View Full Version : Anyone Planning to go to the Gathering?

J Anderson
06-09-2012, 11:18 PM
My wife and I are thinking about going to the 2012 Gathering. Just wondering who else is planning to go. About 12 hour drive from here so we probably wouldn't be there much before the scotch doubles tournament Friday night. I suppose we could take an extra day and come down Thursday, but then we'd miss our summer league.

06-09-2012, 11:42 PM
Sounds fun, but nope.

If I ever become a billionaire, I'll buy everyone a plane ticket and we'll meet up somewhere, all expenses on me.

06-09-2012, 11:50 PM
what is this ''gathering''? tournement?

J Anderson
06-10-2012, 08:40 AM
what is this ''gathering''? tournement?

The gathering is an excuse for those of us who can get to Winston-Salem, NC to meet and compete in person. As I understand it, there are three bowling events, several social events and an opportunity for some free coaching from Ron Clifton. There is a link to the Gathering website in another thread.
Hopefully, someone who has been there will reply as well.

06-10-2012, 09:29 AM
I have to say it's a great time if you go. On Sunday Ron works with everyone who asks free of charge. We've made the last 6, but unfortunately this year we won't be going. I am planning on shipping the spinner I won from the Let's Go Bowling show as a prize. If you go tell everyone I said hello. There's a website, www.gatheringofbowlers.com and a facebook page called Gathering of Internet Bowling Friends. It's a 12 hour ride for us, too, from down here in south FL.

Oh, and J Anderson, you'll get to meet janderson and his wife. Great people.

06-10-2012, 12:20 PM
Sounds like FUN! When my wife retires, we hope to do things like this! We have a Camper, and love to travel! How many years has this been going on? How many days, and what date???

06-10-2012, 12:23 PM
I found all the information thanks!!