View Full Version : Why in the HECK can't I get good REVs

06-02-2012, 05:57 PM
I know I am strong enough, have strong arms, wrists, good speed, what in the heck keeps me from getting good revs. My ball seems to go down the alley without that good looking rotation! I could write a message on the side of my ball, and read it as it goes lightly spinning down the alley!! WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DONING WRONG!! I KNOW IT MUST BE MECHANICAL!! GEEEEEEE.... I am not talking huge rev's just something like Norm Duke, or Walter what's his name. I was looking at the beautiful way their balls rev down the alley. I need help.... Do you think some people just can't get the rev's. I can hit a golf ball
250, to 300 yards. I have great wrist action with a golf club, but bowling is a puzzle to me in regards to rev's. HELP!!!!

06-02-2012, 06:19 PM
Like a lot of things in bowling, it's not about strength. You try to force something or muscle it, the worse it can get.

A free arm swing, a good release and PRACTICE. Will help raise your score and Rev's.

Plus remember Rev's are not the end all, be all of scoring good. They are just one part of the equation.

06-02-2012, 07:08 PM
If you're not getting revs, the first thing you might want to look at is how the ball comes off your hand. Is your thumb coming out first and then your fingers give it the force to create revolutions? You might be just chucking the ball down the lane and making it skid for a long period of time before it gets to the roll.

06-02-2012, 07:13 PM
cuff the ball more?

06-02-2012, 07:19 PM
Something that a lot of people do to increase their rev rate is cup their wrist. Also, if you think about a clock, the "later" your fingers start, the more revs you will get. Fore example, if your fingers start at about the 6 o clock or even 7 o clock position,you will be able to bring your fingers around the ball more and you will have the potential to generate more revs as opposed to the 2 o clock position, where it will be harder to generate more revs. This is why two-handed players can generate so many revs, because when they are releasing the ball, their fingers are at the 6 or 7 o clock position, and their thumb isn't even in the ball and they can bring their fingers alone all the way around the ball. Another thing that I have heard some people say is that the closer you release the ball to your slide ankle, the more revs you can generate. So overall, I would say just try to slightly cup your wrist first and if that doesn't work then maybe try the other things I listed.

06-02-2012, 07:56 PM
Mike, Mike, Mike...get beat once and now you are trying to figure out why. Tsk, tsk, tsk
Hey big guy, stop trying to use those muscles! Hold your hand out in front of you. Yes, do so now.
As if holding a ball, point your thumb at the 1:00 position. A.M. or P.M. the choice is yours;) Your fingers should be around the 7 or 8:00 position. Cup and twist your wrist SLIGHTLY so your index finger is pointing towards your imaginary target. Now hold that position, swing your arm back, then forward with full follow through. If done correctly you are now wondering how your hand came around counter clockwise. It's suppose to. Basic human bio-mechanics. The trick is to release the thumb at the 1:00 position and allow the hand and wrist to naturally rotate around with the fingers exiting around the 4-5:00 position. Once the thumb exits then and only then, ACCELERATE your swing. Now I'm telling you right now, move ten boards left and keep the same target. Adjust from there but you will get revs and the more you can get your fingers under the balls equator and accelerate the last part of the swing, the more revs you will get.

You golf. The pro's accelerate the last part of their swing in that sport also. It's what generates the amazing spin they get. It's one of the big things that separates the pro's from the amateurs. Same with bowling, when to accelerate. Most people can't do it correctly so it's not widely taught.

06-02-2012, 09:07 PM
thanks to all of you VERY MUCH~~~ I am going to read, and reread all your threads!!! I know its not the win all, I just know that every good bowler I watch including you Bill has good REVs! My ball ( even though its been enough to beat Jason) (((I hope he is not reading this))), My ball looks to me like a limp duck going down the alley.
I am not looking for huge revs,,,, Just good revs,,, Geeeee... look at my video.... it looks weak!!!

06-02-2012, 10:52 PM
The best way I have ever heard it explained is to use the motion you would use to throw a football underhanded with a tight spiral.

06-03-2012, 01:06 AM
The best way I have ever heard it explained is to use the motion you would use to throw a football underhanded with a tight spiral.

I don't do anything underhandly!!! My daddy didn't bring me up that way!! lol...thanks I have heard that! I will remember that also along with all the other great thoughts given me in my quest for decent Revs.... I know a little about football ,, I played at William Jewell College from 1967 to 1970!! Was a 1/4 back in highschool, then a defensive back at Jewell!! I know how to throw a nice tight spiral lol.... (:) thanks!!! Speaking of Football, I love looking at pictures of my dad when he played,,, no face gurad, and leather helmets!! Lots of broken bones and noses!!! lol

J Anderson
06-03-2012, 09:27 AM
I don't do anything underhandly!!! My daddy didn't bring me up that way!! lol...thanks I have heard that! I will remember that also along with all the other great thoughts given me in my quest for decent Revs.... I know a little about football ,, I played at William Jewell College from 1967 to 1970!! Was a 1/4 back in highschool, then a defensive back at Jewell!! I know how to throw a nice tight spiral lol.... (:) thanks!!! I love looking at pictures of my dad when he played,,, no face gurad, and leather helmets!! Lots of broken bones and noses!!! lol

Just waiting to see the video of you throwing a perfect overhand spiral 20 yards down the lane with that recalcitrant Storm ball of yours.

