View Full Version : What Country has the largest number of bowling alleys in the world

05-24-2012, 09:40 AM
I would guess the usa? If not the USA, my second guess would be Japan.

05-24-2012, 09:45 AM
cant be singapore for sure!

05-24-2012, 10:06 AM
cant be singapore for sure!

LOL,,,,, Do you know how many there are in your country?? LOL

05-24-2012, 10:40 AM
Afghanistan has one, called Strikers. New York has 0ver 300 listed in the directory. Castaways bowling alley in Las Vegas has the most lanes on earth with 106.
Alabama (45)
Alaska (16)
Arizona (60)
Arkasas (50)
California (250)
Colorado (91)
Connecticut (1)
Delaware (13)
Florida (190
Georgia (69)
Hawaii (11)
Idaho (52)
Illinois (371)
Indiana (18)
Iowa (195)
Kansas (121)
Kentucky (73)
Louisiana (38)
Maine (40)
Maryland (82)
Massachusetts (116)
Michigan (380)
Minnesota (213)
Mississippi (31)
Missouri (145)
Montana (59)
Nebraska (125)
Nevada (14)
New Hampshire (26)
New Jersey (112)
New Mexico (28)
New York (384)
North Carolina (83)
North Dakota (58)
Ohio (388)
Oklahoma (65)
Oregon (84)
Pennsylvania (336)
Rhode Island (19)
South Carolina (54)
South Dakota (57)
Tennessee (80)
Texas (194)
Utah (41)
Vermont (44)
Virginia (96)
Washington (109)
Washington DC (0)
West Virginia (50)
Wisconsin (367)
Wyoming (30)
Sorry but that's all I could find on www.ask.com
I found ten listings for bowling centers in Singapore. BTW, the girl in the ad was a hottie ;)

05-24-2012, 10:52 AM
billf,,,, would,,,,, could,,,, would you mind putting them in order, from most to least~~ LOL.....(:)

05-24-2012, 11:24 AM
singapore has roughly 15 bowling alleys??

Florida Bowler
05-24-2012, 11:30 AM
Ohio 388
New York 384
Michigan 380
Illinois 371
Wisconsin 367
Pennsylvania 336
California 250
Minnesota 213
Iowa 195
Texas 194
Florida 190
Missouri 145
Nebraska 125
Kansas 121
Massachusetts 116
New Jersey 112
Washington 109
Virginia 96
Colorado 91
Oregon 84
North Carolina 83
Maryland 82
Tennessee 80
Kentucky 73
Georgia 69
Oklahoma 65
Arizona 60
Montana 59
North Dakota 58
South Dakota 57
South Carolina 54
Idaho 52
Arkasas 50
West Virginia 50
Alabama 45
Vermont 44
Utah 41
Maine 40
Louisiana 38
Mississippi 31
Wyoming 30
New Mexico 28
New Hampshire 26
Rhode Island 19
Indiana 18
Alaska 16
Nevada 14
Delaware 13
Hawaii 11
Connecticut 1
Washington DC 0

05-24-2012, 11:32 AM
Ohio 388
New York 384
Michigan 380
Illinois 371
Wisconsin 367
Pennsylvania 336
California 250
Minnesota 213
Iowa 195
Texas 194
Florida 190
Missouri 145
Nebraska 125
Kansas 121
Massachusetts 116
New Jersey 112
Washington 109
Virginia 96
Colorado 91
Oregon 84
North Carolina 83
Maryland 82
Tennessee 80
Kentucky 73
Georgia 69
Oklahoma 65
Arizona 60
Montana 59
North Dakota 58
South Dakota 57
South Carolina 54
Idaho 52
Arkasas 50
West Virginia 50
Alabama 45
Vermont 44
Utah 41
Maine 40
Louisiana 38
Mississippi 31
Wyoming 30
New Mexico 28
New Hampshire 26
Rhode Island 19
Indiana 18
Alaska 16
Nevada 14
Delaware 13
Hawaii 11
Connecticut 1
Washington DC 0

wow! thats fast! hahaa

05-24-2012, 12:15 PM
I am impressed!!!!!! Tell now,,,, how in the hell did you do it so FAST!! Don't you have better things to do LOL.... LOL ..(:)... That is cool to know!! No wonder Washington DC is so screwed up!!! ((NO BOWLING ALLEYS))!!! (:)..... Connecticut only 1??? You think in those cold weather climates, bowling would be a very popular sport!! I guess in Washington DC they are too busy chasing lobbyist, and thats plenty of exercise for them!! (Both Parties)!!

