View Full Version : How many NO slide bowlers are out there?

05-19-2012, 11:51 PM
I don't slide at all! Anyone else bowl without the slide. I feel more balanced and in control when I don't slide!

05-20-2012, 12:04 AM
Me. It started by accident. I haven't been able to find the right combination with my SSTs to slide and push with any steadiness. Then it became worse when I was bowling blind.

05-20-2012, 12:34 AM
It looked like you didn't slide... and you have a good delevery and rotation on ball! Do you think it makes a differance? I don't!! I have tried the slide thing, and its not as comfortable to me. I know you have had a lot of GREAT GAMES with your style!!

05-20-2012, 11:38 AM
I actually think my accuracy has improved without sliding. With the slide I didn't always stop at the same spot. Without sliding I stop where I intend and when I use my balance arm correctly, which I didn't do in that video, I get good rotation, arc and power on the release. Another thing I have been trying to do is keep by non-slide foot down. I'm really surprised how hard that change has been to do.

05-20-2012, 12:36 PM
I would say your right ON!! I have tried both ways, and for sure my bowling,,, and I have had some really good games, (((ask Jason (:)) Not sliding! Much better contro, and balance! When I do the slide it feels like being on a ICE frozen Pond! I sure the slide works for most bowlers, but with my 298, some 289s and 268,, ect and now a 716 series.
All I can say is it works for me!!! I just started bowling a little over 2 years ago, have only been on a few leagues, but this winter I am bowling on two. I will be bowling at two different AMF alleys.... So it will be a blast seeing how grandpa can do even with all my physical problems! I actually feel better this year then last! There were a few times, the pain was such that I thought I would not be able to finish, but I always did! This winterr, and summer no pain! Must be doing something right!!
Any way, it good to know that there are others that prefer the no slide delivery!!

05-20-2012, 11:21 PM
i prefer to slide.. :D although most of the time my slide is only a little, sometimes more..

05-21-2012, 12:01 AM
i prefer to slide.. :D although most of the time my slide is only a little, sometimes more..

I guess we're pretty much the same.. I don't slide much.. Maybe just a slight little bit..

05-21-2012, 12:23 AM
I guess we're pretty much the same.. I don't slide much.. Maybe just a slight little bit..

from your posts here (and in other threads), seems like we're pretty much similar bowlers.. lol..

05-21-2012, 07:57 AM
from your posts here (and in other threads), seems like we're pretty much similar bowlers.. lol..

how your ball rolls? which angle start? maybe we're similar :)

05-21-2012, 09:58 AM
The biggest reason to slide, is not for accuracy, but it's less stress on your knee joints than coming to an abrupt halt. If you do a lot of bowling over a long period of time (or short period of time for some people), you are likely to have knee problems if you never slide.

05-21-2012, 10:25 AM
I can't even imagine what it would be like to not slide in my approach. My whole approach relies on it....if my left foot sticks, I'm going flying :)

05-21-2012, 11:26 AM
Interesting Jaydee, I might be different in another respect! I have a very slow, controled approach! No pressure or abrupt halt!! With me its a very comfortable delevery! It has to be due to the fact I have RA, arthritis. I found out I had this 5 years ago when I woke up and couldent open my hands! I then researched all there is in regards to RA!
The doctors wanted to put me on DRUGS! I am not into drugs! You always rob Peter to pay Paul!! I have been doing GREAT doing all natural things......diet,,, supplements,ect.
My knees gave me some problems last year,,, a few times when bowling, I thought I would have to quit! But for over a year now, I think I have found the right balance between working out, what foods to eat, and not eat, and supplements! My approach, puts no stress on my body at all. I sometimes bowl 10 12 games with Jason, or my wife!
The doctors call me a PUZZLE, and anigma!! All Natural!! Thats my approach

05-21-2012, 12:35 PM
I've had 9 right knee surgeries. Was told in '93 that I would need a knee replacement but could only be done once so wait as long as possible. I currently have no miniscus or cartilage in my right knee. For some odd reason I feel less knee pain without the slide and don't know why.

