View Full Version : Put a PARACHUTE ON THAT BALL!!!

05-29-2012, 12:56 AM
I bowl on a league where a guy, (that I will call Fred Flinstone) , throws his ball so high into the air that I actually think it could use a Parachute! And now.. NOW he has a woman friend learning his skilled low scoring method!! It sound like a cannon balls being dropped from 5 feet!! I swear, its drives me crazy, but how do you bust the bubble of a guy that thinks he is one heck of a bowler!! He is not a good bowler, it might be stretching it to say his ball is almost as loud as his constant boasting, about his (once in a blue moon strike)! If he is not a used car salesman, then he is missing his vocation!! Any way like a virus, he is spreading his method of ( bowling alley demo) to others. I would have thought the mgrs, would have said something to him! Dear Abby what should I do???

I call him Fred Flinstone, becaue he looks like him, and his ball sounds like a stone bowling ball when it hits.. yaba,,,daba (what to do)!?

05-29-2012, 01:18 AM
Hahahaha.. too funny..

I bowled with a guy on Thursday nights that did this too. It was the furthest I have ever seen a ball tossed. I mean, this guy threw the ball AT LEAST 3-4 feet past the arrows and I'm not exaggerating at all. He wasn't that bad, but he can never be that good either. I think he averaged in the low 190's. So many things come into effect that prevent you from ever being real good. The most important thing is, when you're throwing it that far and high, it has to be nearly impossible for you to repeat that.

05-29-2012, 01:47 AM
Jason I am not talking down the alley,,,, I am talking UP in the Air!! It lands behind the arrows!!! I mean they could use this guy to demo a highrise building!! Just give him a steel ball with some holes in it!!! It drives me crazy!! I know it can't be good on the lanes!! How do you tell a guy, that thinks he is one stud bowler... YOUR not only destroying the alley, you are blowing out many many eardrums!! I am talking bombs dropped from 40,000 feet, thats what it sounds like! I have NEVER seen anything like it! And NOW, HE is Coaching a Lady on how to deliver a ball!! geeeeee.... she is getting real good, and Not quit as high as Fred's, but maybe Willma's!! Yaba Daba do bowl somewhere else!!! its driving us crazy!!!!! (:/

05-29-2012, 03:23 AM
Jason I am not talking down the alley,,,, I am talking UP in the Air!! It lands behind the arrows!!! I mean they could use this guy to demo a highrise building!! Just give him a steel ball with some holes in it!!! It drives me crazy!! I know it can't be good on the lanes!! How do you tell a guy, that thinks he is one stud bowler... YOU not only destroying the alley, you are blowing out many many eardrums!! I am talking bombs dropped from 40,000 feet, thats what it sounds like! I have NEVER seen anything like it! And NOW, HE is Coaching a Lady on how to deliver a ball!! geeeeee.... she is getting real good, and Not quit as high as Fred's, but maybe Willma's!! Daa baaa daaaba do bowl somewhere else!!! its driving us crazy!!!!! (:/

I just laughed till I cried reading that! hahahah... Partly because I can imagine your face when he does it lol..

05-29-2012, 01:19 PM
Jason, its like a parent spanking their child in a grocery store... ((( I can't take the sound!!), of a ball colliding with the alley, it sounds like a person swing a Jack hammer on to the surface of the alley. ((I was just wondering HOW do you tell a bowler that his Fred Flinstone Style is Neanderthal!!! VERY dated...lol (:? I am so easy going, but ,,, I can only handle sooooo much abuse!! (:)

05-29-2012, 01:24 PM
Lean up against the front counter while he is bowling and ask the manager if that guy replaces his own divots or does he have a caddy. Maybe the manager will take the hint and have a talk with the guy.

05-29-2012, 01:39 PM
What's sad is with the economy the way it is so manager managers are afraid to say anything and see another customer leave.

05-29-2012, 02:13 PM
True, but it's cheaper than having to repair a lane. I realize that the modern synthetic lanes are pretty durable but a ball dropped from a great height, especially on the same spot over and over cant be good. I used to work in a center years ago and I learned that it's better to ask one person to cool it or leave to keep others from calling it a night because they are tired of his behavior. I will admit it's harder to deal with a guy who doesn't think he's doing anything wrong, but you have to weigh your options.

05-29-2012, 02:57 PM
georgiaStroker, and Bill, and anyone else I might have left out! It is sad, that he is oblivious to the fact that its not only destroying the alley, its like running your fingers down a Black Board to me!! If it was used in a POW camp,,, vs water boarding,,,, I would spill the beans!!!!! Anything, but the sound of a bowling ball crashing into the surface!!! And you are right Bill,,, I think a lot of people, because of many reasons, wages going down, high cost of energy, and gas! They don't have the play money we all had back in the old days!! I might have to talk to mgr's!!