06-03-2012, 11:05 AM
Just waiting to see the video of you throwing a perfect overhand spiral 20 yards down the lane with that recalcitrant Storm ball of yours.

Recalcitrant? Wasn't sure I knew the word. Thank goodness for dictionary.com I was laughing at your comment and thought, what if I'm wrong and it means something totally different? Now I can laugh in peace.

J Anderson
06-03-2012, 06:50 PM
Recalcitrant? Wasn't sure I knew the word. Thank goodness for dictionary.com I was laughing at your comment and thought, what if I'm wrong and it means something totally different? Now I can laugh in peace.

Now I had to go to my on the shelf dictionary to make sure I used the right word. I just couldn't remember which ball Micheal was complaining about, and was too lazy to search through the threads to find out.
Does sound like a good name for a DV8 ball! The Recalcitrant, one step up from the Misfit.

06-03-2012, 06:56 PM
Now I had to go to my on the shelf dictionary to make sure I used the right word. I just couldn't remember which ball Micheal was complaining about, and was too lazy to search through the threads to find out.
Does sound like a good name for a DV8 ball! The Recalcitrant, one step up from the Misfit.

I used dictionary.com because I was too lazy to grab a real book. Mike's problem was with the Vivid not moving and now the Virtual Gravity Nano leaving the 10 pin.
Would make a good name. I wonder how long it would take for the majority to learn how to pronounce it then learn the meaning? Bowlers using dictionaries, who would have thought. If the general public knew the math and science that went into competitive bowling the sport may actually gain some credibility beyond something to do while drinking.

06-04-2012, 01:39 AM
If the general public knew the math and science that went into competitive bowling the sport may actually gain some credibility beyond something to do while drinking.

I agree with you 100% on that but bowling is probably always going to just be
seen as just the guys night out to go and drink beer and throw a ball or two
down the lanes and tell tall tales between beers.

I'm just afraid the general public will always see bowling as a great big fat un-
shaven guy in a torn Teeshirt smoking on a cigar/ cigarette and guzzling down
a big mug of beer and throwing a ball down a lane.

06-04-2012, 01:58 AM
I resemble that remark!

06-04-2012, 02:15 AM
I resemble that remark!

LOL!!!!!! me too, I especially resemble the big fat guy part :D

06-05-2012, 01:11 AM
Now I had to go to my on the shelf dictionary to make sure I used the right word. I just couldn't remember which ball Micheal was complaining about, and was too lazy to search through the threads to find out.
Does sound like a good name for a DV8 ball! The Recalcitrant, one step up from the Misfit.

Not complaining about the V.G. Nanno! My first game out of the box in league was a 235, on fresh house oil.. Great ball, it just seems after the first game, I started leaving huge numbers of 10 pins. I moved left, right, up, down, even tried standing on my head, but no no avail!
It looked beautiful even when leaving the 10! I think it had to do with the oil wearing out! I should have changed to the undefeated after the fist first 60 or so ten pin leaves! I Like the ball very much, just need to know when to change sooner! Work In Progress!! I have only had ONE ball so far that just looked limp going into the pocket, and was the Vivid! Even had the pro look at it, and a good friend throw it! They agreed (that particular ball had problms)! I know others that have the vivid and love it

06-05-2012, 08:20 AM
muscles don't matter. Timing matters. I started bowling last year after a 10 year break and got into bodybuilding in the mean time. When I picked up a ball I had to change everything about game from 10 years ago. I was muscling ball and throwing like 8 mph faster... Slowed everything down and just worked on my footwork. Feet determine ball speed. Fluid swing. Finally, hand behind ball and rotate through it. **note** take a football hold it like you do a bowling ball having the ends point forward back... swing and throw football same motion like a bowling ball... if you have tight spiral it's good. this teaches you timing of when to come through the ball with leverage to get the REVS!

Good luck.

06-05-2012, 09:52 AM
muscles don't matter. Timing matters. I started bowling last year after a 10 year break and got into bodybuilding in the mean time. When I picked up a ball I had to change everything about game from 10 years ago. I was muscling ball and throwing like 8 mph faster... Slowed everything down and just worked on my footwork. Feet determine ball speed. Fluid swing. Finally, hand behind ball and rotate through it. **note** take a football hold it like you do a bowling ball having the ends point forward back... swing and throw football same motion like a bowling ball... if you have tight spiral it's good. this teaches you timing of when to come through the ball with leverage to get the REVS!

Good luck.

Thanks for the advice! I agree, (for and old fart, I have fantastic amounts of muscle) lol,,, And I discovered that TRUTH just yesterday on my Over the Hill bowling league! Kept sliding past the pocket! It dawned on me that there was a lound thunder sound every time I threw the ball! A X Air Force mechanic, that just happend to be 8 lanes up, brought it to my attention that I was Breaking The Sound Barrier!! ( That was not long after a work out at the gym), I slowed it down considerably and what do you know!! A pocket 10 pin leave!! lol,,,,, (:)... you got to love the game!!! Thanks for you tip! And you are absolutely, positively, correct! Speed was my nemesis! I think thats one of the reasons I love the game so much! So many variables that contributes to a high score, or good series!!