View Full Version : Dynamic spare shooting system

05-31-2012, 03:55 PM
The current issue of BTM has a new Joe Slowinski article, The dynamic spare shooting system.

Read it here
click for slowinski_dynamic_spare_shooting_system.pdf (http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/slowinski_dynamic_spare_shooting_system.pdf)

Also the corrected 3-6-10 table for the article (print issue has a error)
corrected_dynamic_spare_3_6_10.jpg (http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/corrected_dynamic_spare_3_6_10.jpg)

05-31-2012, 05:21 PM
Was that article written in English??? Wow... way over this Old Man's Head!! That College degree didn't help me at all!!! Wow, it was (almost all greek to me)!
I guess that old saying: You can't teach and old dog new tricks!!! Or maybe: You can lead a horse to water, but,,, you get where I am coming from!
Give this old man a target,,,,,,and back away~~~ lol ((I am sure there are people out here that the article made perfect sense 2))! I can honestly say: WTFO!!! (:)
excuse my greek...LOL

05-31-2012, 09:00 PM
Makes sense but wow, a lot of work.

06-02-2012, 11:52 PM

Straighter is greater

J Anderson
06-03-2012, 09:18 AM
The current issue of BTM has a new Joe Slowinski article, The dynamic spare shooting system.

Read it here
click for slowinski_dynamic_spare_shooting_system.pdf (http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/slowinski_dynamic_spare_shooting_system.pdf)

Also the corrected 3-6-10 table for the article (print issue has a error)
corrected_dynamic_spare_3_6_10.jpg (http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/corrected_dynamic_spare_3_6_10.jpg)

Only one real disagreement - NO ONE is going to make 100% of their non-split leaves.

06-03-2012, 11:18 AM
Only one real disagreement - NO ONE is going to make 100% of their non-split leaves.

That's true. Even the greatest spare shooter of all-time, WRWJr on shot 99.31%
His record of 475 single pin conversions in match play is impressive also. Like landing on the moon impressive.

06-03-2012, 11:49 AM
i will check out some of those way from the site that bowl1820 posted cause i suck at spares and mostly the 3-6-10 mostly i hit the 3 and i cut it but i always seem to get the 10pin and leave the 6pin

06-03-2012, 11:51 AM
This worked best for me and it was easier to understand
(with this system i think its necessary to have a plastic ball unless u can throw your strike ball pin straight)

06-03-2012, 12:12 PM
wow, nice article!

06-03-2012, 04:42 PM
That's true. Even the greatest spare shooter of all-time, WRWJr on shot 99.31%
His record of 475 single pin conversions in match play is impressive also. Like landing on the moon impressive.

Wow, I knew he was spot-on, but I didn't realize it was 475. That's insane...

06-03-2012, 09:29 PM
What's nuts is if you're that good at spares you don't need to strike. Just spare and wait for your opponent to open. I don't have a smart phone (I'm a cheap SOB) but I will keep track of percentages this year for strikes and each pin on spares. I know my one or two opens a game kills me. It's why I have spent so much time lately on spares, hand positions, etc.......also I tend to rush my spare shot and won't be doing that anymore.

Florida Bowler
06-04-2012, 11:41 AM
If you hit all of your spares, your average will probably be 180-190 (assuming you hit the pocket most of the time). Add just a double, and you have a pretty good score. I had a coach once tell me, hit your spares, the strikes will come.


06-04-2012, 12:24 PM
Just spares, top score is 190. But the chances of tripping something along the way for a couple of strikes is pretty high if you're near the pocket all game. It just amazes me how the art of spare shooting seems to be dying while youngsters fall in love with the big hook.

06-04-2012, 03:18 PM
Since I just started up bowling again this past year, I've been making notes of where I should stand and what board to hit as I never really did that before. It works most of the time but I haven't yet written this down which is obviously the best way. Sometimes I just wing it and go by how the lanes feel and I think that is the point the author is making that you will need to adjust your shot slightly depending on lane conditions. Luckily, I have lots of ball speed and hit most of my spares. I think I'm going to use the template to start recording now. Thanks for the post.

06-04-2012, 05:07 PM
I have bowled over a 35 year period and I would agree that less importance is placed on spares by today's younger power players. It seems to be all about that flashy big hook and demolishing strikes. It's no coincidence how the little old lady in the next lanes "X" looks exactly the same as the flashy player's one on the scoreboards. And how many times do you see these same players throw that monster hook at single pins? Yes the theory that one should stick to the same delivery has it's merits, but so does the straight(er) delivery with a cheaper ball and less effort. Why not preserve the expensive ball and go for a cheaper option on spares? I bought a new solid Storm ball the other week and after one game, it is showing a surface ring of fine scratches. The pearl seems to resist those fine scratches better.