new to this (couple years), but one thing I have learned about bowling is: Just when I think I have it down,,,,, along comes a stinking outing!! Not unlike golf. Its like that Clint Eastwood Movie,,, The Good, the Bad, and sometimes the UGLY!! You will have your share of Good ones my FRIEND... hang in there... and good luck!! Thats what makes it the fun sport it is.... If it was easy, and we did well all the time,,, what fun would that be!! The very fact that it is the way it is, ,, is,,,, what appeals to me!!

05-15-2012, 01:31 AM
i'm trying to improve my scores too.. but cant seems to get it up consistently >_<

05-15-2012, 05:15 AM
i'm trying to improve my scores too.. but cant seems to get it up consistently >_<

don't worry.. i've been playing for almost 2 years and my avg is only 160-180 (i think).. just be patient, practice, practice and practice.. takes dedication and patience to raise your averages.. when i started out, my avg was about 100, then when small things came together, the avg rose to 110 and so on.. bit by bit..