View Full Version : question (regarding where to stand for spares)

05-25-2012, 01:10 AM
im bowling between the second and 3rd arrow going left (im a righty)

Whats the furthest left i can stand from the first group of dots closest to the foul line? 15 boards left of the center dot? Is there a limit?

05-25-2012, 08:55 AM
im bowling between the second and 3rd arrow going left (im a righty)

Whats the furthest left i can stand from the first group of dots closest to the foul line? 15 boards left of the center dot? Is there a limit?

As far as I know there is no set rule regarding how far left or right you can stand, so theoretically you could stand anywhere. I've heard of guys lofting over the endcap.

But from a practical stand point (pardon the pun) about inline with the endcaps would be the limit.

05-26-2012, 02:40 AM
LOL!!!! back when I really cranked the ball I would sometimes have to stand in
the middle of the next lane over on the left side and loft the left gutter and I'd
have to stand in front of the ball return on the right lane and loft the left gutter
cap so in essence the answer is no there is no true limit as to how far left you
can stand as long as it is a reasonable limit not 2 lanes over or anything like that.

05-26-2012, 12:08 PM
Etrain - Try using this spare system. It was devised by Rolf Gauger who passed away a few years ago.


05-27-2012, 12:14 AM
One of the best parts about the Triad system is once you have your marks figured out, they don't change with oil patterns or from center to center. It's a tried and true system that the top pro's and amateur's have been using since it's inception.