View Full Version : I'm a 2 finger bowler...

06-03-2012, 12:10 AM
Hello everyone,
This is my first post at this site, and I'd be more than glad to get some good tips and criticism. I know the 2 finger bowling approach isn't a "good one" in most eyes, but personally I love it since that is the way I have always learned to bowl. I am left handed, and I use my index finger and middle finger to throw the ball, as I said earlier I do not use my thumb. My highest game is 189 and I was a strike away from a 200, my dad said when I get a 200 he would buy me my own bowling ball and bowling shoes. Here is a video on detail on how I hold the ball, and what it's features are, thank you everyone for taking your time on reading this, and enjoy your day.
Cheer's Sam

06-03-2012, 12:24 AM
Sam, welcome to the site. I personally don't care what fingers or release you use. You are an individual and have every right to bowl how you choose. The draw back is not knowing how general bowling principles apply. An example of this is with a "normal" grip the pinky would be close to the ring finger. In you video when you showed your release your pinky and ring finger were spread wide of your index finger. Normally this would decrease revs and rotation. So you may want to try keeping the fingers closer together if possible. Normally the index finger is spread wide. Obviously you can't do that. It will get frustrating at times trying to figure what will or won't work. Keep at it though. This sport needs more individuals.

06-03-2012, 12:31 AM
thank you Bill, If it would help I will get a video in of me bowling an entire game, and if possible if you can give me tips on how to improve my game, wether it is the approach or the release anything will help. I am currently in a league and usually I hit pure 9s, with strikes and spares here and there, but it's mainly the 7 pin that stays up, requiring my to curve it a different way. I can curve both from a right hook to a left hook, I have surprised some of my fellow peers in league with this. Thanks I will take that into consideration when I go bowling tomorrow, I will keep going as I have a passion for bowling, as I find it extremely fun!