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06-10-2012, 05:16 PM
That the President bowls???? What? I came across this image while looking for something else bowling related. I wonder what his average is.


J Anderson
06-10-2012, 09:37 PM
If I remember correctly, the bowling was one of those things that politicians do to show that they're just regular folks like us, and he barely made 100. Out of respect for the office, and the fact that this is a bowling forum I will refrain from further comments.

06-10-2012, 10:41 PM
If I remember correctly, the bowling was one of those things that politicians do to show that they're just regular folks like us, and he barely made 100. Out of respect for the office, and the fact that this is a bowling forum I will refrain from further comments.

I think I know where you were heading with that. It's funny that, if your right, he just barely bowled 100. Kind of makes me sad that not only do we have a president who never served in the military but that he can't bowl a decent game. That makes me laugh, especially since there is the assumption that he is good at everything he does. Guess you can add bowling to the list of things he does poorly. I wonder if that was a house ball. Those don't look like house shoes.

06-10-2012, 11:00 PM
They don't look used either.

06-10-2012, 11:20 PM
Just googled it. He bowled an amazing.....37! He should have fixed up the white house lane and gone bowling there instead of going on golf trips. And that goes for the previous president too. From what I've read it's been abandoned since 9/11.

06-11-2012, 08:49 AM
Those are rental shoes. But I agree with the sentiment that this is a bowling forum not a political one. Let's keep it that way.

06-11-2012, 09:31 AM
So the Commander-in-Chief bowled a 37...wow, what a score. Bowling is clear not his game. But I agree maybe he should fix up the White House lanes and spend time there instead of the golf course. I bet he wished he could get a 37 in golf.

If those are rental shoes, what brand might they be?

06-11-2012, 12:54 PM
He only bowled 7 frames, then got in trouble and had to make a public apology for saying he bowled like he was in the special olympics. I guess you could say he put that rental shoe in his mouth. lol Don't know if anybody bought them but the bowling center was auctioning of the entire lane along with the shoes and ball he used. proceeds going to the special olympics.

06-11-2012, 01:00 PM
How do you auction an entire single bowling lane? Where would you put such a thing like that up for auction? And....if you did buy it, where would you put one bowling lane?

06-11-2012, 01:06 PM
According to the article they were selling the entire thing, both lanes 21 and 22, the ball return, 2 pinsetters, the chairs scoring table and all to the highest bidder, it was then to be dismantled and shipped to your location. It was up to you to have a place to put it.

06-11-2012, 01:09 PM
As cool as it would be to have my own private lanes. I would have no place to put it. Maybe they should donate it to a museum that has a past presidents exhibit in a few years. Till then they should just take the lanes out and it down new ones in their place. Does the article say what kind of ball he used?

06-11-2012, 01:18 PM
No, just that the ball and shoes were included in the package. It did say that he spent 2 hours at the lanes and bowled 7 frames. Along with the special olympics gaffe he also was quoted as saying that his economic plan was better than his bowling, which isn't saying much imho. All of this took place in 2008 by the way, before the election.

06-11-2012, 01:22 PM
Did the reticle mention what the opening bid was?

06-11-2012, 01:44 PM
I do remember that is was an Ebay auction but being 4 years ago I can't find the outcome. I agree it would be cool to own a pair of lanes but the maintenance would be a nightmare money pit.

The German Shepherd
06-11-2012, 03:31 PM
If they are rental shoes, I wonder if he paid for them?


06-12-2012, 12:42 AM
I think I know where you were heading with that. It's funny that, if your right, he just barely bowled 100. Kind of makes me sad that not only do we have a president who never served in the military but that he can't bowl a decent game. That makes me laugh, especially since there is the assumption that he is good at everything he does. Guess you can add bowling to the list of things he does poorly. I wonder if that was a house ball. Those don't look like house shoes.

