View Full Version : Who The Hell Is Mo Pinel

05-19-2012, 11:31 PM
I frequently visit another forum (well many others)
But the one in particular is run and moderated by someone by the name of Mo Pinell
As I live in Australia Ive never heard of this guy
I was going to ask on that forum but to save embarrassment Ill ask here

It seems on that forum what he says Gospel even tho I think he is wrong on a number of things

05-20-2012, 02:51 AM
Mo Pinel is a ball designer who has been around for years and has designed many great asymetrical balls such as the original 3d offset hammer. He is also the Mo of MoRich. He is considered by many to be The Man as far as ball motion is concerned

05-20-2012, 08:31 AM
Mo Pinel is a ball designer who has been around for years and has designed many great asymetrical balls such as the original 3d offset hammer. He is also the Mo of MoRich. He is considered by many to be The Man as far as ball motion is concerned

Also worked on developing the Dual Angle Layout method at MoRich.

05-20-2012, 10:20 AM
I know the forum of which you speak. He has a terrible hair-do (or hair-don't) but is well respected in bowling circles. He got into a famous tiff with Bill Taylor, I think it was. He's been a guest on the Let's Go Bowling Show and Phantom Radio if you'd like to check out their archived shows. Don't know if he's been on Talk Ten Pin.

05-20-2012, 03:09 PM
Love MoRich balls, wow that sounds bad :p He even has a deal where if you are a member of their forums you get exclusive price breaks on all their balls.

05-21-2012, 10:05 AM
I frequently visit another forum (well many others)
But the one in particular is run and moderated by someone by the name of Mo Pinell
As I live in Australia Ive never heard of this guy
I was going to ask on that forum but to save embarrassment Ill ask here

It seems on that forum what he says Gospel even tho I think he is wrong on a number of things

He's someone who knows a heckuva lot about bowling. If you think he's wrong about something bowling related, you are *probably* mistaken.

05-22-2012, 04:51 AM
As far as I know Mo also came up with the ideal for the
Armadillo for those that do not know what an Armadillo
is it is a Axis Point Locator used to find your PAP the easy
way and for those that do not know what it looks like here
you go the Armadillo (http://shop.innovativebowling.com/Armadillo-Armadillo.htm) Mo Pinel is a pretty smart guy and he
knows what he is talking about.