05-29-2012, 02:59 PM
georgiaStroker,,, I like that!! lol Might give that a try!!! (:)

05-29-2012, 03:03 PM
I think all you ceiling launchers out there get my point.... I can only recommend some downers, (prescribed by a doctor) (:) I have only really see a couple in my short time bowling!
I believe most bowlers respect the alleys, as it should be.

05-29-2012, 03:42 PM
If it was used in a POW camp,,, vs water boarding,,,, I would spill the beans!!!!! Anything, but the sound of a bowling ball crashing into the surface!!!

Hahaahah! :D

05-29-2012, 03:46 PM
lol i have done that befor throwing a ball half way down a lane but for my spare shots with a ball thats ball crapped up but no more i need to stay focused and do the stuff for real now so no more lofting=(

05-29-2012, 05:33 PM
I'm willing to bet his release stems from throwing a poorly fitted ball. maybe the whole league could kick in enough money to buy him a new ball if he promises to have it properly fitted. Maybe the Pro Shop guy could get him to lower his loft while testing out the new ball.

05-29-2012, 05:52 PM
he thinks he's better than he is? what's his average?

friend of mine used to throw a nice loft. he had a dam quick approach up to the lane, and he threw it probably like 5 feet past the arrows a lot of the time. not super high like the guy your talking about though, it was only about waist high. then he had a hip replacement, so his approach speed and release have changed quite a bit because of it lol

he actually is a pretty good bowler though. a 190-200 average usually

05-29-2012, 05:55 PM
I'm willing to bet his release stems from throwing a poorly fitted ball. maybe the whole league could kick in enough money to buy him a new ball if he promises to have it properly fitted. Maybe the Pro Shop guy could get him to lower his loft while testing out the new ball.

If I thought that was the problem I would GIVE him what ever it took to STOP THROWING his ball to the edge of space and back!! He never complains about,,, his thumb sticking,,,, I get the impression he thinks his delievery is normal..... This guy is about 55.... the gal he is teaching bowls the same way!! He must be a good teacher!! Bombs away!!!!

05-29-2012, 05:59 PM
i had one of those, it was a she and she would aim for the arrows everytime, its annoying but we used to joke around about it with her

05-29-2012, 07:46 PM
Well the only other idea I can come up with is get all the other league bowlers to stop when he gets up and as he releases the ball everybody whistles and yells BOOM!! Maybe he'll take a hint. lol

05-29-2012, 11:22 PM
Why not just walk up to him when he is alone and ask WHY! Good Lord why are you THROWING YOUR BALL! ROLL THE BALL, ROLL...ROLL..PLEASE ROLL THE DAMN BALL!!!!!!!!!!

05-30-2012, 07:51 AM
Why not just walk up to him when he is alone and ask WHY! Good Lord why are you THROWING YOUR BALL! ROLL THE BALL, ROLL...ROLL..PLEASE ROLL THE DAMN BALL!!!!!!!!!!

Roll, roll, roll your ball gently down the alley, merely, merely, merely, merely, bowling can be such fun!!

Florida Bowler
05-30-2012, 03:36 PM
I bowled in a league with somebody like that. He didn't loft it high, but it came down with the loudest thud I've heard in a bowling alley. It got to the point that when he was up, everybody would wait until he was done. Nothing like having the **** scared out of you as you are trying to lay down a good shot. IIRC, he had some back injuries that he suffered during his time serving the country, so most of us cut him some slack. Also, he was a nice guy.


05-31-2012, 04:45 AM
Maybe present him with a set of airline wings, congratulating him on passing his flight test?

05-31-2012, 07:22 AM
Maybe present him with a set of airline wings, congratulating him on passing his flight test?

LOLed hard at this... well.. each player got their own way of playing..

05-31-2012, 09:14 AM
I bowled in a league with somebody like that. He didn't loft it high, but it came down with the loudest thud I've heard in a bowling alley. It got to the point that when he was up, everybody would wait until he was done. Nothing like having the **** scared out of you as you are trying to lay down a good shot. IIRC, he had some back injuries that he suffered during his time serving the country, so most of us cut him some slack. Also, he was a nice guy.