05-24-2012, 12:22 PM
I never would have in a million years guessed Ohio to be 1st!! I would have thought CA, or some East coast State? Wow, Missouri, my state is proudly in the upper 1/3!! Maybe Washington DC would be a great place to (((BUILD A BOWLING ALLEY))) ( build one, and they will come!! ) (( What movie was that line from?))

Florida Bowler
05-24-2012, 12:23 PM
I don't know how Billf came up with the list so fast, but I used Excel to sort it. DC is made up of government buildings for the most part, so I'm not surprised there are none in the actual city. There are probably some close by in MD and VA. I do know that there are (or were) 2 lanes in DC, but they are (were?) in the White House, so I don't think they would count on this list. CT surprises me. I grew up in WI and bowling is very popular there, especially in the winter. It seemed like it is less popular here in FL, and now we have the numbers to prove it, 367-190.


05-24-2012, 12:25 PM
never been into US before.. never stepped in the airport before!! :( sad me

05-24-2012, 12:57 PM
The list came from bowlingzone.com via ask.com....it is somewhat outdated though as a center near me is listed but has been a Walgreen's for about 8 years. That same center is listed on bowl.com and on every ball manufacturer's website of authorized pro shops.

05-24-2012, 04:09 PM
If there is one thing this country needs more of its Drug Stores~~~ Seeems like there is one on EVERY CORNER! GEEEEEEEEE Here in Kasas City Mo, we have more drug stores then grocery stores!!! (( I thought Drugs were illegal??))) (:)

05-24-2012, 04:14 PM
Michael, your earlier post with question; Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner.

05-24-2012, 04:26 PM
I found ten listings for bowling centers in Singapore. BTW, the girl in the ad was a hottie ;)

Go on... :D

05-24-2012, 04:32 PM
Sorry Jason but I can't. This is a family friendly sight but this dirty old man still liked the picture :)

05-24-2012, 04:40 PM
Do other countries have bowling alleys, and if so is there a place to find them.. You were correct billf,,,,,, field of dreams... GREAT MOVIE!!
I would bet England wound be number 2 behind USA????? Yes I have changed my mind,,, at first thought maybe japan... now I am going with England!

05-24-2012, 04:44 PM
Sorry Jason but I can't. This is a family friendly sight but this dirty old man still liked the picture :)

Haha.. Can I at least get a link to this advertisement girl?

05-24-2012, 10:04 PM
Haha.. Can I at least get a link to this advertisement girl?

hahahahah.... singapore roughly have around 15 if i'm not wrong.. but can't be sure.. too lazy to count them >_<

05-24-2012, 10:16 PM
Perhaps Connecticut and other northeastern states play a different form of bowling; such as duckpins and candlepins. No necessary listed as ten-pin bowling centers.

05-25-2012, 11:50 PM
anybody knows how many there are in indonesia? all i know is that there are only 2 im my city

05-26-2012, 10:54 AM
wow NY has 384, im not surprised considering theres 5 all within 20 minutes away from me

05-27-2012, 05:18 PM
I know it has to be the USA, but I wounder who would else would be in the top 10?? Again my guess would be Japan~~ I will do some research see if I can find the answer..

05-28-2012, 01:12 PM
Florida probably has fewer than the 190 they list now. I know Jeff Boje opened a couple new ones up north, but there are at least 3 in my general area that have closed down for one reason or another. I am surprised at Ohio being on top of the list, not so surprised about NY. Loads of pro bowlers from NY and it has a huge population. Michigan has the greatest number of USBC members, I think. Keith Kingston may be able to confirm that. I know some lanes have closed in his area around Detroit, too.
Worldwide I'd have to think England would be in the top 10, along with Japan, and possibly Korea. Finland must have a high rank in bowlers to lane beds ratio, considering all the pros.

