View Full Version : typical drill pin placement?

06-08-2012, 09:21 AM
on all my balls the driller placed the pin above the ring finger (righty). Is this the norm? I dont know what my pap is so im assuming this is a typical set up?

06-08-2012, 09:28 AM
Depends on what you want the ball to do

06-08-2012, 09:46 AM
Depends on what you want the ball to do

yes i know that but whats typical without finding the pap?

06-08-2012, 10:29 AM
Is there a typical layout? That's kind of a Yes-No-Maybe answer, it depends on who you ask.

Most balls come with drill sheets, these show Generic layouts that are for the different reactions you might want for that ball. Plus there are other what I guess you could call typical layouts that have been around for years.

If you don't have the bowler's real P.A.P. There is also a Generic P.A.P.: 5" over 1" up. (A variant is 5" over 1/2" up)

These would get you close to a desired reaction, but maybe not fine tuned to you. But they are a place to start.

Is yours typical? Well a pin above fingers is pretty common. And it might be real typical at the house you bowl at.

The pro there would know what usually works for that house most often and if he didn't know specific's for you. It's probable he would go with a layout that generally works there.

Usually a pin up and to the right of the ring finger with the PSA from 1" - 2" from thumb. Is a pretty safe layout if you don't have enough info on the bowler.

06-09-2012, 01:46 PM
I think it's pretty normal. Most of my balls have been drilled that way except when I want a ball to react differently. You kinda need to evaluate what you have now and what you feel you need to round out your equipment. Do you want a ball to roll early or have a smooth arc, or do you want it to go long and break at the end? You also need to factor in various lane conditions as well since you don't always want the most aggressive layout or type of ball either.