Many of us have physical problems, I herniated my back L-5 L6, broke my neck in 1992, C5 C6, Have Ra, have nerve damage in my feet from the disk, and thats the shot list.....I also was drafted in 1971 US Army and served,,,,, But PLEASE DONT CUT ME ANY SLACK fellow bowlers if I turn into DEMO-MAN!!
Take my Balls away from me, and replace them with Soft- Rubber-LOOK-Alikes! LOL..... I would tape this guy, but fear the sound vibrations might crack the lens on my camera! The guy I am talking about might be a NICE GUY too,,,, I just can't get close enough, due to the Huge Amount of Vibration from sound Waves!! (:) lol..... When I watch him bowl, I am not sure if he's trying to hit the pins, or going after ceiling lights...!! Bam,,,, Bam,,,,, Fred Flinstone, Wasen't that the name of Fred and Wilma's son.... Bam Bam?! (:) If it wasen't so Painful to the ears, and alley, ,,,, it would almost be laughable!! I like the suggestion of giving him Wings!!! lol

05-31-2012, 12:12 PM
Barney and Betty had Bam Bam. Fred and Wilma had Pebbles

Florida Bowler
05-31-2012, 01:51 PM
The difference between the guy I bowled against and your Bam Bam was that this guy knew how to bowl, but he just couldn't get low for his release. He didn't loft it too much, it just fell a couple feet past the foul line. He was a decent bowler and helped others get better. Nobody that he helped bowled like he did. Bam Bam, on the other hand, is teaching others how to drop the bowling balls behind enemy lines. That's not cool.


05-31-2012, 03:48 PM
The difference between the guy I bowled against and your Bam Bam was that this guy knew how to bowl, but he just couldn't get low for his release. He didn't loft it too much, it just fell a couple feet past the foul line. He was a decent bowler and helped others get better. Nobody that he helped bowled like he did. Bam Bam, on the other hand, is teaching others how to drop the bowling balls behind enemy lines. That's not cool.

I feel for the guy your typing about!!!! I not only feel, but would support the fact that he put his life, like many of us did, on the line for our personal freedoms!
Your frend does his best, and thats all any of us can do. I am not complaining about the Vet at your alley.
I do think it would be interesting having a contest as to who could get the most altitude with their ball! I fear we have the Champ here in my city, and town!
Another huge differance between the Vet and our Fred, is Fred has taken up coaching the fair sex, (females) now we are getting a whole new batch of
bombastic, bamboozle, bomb-ba-dares!! (:).. Its not that Fred can't bowl, without laying it down,,, in a somewhhat gentle way, he seems to delight in the EXPLOSION!! lol..... Our alley arrow tht Fred targets each week, is now a bomb crater!
I think it cool that the guy your talking about isbowling!! Again,, I am talking about a guy that probably goes in the air with his ball from his waist to his sholders vertical and then crushingly down to the alley. (( I don't get it, and I know its GOT TO be doing damage!)) The Hell with Agent Orange, we could have used him in Vietnam defoliating the jungle with ONE SINGLE camaflaged 16lb bowling ball!!! LOL

06-03-2012, 12:56 AM
I will be bowling with Demo Man Monday!! I don't like to hurt peoples feeling, (Jason excluded), how many of you out there think I should just put a pair of ear plugs in and let it be? Do alley managers now days ask dive bombers to lower their altitude before bring their ball in for a landing??? Disrespect for alleys should not be allowed to happen. (scene in Godfather IV!
I ask Jason to come down and take a look!! I need another opinion!!! How about slipping a note in his bowling bag that says: ........................................ you fill in the blank and I will chose the best one, and stick it in his bag!!! My note would say: Releasing the ball in the Earths stratosphere, can do damage to not only the ball, but the landing area! Bring it down another 37,000 feet or so!! You might see your scores improve coach! LOL anyone else have a good line..................... If you think this would be in bad taste, then I won't do it, but what would you put on the note.... ( Fact, he is damaging the alleys. Fact his release with no physical reasons for it is sholder high! Fact, its driving me crazy!!!!) I have thought about quiting the league,,, its not RIGHT!! (:/)

06-03-2012, 11:31 AM
I wouldn't quit. File a formal complaint with the alley manager and league president but first, ask the guy why. Ask if enough people pool their money together if he would take a FREE lesson or two. Have him watch Trent's reaction videos and tell him, he can't bowl that good throwing it from shoulder high.

06-03-2012, 12:10 PM
yeah it would be best, to file a complaint, or talk to him personally, and tell him to tone it down a bit.

06-04-2012, 02:10 AM
We have a lady bowling here that does the same exact thing she just throws the
ball straight up into the air and then it finally returns from outer space and then
with a big sonic ka-boom it just hits anywhere out there on the lane.