05-21-2012, 02:04 PM
I've had 9 right knee surgeries. Was told in '93 that I would need a knee replacement but could only be done once so wait as long as possible. I currently have no miniscus or cartilage in my right knee. For some odd reason I feel less knee pain without the slide and don't know why.

Sliding is going to promote better health in your opposite knee. So if you are right handed, that's not the knee I would worry about, I'd worry about the left knee. I'm sure there are some odd cases where a delivery will feel better without slide, but by and large, sliding will help protect your knee of the opposite hand you throw with.

J Anderson
05-21-2012, 05:52 PM
Sliding is going to promote better health in your opposite knee. So if you are right handed, that's not the knee I would worry about, I'd worry about the left knee. I'm sure there are some odd cases where a delivery will feel better without slide, but by and large, sliding will help protect your knee of the opposite hand you throw with.

I think Bill has mentioned that he bowls lefty sometimes,( I think just to irritate people with inflexible minds ).

05-21-2012, 10:14 PM
I think Bill has mentioned that he bowls lefty sometimes,( I think just to irritate people with inflexible minds ).

You're absolutely correct John. I bowl both lefty and righty neither with a slide. I signed up tonight for a doubles 9 pin no tap league and I get to be my own partner! At least I know my partner will be there when I get there lol

05-22-2012, 12:39 AM
I can't even imagine what it would be like to not slide in my approach. My whole approach relies on it....if my left foot sticks, I'm going flying :)

same with me.. if i don't slide, i'm flying off the ground..

05-22-2012, 12:40 AM
for me, it just doesn't feel right if i dont slight the slightest bit.. feel that the momentum is being broken..

05-22-2012, 05:22 AM
Way back in my younger days I had a very long slide almost a Marshall Holman
type slide if anyone remembers how he used to slide to the foul line I was kind
of like him I pretty much went in a fast heavy charge at the foul line and then a
long slide. I used to get going so fast sometimes both of my feet would fly out
from under me and I'd land flat of my back and still make my spare or strike and
hardly ever fouled from it happening.

Now days I have hardly any slide at all as I have Osteoarthritis in both of my knees
so my approach has tremendously slowed way down almost to a craw well maybe not
quite that slow not yet anyway.

MICHAEL what kind of foods do you eat, and not eat, and what supplements do you take
to help with your knees?

05-23-2012, 09:42 AM
If you give me a email address I will put togerther a word document with a list,,,,, quite a few various vitamins and suplemenst in regards to natural items like turmeric, ginger....with meals,,, THE KEY is finding out what foods cause inflamation in your diet. Once you eleminate them, in most cases you reduce problem that is causing the inflamation, which in turn in my case the reason for RA, IMHA!! I puzzle the doctors,,, they said I would be in a wheel chair 6 years ago..
but her I am bowling, working out, and having a great life with my beautiful Wife!!(:) I know this is a bowling board and I get off track in SUM threads, but I always try to work my way back some how, some way to bowling!! My second love in life!! Plus all you guys/gals on this web site!! (:) Remember I am not a doctor, but I do a lot of research on alternative methods of treating ailments! I am not into DRUGS, (the ones prescribed by doctors)!!! Because of my
natural approach, I don't even take a aspirin!! I am for the most part pain free! Look up MSM,,,, fantastic for pain, but it takes about two weeks to build up in your system, no side effects, and is actually good for your skin/hair ect.....READ,,, READ,,, natural cures, some are B.S. but many good ones out there!

Florida Bowler
05-23-2012, 04:47 PM
I don't have a long slide, but when I stick, I still fall on my face. I did bowl my first league without a slide. My right leg was in a straight-leg brace, so I had to just walk up and throw.


05-24-2012, 10:38 PM
How did you do??? In league without the slid!! I am doing great, and it feels very comfortable to me!! ((But then I am not of this world,,, )!