View Full Version : Shur cushion

05-19-2012, 12:27 AM
I received my Shur Cushions in the mail yesterday from www.bowlingball.com and tried them tonight....I love it. Feels snug, almost like it's too tight yet my thumb slid out smoothly with that nice pop sound and no pain with the callous on the back of my thimb. Definitely recommend.
Sorry but I couldn't recall what thread we were discussing this product in.

05-19-2012, 11:14 AM
I agree billf,,,, it worked great for me too!! I would recommend it for certain thumb problems,,,,! And thats a good way of putting it..tumb hole snug, but ball comes off the thumb slick!!

05-19-2012, 02:18 PM
I used to use those a long time ago. The cushion gets a too flat with use so you have to keep replacing them. And since I soak the bowling balls, it doesn't last through that either. But it did work when they were fresh. Now I just adjust with tape if needed. I think using tape on the thumb hole and on my thumb works best for me.

05-19-2012, 04:09 PM
I use interchangeable thumbs so the soaking of the ball won't be a problem as long as I remember to remove the thumb lol

05-19-2012, 09:28 PM
I was waiting to see what you thought of the Shur Cushion. What size did you end up using? I haven't ordered mine yet.

05-19-2012, 11:08 PM
I was waiting to see what you thought of the Shur Cushion. What size did you end up using? I haven't ordered mine yet.
I ordered the 2 smaller sizes thinking the 3/8 sounded too big. I used the 1/8 in my spare ball and the 1/4 in my IT. Will probably use the rest (ordered 3 of each 1/8 & 1/4) in my other ITs.

06-28-2012, 03:30 PM
I tried the Magic Carpet by Ron Clifton this week. 10 games so far. It's more durable than the shur cushion but not as comfortable. It actual tore a small part of my thumb, on the backside just below the knuckle. I haven't given up on it yet but it does seem to not fit as tight as the shur cushion. The cushion didn't last a week before the sweat, etc caused it to come apart.

06-28-2012, 03:52 PM
The cushion didn't last a week before the sweat, etc caused it to come apart.

I just had a bad feeling that was going to happen I tried something like them
years ago or it might be the same ones and they all did the same thing after a
few games they just fell all to pieces.