View Full Version : Callus on thumb bad?

06-12-2012, 08:43 PM
I stopped by the proshop today after work just to check out new balls and such. While I was talking with the guy from the pro shop, I told him that my thumb felt a little sore when I first started bowling with three fingers. He took a look at my thumb and was shocked. I have hard calluses on the side of my thumb (next to the index finger) with skin peeled off and such. I remember someone telling me that calluses were GOOD to have and was a sign that I was bowling correctly. So, now I'm confused. Help? Who's right and who's wrong? Also, if it is bad, what's causing it, and how does one fix it?

06-12-2012, 09:20 PM
ooooh I like this question! I have a couple sore spots on my thumb after my 7 game practice session yesterday. In the past when I bowled frequently, these spots on my thumb were a bit rougher. So maybe I just need to get my thumb back in bowling shape? I'm more of an old school bowler right now though - conventional grip and a plastic ball.

Not trying to distract from your question, just saying that I'm looking forward to the answers too :-)

The German Shepherd
06-12-2012, 09:26 PM
I would suggest that callouses should be expected on your thumb. Perhaps the person at your pro shop had never seen mark Roth's thumb. I mean, Mark Roth's thumb looked like a potato when he was bowling on tour! I might even think that some callous would be beneficial. I suspect that one could develope some serious and undesirable callouses from having to squeeze and/or grab at the ball. Do you need to squeeze the ball to keep it on your hand while you throw??


I stopped by the proshop today after work just to check out new balls and such. While I was talking with the guy from the pro shop, I told him that my thumb felt a little sore when I first started bowling with three fingers. He took a look at my thumb and was shocked. I have hard calluses on the side of my thumb (next to the index finger) with skin peeled off and such. I remember someone telling me that calluses were GOOD to have and was a sign that I was bowling correctly. So, now I'm confused. Help? Who's right and who's wrong? Also, if it is bad, what's causing it, and how does one fix it?

06-12-2012, 09:28 PM
I stopped by the proshop today after work just to check out new balls and such. While I was talking with the guy from the pro shop, I told him that my thumb felt a little sore when I first started bowling with three fingers. He took a look at my thumb and was shocked. I have hard calluses on the side of my thumb (next to the index finger) with skin peeled off and such. I remember someone telling me that calluses were GOOD to have and was a sign that I was bowling correctly. So, now I'm confused. Help? Who's right and who's wrong? Also, if it is bad, what's causing it, and how does one fix it?

No calluses are not a sign of bowling correctly! In a properly fitted ball you won't have a callous or skin peeling off.

Here's from the BRONZE CERTIFICATION manual: Chapter 6 Bowling Ball Parts and Dynamics.
First thing proper fit
"Blisters, calluses and broken blood vessels on the athlete’s hand are signs of an improper fit."

A callous on the index finger side of the thumb is a sign of possibly too much right pitch or a too small hole.
Depending on the shape of your thumb you might need a oval hole also.

Also Mark Roth's thumb used to be torn up when he was on tour as a result of how hard he cranked the ball and the tight thumb hole he used.

06-12-2012, 09:36 PM
Yeah, in addition to bowl1820, you might also want to invest in some skin protection to place on your thumb. Note that you should have the thumb hole refitted to accommodate the extra space. If you are able to take a break, I would wait until the thumb heals, then get everything done at once.

06-12-2012, 09:54 PM
Thanks for that picture, bowl1820. That is right where I've got skin peeling off! Also just a bit on the opposite side of my thumb near the bottom of my fingernail. I think I'll be getting my thumb hole enlarged a bit later this week.

06-12-2012, 11:05 PM
When I started bowling in the 80's my thumb had callouses that I lived with because the conventional wisdom was that it was normal. Now that I have found a good ball fitter I know that my thumb is oval and therefore I need an oval hole. Fits like a glove and no trace of blisters and callouses.