06-05-2012, 12:55 AM
We have a lady bowling here that does the same exact thing she just throws the
ball straight up into the air and then it finally returns from outer space and then
with a big sonic ka-boom it just hits anywhere out there on the lane.

LOL,,,, very funny!!!! (((or is it (:-/)

06-05-2012, 08:22 AM
your feet determine ball speed. If you can slow feet down you will throw slower naturally... fluid free armswing.

06-05-2012, 09:36 AM
your feet determine ball speed. If you can slow feet down you will throw slower naturally... fluid free armswing.
If I moved any slower, my ball would go backward!!! LoL (:)

06-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Walk your approach like your mad and then you will have more speed.

06-05-2012, 01:26 PM
If I moved any slower, my ball would go backward!!! LoL (:)

LOL!!!!! sounds like me if I went any slower I would be completely still on the approach

08-07-2014, 11:36 AM
We bowled his team and beat them 4 zip... but I fear the damage to me experiencing this ball lofting that rivals a sonic boom, when it lands, and some how actually rolls down the lane! EVERY TIME he throws his ball, I picture a divot the size of Vermont!

I almost had to leave,,, But last Monday on the seniors league ICEMAN had a talk with. (lets call him Fred Flintstone)! It was just after his bi-monthly Strike occurrence! I walked up to him and said: ( "wow, that was a sweet strike Fred! Have you ever tried to bring you altitude down to where the oxygen is???" He said: "What"? As I thought clueless!

I then ask him if he ever tried laying the ball down rather then UP!! He said he forgets! I then ask him, if he liked fireworks,,, and things that make LOUD noises? He said,,, " NO not particularly". I have laid bowling balls down that way before, but each time when I go up to the foul line I forget"! He said: " I have a brain that forgets very quickly"!

I said If I remind you just before each shot would that help!!!! ( I know it would have helped all of us!) His reply was,
Sure... give it a try!

So next shot I reminded him to keep the ball below sea level,,,, he said ok ,,,, what happened ,,,BOOM,,,, up in the air again!!! I walked
up to HIM and said WHAT HAPPENED, he said: "what do you mean??", I said don't you see the divots in the ceiling where you ball just touches the ceiling tile ? His reply,, was,,, I FORGOT!!

Thank GOD This league will be over next week.... Ice will not return to this league this fall, or even next summer! I can ONLY imagine what
the lanes would look like if he was on Wood!

Fred is about, 55 years old, big guy with no health issues I can see, other then STMP,,,,, ( short term memory problem)!

http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/b05_zps11c4eb80.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/b05_zps11c4eb80.jpg.html)

08-07-2014, 12:48 PM
I have a feeling he was humoring you Iceman, and didn't really intend to change up his style :P

08-08-2014, 12:52 AM
I have a feeling he was humoring you Iceman, and didn't really intend to change up his style :P

PLEASE don't call it STYLE!!! LOL..... The sad part is that he thinks its GREAT! Delusional!!! GRRRRR,,,GRRRRR!!!!! To bad I don't own that AMF, I would ask him politely to learn how to bowl, ,,,,,, at least TRY to keep his balls below 4 ft!! ,,,, or leave the lanes! Loft is one thing, but this guy takes it to a whole new altitude!!

OK,,, I feel better,,, haven't seen this guy in a few years,,,, doesn't look like his form has improved any at all! In fact he might just have a little more altitude, then when I bowled against him a while back!! I bet he was proud of that!!!

He ask me if I was going to bowl on that league this winter,,,, my reply was,,,, WHAT?? I pulled out my ear plugs, and walked out!

08-08-2014, 08:38 AM
I have to ask, what is Fred Flinstone's average?

08-08-2014, 09:13 AM
I have to ask, what is Fred Flinstone's average?

Good question,,, I have the weekly reports,,, let me go check and get back with you! I am sure its not very HIGH,,, not nearly as high as his ball projectile!

08-08-2014, 10:03 AM
Maybe he figures if it worked for Fred Flinstone maybe it'll work for him too!

08-16-2014, 10:02 AM
Maybe he figures if it worked for Fred Flinstone maybe it'll work for him too!

Fred's average is 146! And ,,,, like I said,,,,, he give pointers to other senior bowlers! I mean lets face it,,,, most seniors, (iceman not included), would have a Hard Time Getting it UP!! I have to laugh,,, he is pretty full of himself, and delusional! LOL,,, ,,, but,,, BUT painful to watch and hear his ball hit the lanes with all the Boom, of an X-16 breaking the sound barrier!!!

All kidding aside, I do now have ear plugs that I carry in my bag, for the FEW TIMES our path or Paths might meet! I also carry a mouth guard that protects my teeth, from the grinding that occurs when in his area code!!