05-29-2012, 10:40 AM
Afghanistan has one, called Strikers. New York has 0ver 300 listed in the directory. Castaways bowling alley in Las Vegas has the most lanes on earth with 106.
Alabama (45)
Alaska (16)
Arizona (60)
Arkasas (50)
California (250)
Colorado (91)
Connecticut (1)
Delaware (13)
Florida (190
Georgia (69)
Hawaii (11)
Idaho (52)
Illinois (371)
Indiana (18)
Iowa (195)
Kansas (121)
Kentucky (73)
Louisiana (38)
Maine (40)
Maryland (82)
Massachusetts (116)
Michigan (380)
Minnesota (213)
Mississippi (31)
Missouri (145)
Montana (59)
Nebraska (125)
Nevada (14)
New Hampshire (26)
New Jersey (112)
New Mexico (28)
New York (384)
North Carolina (83)
North Dakota (58)
Ohio (388)
Oklahoma (65)
Oregon (84)
Pennsylvania (336)
Rhode Island (19)
South Carolina (54)
South Dakota (57)
Tennessee (80)
Texas (194)
Utah (41)
Vermont (44)
Virginia (96)
Washington (109)
Washington DC (0)
West Virginia (50)
Wisconsin (367)
Wyoming (30)
Sorry but that's all I could find on www.ask.com
I found ten listings for bowling centers in Singapore. BTW, the girl in the ad was a hottie ;)

This list is obviously very flawed. There are plenty of bowling alleys in Connecticut and Washington DC...

05-29-2012, 11:38 AM
This list is obviously very flawed. There are plenty of bowling alleys in Connecticut and Washington DC...

this is just a rough gauge i guess.. can't be really that sure to say how many are there in the country as it's too big already... chill man!

05-29-2012, 12:41 PM
someone figure out how many bowling allies are in canada ik in alberta there is 2 or 3 and in ontario about 10-15 my best guess not sure everywhere else

05-30-2012, 10:25 PM
I never would have in a million years guessed Ohio to be 1st!!

I would have almost bet Ohio was first or second, bowling has always been enormously popular here and it's always been a midwest recreation...with Ohio having so many demographically similar small towns and a uniform socio-economic landscape it makes sense.

I would have thought Pennsylvania had more, but perhaps it has changed a little over the years. Seems like when I travel through PA I see lanes all over.

05-30-2012, 11:21 PM
Castaways bowling alley in Las Vegas has the most lanes on earth with 106.

Wow I am going to have to check that place out on my next trip through Vegas!!! That must be a site to see!!! Almost like dying and going to heaven!!
Least how I would picture it!!! (:)

05-30-2012, 11:44 PM
Castaways bowling alley in Las Vegas has the most lanes on earth with 106.

Wow I am going to have to check that place out on my next trip through Vegas!!! That must be a site to see!!! Almost like dying and going to heaven!!
Least how I would picture it!!! (:)

wow! in singapore the most lanes we have is only 36 lanes.. at only 1 area.. dam!

05-31-2012, 12:01 AM
Nevada seems the big shock to only have that few lisred. Especially with all the really big tournaments that are held in Vegas and Reno. I thought almost every casina also had a bowling alley in it.

05-31-2012, 11:18 PM
That list is outdated, about 8 years old and only had the centers that were listed in the phone directory under bowling center.

06-01-2012, 08:47 AM
As competive as Russia has always been, I don't think I have EVER HEARD of a Russian Top Gun? Or even anyting about bowling in the USSR!!

06-01-2012, 11:29 AM
As competive as Russia has always been, I don't think I have EVER HEARD of a Russian Top Gun? Or even anyting about bowling in the USSR!!

That's due to the excessive consumption of cognac and vodka by the men. However, if the women bowlers look like Maria Sharapova and Anna Kornikova then I want to see them bowl!

06-02-2012, 11:25 AM
That's due to the excessive consumption of cognac and vodka by the men. However, if the women bowlers look like Maria Sharapova and Anna Kornikova then I want to see them bowl!

Tennis players, and yes!!! the cognac/vodka dosen't seem to effect other sports in USSR lol I wounder why we don't hear much about bowling in Russia. You would think with the COOOOOOLD climate, that it would be a very popular sport? hummm.. What better thing to do on a cold wintery evening with someone like Maria Sharapova, or Kornidova??? hummmm

J Anderson
06-02-2012, 03:36 PM
Tennis players, and yes!!! the cognac/vodka dosen't seem to effect other sports in USSR lol I wounder why we don't hear much about bowling in Russia. You would think with the COOOOOOLD climate, that it would be a very popular sport? hummm.. What better thing to do on a cold wintery evening with someone like Maria Sharapova, or Kornidova??? hummmm

They're not going to take up a sport where the Swedes and the Finns will kick their butts!

06-03-2012, 09:54 AM
They're not going to take up a sport where the Swedes and the Finns will kick their butts!

VERY funny!!! You might have something there!!! LOL...(:)