06-12-2012, 11:57 PM
yeah I don't think that's good, have your thumb hole redrilled bigger,

06-13-2012, 08:03 AM
When I started bowling in the 80's my thumb had callouses that I lived with because the conventional wisdom was that it was normal. Now that I have found a good ball fitter I know that my thumb is oval and therefore I need an oval hole. Fits like a glove and no trace of blisters and callouses.

I remember back then, which is also when I started, that a distinctive "pop" sound when you threw the ball was regarded as a good thing.

06-13-2012, 08:36 AM
There's nothing wrong with a "pop" noise. My thumb does that ever since I finally got the thumb hole the correct size. Most callouses are from the hole being too big and trying to squeeze it. Since my hole is smaller my callous is gone. That's one of the biggest things listed as different from amateurs to pro's, pro's thumbs are tighter and they release the thumb sooner.

06-13-2012, 09:27 AM
There's nothing wrong with a "pop" noise.

Yes there's nothing wrong with the "pop" sound it's because your thumb is pulling a small vacuum in the hole. If you go to a slug with the vent slot or a drill a vent hole they will stop it.

06-14-2012, 10:17 PM
Thanks everyone for your insight on this. The picture you posted is exactly where my callus is. It doesn't hurt, just doesn't look too good. My thumb is pretty much flat, but my thumbhole is a circle. I recently got refitted for 3 finger bowling, and the guy who drilled my ball did it this way. It felt so tight at first that he opened it up for me. However, now the sides feel perfect and doesn't hurt when I release, but the top/bottom part of my thumb doesn't even touch the ball. Do I have to ask them to make it oval? I assumed they'd know this just by looking/measuring my hand.

06-14-2012, 10:33 PM
Do I have to ask them to make it oval? I assumed they'd know this just by looking/measuring my hand.

You might have to ask for them to do a oval, depends on the driller. Though he might not be able to do one, if he doesn't have the set up to do it.

Though you can get a Oval thumb insert, I use one. They just have to punch out the hole a little bigger and stick it in.

06-15-2012, 10:28 AM
Being left handed the only thumb issues I get are skin wear on the right side (away from finger). My thumb is comfortable and I don't stick. This year I started wearing skin tape which basically prevents any thumb injuries or skin tear. I have huge knuckles and a flat thumb hense why i have friction on the same of my thumb.

06-15-2012, 10:34 AM
Being left handed the only thumb issues I get are skin wear on the right side (away from finger).

That usually suggest a little too much left pitch.

A - Span Too Short
A - Excessive Reverse Pitch
B - Excessive Left Pitch
B - Hole Too Small

06-15-2012, 11:29 AM
Thats where my thumb has had a problem until I went to the blue tape!! It WORKS great,,, and is slick enough to not stick in the delivery!! GREAT Stuff at any pro shop!!

06-15-2012, 04:03 PM
Being left handed the only thumb issues I get are skin wear on the right side (away from finger). My thumb is comfortable and I don't stick. This year I started wearing skin tape which basically prevents any thumb injuries or skin tear. I have huge knuckles and a flat thumb hense why i have friction on the same of my thumb.

Am I misunderstanding something? What does being left handed have to do with thumb issues? Or did you mean that as a way to show why the right side of your thumb is away from your finger? I do have a headache so it could all just be my brain melting.

06-16-2012, 11:23 AM
Right handed or left handed the position on the hand is the same. Calluses appear in different places depending on what's happening in the thumbhole. Too much pitch one way or another, too little pitch, too large a hole, to small of one, span incorrect all affect what happens to the hand. To me it seems the simplest and most cost effective way of experimentation to find what works are thumb slugs. You can try out different pitches, sizes, etc, by having the old slug removed and a new one drilled, rather than trying to fill and redrill multiple times. I think everybody's thumbs are pretty much oval in shape, and if you can't get an ovaled thumbhole the next best thing to use is magic carpet in the back and plain old white tape in the front.

06-17-2012, 01:59 PM
I found a link to an informative article: http://www.jayhawkbowling.com/Pro_s_Corner/Fitting_Tips/fitting.html