YES FOR THE FIST TIME, I did a few weeks ago talk to him about laying the ball down gently on the lanes.... his reply: " I keep forgetting!!"

IT must be the water supply, or GMO"S!!!

08-16-2014, 10:33 AM
I bowled last week filling in on a different league. Two lanes down from me on another team was a guy who was about 6'4". Threw the ball planted back straight no spine tilt and somehow the release was up wards. I have a little loft but man this ball left the guys hand going up in the air. The ball had to get at least five feet in the air and landed at least five feet past the arrows. I've never seen anything quite like it. It was annoying sad thing about it was the guy is good shot a 642 series. Just goes to show you can be successful with almost any style as long as you can repeat it.

08-16-2014, 10:42 AM
I bowled last week filling in on a different league. Two lanes down from me on another team was a guy who was about 6'4". Threw the ball planted back straight no spine tilt and somehow the release was up wards. I have a little loft but man this ball left the guys hand going up in the air. The ball had to get at least five feet in the air and landed at least five feet past the arrows. I've never seen anything quite like it. It was annoying sad thing about it was the guy is good shot a 642 series. Just goes to show you can be successful with almost any style as long as you can repeat it.

LOL... PLEASE ,,, please don't call lofting 5 foot in the air,, STYLE!!! LOL God help us all, and the bowling lanes if it catches on!! AND, YES,, Fred does on occasion have a 180 or so game! It validates his Lofty style of bowing, and just feeds his ego, and need to teach his STYLE to other seniors in need! :rolleyes:

08-19-2014, 06:59 PM
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x160/garygnarz/bowlingfooty666.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/garygnarz/media/bowlingfooty666.gif.html)

Way too much loft!!! Put parachute on that ball!!!

08-19-2014, 07:29 PM
Well I have to say that's more loft than the guy I was talking about if I see him bowling this fall I try to shoot some video if I can.

rv driver
08-19-2014, 07:42 PM
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x160/garygnarz/bowlingfooty666.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/garygnarz/media/bowlingfooty666.gif.html)

Way too much loft!!! Put parachute on that ball!!!
That ball needs a stewardess and a flight plan...

08-20-2014, 05:21 PM
That ball needs a stewardess and a flight plan...

It was picked up on Radar at NORAD, and logged at a UFO!

rv driver
08-20-2014, 07:03 PM
It was picked up on Radar at NORAD, and logged at a UFO!
I hear the guy is training to enter the Punkin' Chunkin' contest this year... He won't use a machine -- he'll just throw it...

08-21-2014, 03:01 PM
Ouch! I feel sorry for the lane. If his ball weighs 16 lbs that guy might win the Olympics in shot-put! :-)

08-22-2014, 04:22 PM
This is what the mean when they say, USE LOFT to take the oil out of the equation!! LOL

08-24-2014, 09:51 AM
Am I the only one that worries about this wreaking on lane topography?

rv driver
08-24-2014, 03:42 PM
This is what the mean when they say, USE LOFT to take the oil out of the equation!! LOL
Well, it certainly does that, doesn't it!

08-24-2014, 03:49 PM
This is what the mean when they say, USE LOFT to take the oil out of the equation!! LOL

Holysmokes Use that loft!!

08-24-2014, 08:58 PM
That bowler should be banned. Or at least send him to band camp for a week or two.

08-24-2014, 09:49 PM
How does the band camp help?

08-24-2014, 10:10 PM
How does the band camp help?

That means to kick them out for a week or two. banned=band;)

rv driver
08-25-2014, 03:27 PM
Or it's because he's such a bassoon (buffoon)...

08-25-2014, 07:04 PM
A lady on another team in summer league threw like this. She would throw the ball almost to the arrows at 5-6 foot in the air and slam the the lane so loud I would cringe from the sound and I am 80% deaf. I thought for sure there had to be a rule against extreme lofting like this since I remember a guy getting kicked out of a league when my parents bowled in the 80s for lofting like this. I keep looking for dents in the lanes.

rv driver
08-26-2014, 08:51 AM
A lady on another team in summer league threw like this. She would throw the ball almost to the arrows at 5-6 foot in the air and slam the the lane so loud I would cringe from the sound and I am 80% deaf. I thought for sure there had to be a rule against extreme lofting like this since I remember a guy getting kicked out of a league when my parents bowled in the 80s for lofting like this. I keep looking for dents in the lanes.
Yeah, I remember guys getting kicked out of the bowling alley for lofting the ball. There were signs up: "Do not loft the ball!" Then there were the big farm boys who threw so hard they actually broke pins.