Many have not served. Bush chose not to serve, and his daddy got him in the Air National Gurard, that it seems had thousands ahead of him! No one even remembers him being there, AWOL! Records all vanished! When asked if needed in Vietnam, would he voulunteer, he put a BIG FAT CHECK MARK IN THE NO BOX! I am not a member of either party, but Bush was a deserter, and Coward!! Dan Rather lost his job as anchor of News for bring the story to light! Bush is no Cowboy either,,, scared ****less of horses!!!
I could go on about Bush, and his IQ,,, but enough!! This is not the place to talk about presidents,,, and how important it is as to if they served! Serving does not make you a good or bad president! Its how you served that matters. I rest my case on bush!

06-12-2012, 12:51 AM
I wonder how many other politicians have ever bowled, or even know what a bowling ball is. I doubt any of them do. Just for fun i'm going to google this and see if there is anything about politicians who bowl.

06-12-2012, 12:59 AM
According to a quick five minute search I have found an article stating that Obama bowled a 129. I also found an article about Mitt Romney Bowl for Dollars event, and Santorum "bowling his way through Wisconsin" to get votes. Seem they only do this as a way to raise money for campaigns. Kind of a shame because the publicity that they bring with them could be used to benefit bowling, not there careers.

06-12-2012, 01:27 AM
President Truman had 2 lanes installed in the white house in the late 40's but didn't use it. He put it in for the staff to have their own league but he didn't care for bowling. These lanes were later removed to make room for the situation room. Nixon had the single lane installed in the basement that is still there today although Obama said during the campaign of 2008 if elected he would tear it out and install a basketball court. Thankfully that was another broken campaign promise.:)

06-12-2012, 11:55 AM
According to a quick five minute search I have found an article stating that Obama bowled a 129. I also found an article about Mitt Romney Bowl for Dollars event, and Santorum "bowling his way through Wisconsin" to get votes. Seem they only do this as a way to raise money for campaigns. Kind of a shame because the publicity that they bring with them could be used to benefit bowling, not there careers.

And you just now figured that OUT??? i hate to say this, it might bust some bubbles, but it all stinks!! Both parties!! Its been about money, power, and Control from the beginning! Any govermental system, not just ours. We are the pawns used to gain that intoxicating control, and power! The true controlers in this country are the lobbyist, the power brokers!! Have there been some good honnorable men as president? Yes,,, but few and inbetween all the worthless ones.
I bowled Obama several years ago, (before he was president), He had a 210,190 and a 268! He did that with a house ball!! Again I am not either party, to many crooks in both! I am independent!!

06-12-2012, 08:25 PM
He only bowled 7 frames, then got in trouble and had to make a public apology for saying he bowled like he was in the special olympics. I guess you could say he put that rental shoe in his mouth. lol Don't know if anybody bought them but the bowling center was auctioning of the entire lane along with the shoes and ball he used. proceeds going to the special olympics.

He actually said that? Lol, I never knew that. Is that the bowling lane inside the White House? Those shoes look like the ones they rent out at my local alley :p

06-12-2012, 09:19 PM
He actually said that? Lol, I never knew that. Is that the bowling lane inside the White House? Those shoes look like the ones they rent out at my local alley :p

The bowling alley where this occured was a campaign stop in Pennsylvania. I doubt he ever uses the one in the white house.

06-12-2012, 10:03 PM
The one in the white house has fallen on bad times from what I've read. And I doubt it will get fixed anytime soon. It would be so much fodder for the "other side" no matter who was in office. He's spending our hard earned tax dollars on such luxury etc.

06-12-2012, 10:54 PM
When Nixon had it installed it done with monetary gifts from friends. Of course nowadays that would be considered lobbying or kickbacks. I loathe politicians.

06-13-2012, 01:21 AM
When Nixon had it installed it done with monetary gifts from friends. Of course nowadays that would be considered lobbying or kickbacks. I loathe politicians.

I (loathe all politicians) AMEN to that Brother!!!!

06-14-2012, 10:21 PM
The one in the white house has fallen on bad times from what I've read. And I doubt it will get fixed anytime soon. It would be so much fodder for the "other side" no matter who was in office. He's spending our hard earned tax dollars on such luxury etc.

I thought they let a few select people go there to bowl.